We have to "europeanize" them lads

we have to "europeanize" them lads
we have to make them embrace liberal values and stop being backwards thinking goatfuckers
We must make them European.

Attached: North_Africa_regions_map.png (2000x819, 312.13K)

Brexit means Brexit

ah yes bong and his globohomo one world culture ideas
just let them be as they are, and don't import them to Europe and it will solve itself

But that what made them backwards thinking goatfuckers.

the more homo their countries are the less likely they are to come to ours because it means they won't have backwards retards running things

Western Sahara belongs to belarus

Well mr Beduin, if it hadn't been for you guys, the Maghrebis would've been no different from the Spaniards and Portuguese up north.

>We must make them European.
Why? We're African..


my evropean brother...

It belongs to Italy

Tunisians and Moroccans have more in common with the spanish mutts than they do with the niggers below the sahara DMZ

>Tunisians and Moroccans have more in common with the spanish mutts than they do with the niggers below the sahara DMZ
No they don't if they did they wouldn't be uber poor

We don't have to make them European, we just have to De-Arabize them.
I mean really
>Separate nations
>Not ethnically Arab
>Official languages in all are Arab
Talk about brown noses

more liberal countries are richer for a reason
the gulf is a massive exception due to oil

We should send them reggaeton and shisha and turn them into 2nd Spain

They are not uber poor when compared to sub saharan Africa

Well i’m pretty Sure that they were no more than roman slaves before i took action so they conquer spain.

>Why? We're African..
north African, you have history and civilization, and you don't fuck kids thinking it cures aids

they would have their uniqe culture

they're pretty equal to Namibia/Botswana/South Africa

and they don't kill bald men because they believe they have gold stored in their heads

there's no hope for subsaharan africa but the north africans might have a shot

And gabon

The west smashed any attempt at moderate Islam through interventions and coups, just saying.

They both have to deal with ISIS (north africa and west africa)
>there's no hope for subsaharan africa but the north africans might have a shot
Namibia,Botswana, South Africa and gabon are fine tho

>Tunisians and Moroccans have more in common with the spanish mutts than they do with the niggers below the sahara DMZ

Attached: Moroccan.jpg (400x400, 30.82K)

niggers were imported to their countries as slaves tho

still a part of the population
Just like in america

>Namibia and Botswana
very true
diamonds in the rough
President Ali Bongo is a wanker. Huge wealth disparity. GDP/Capita is inflated by the fact that Gabon has the 2nd highest white population in Africa. The blacks (94% of the country) still live like absolute shit by and large but not those corrupt corrupt elites who pocket the oil money
>South Africa
see above (minus the oil and with a different president name)

you know those three contries combined have the same population than one of several major moroccan country? And south africa is a whole other animal
Crazy how those goat fuckers have less niggers in their team than european national football teams do

Attached: Morrocco-national-team-1.jpg (1023x575, 129.63K)

France spend 31% of their budget on social security
No Maghrebi country comes anywhere near as close. Do they even have welfare?

No i think they are too poor for that, i grew up in South Africa and we had allot of African students that went either to South Africa or Morocco to study medicine because of how teh good education system they have in north africa and morocco more specifically

No, you negro, I don't want to be "europeanized". Europe is swarthy and disgusting.

>Crazy how those goat fuckers have less niggers in their team than european national football teams do


The natural state of man is racism, to label nature as a desire is to then label anti racism as xenophilliacs.

>Europe is swarthy and disgusting.
is this irony?

soon my evropean brother :)

Its much easier to just arabize europe at this point. I've been learning arabic insults and using them in my daily vocabulary lately and I think its catching on

Fuck off you dirty little brit with your crooked teeth and stinky ass. You asswiper aren't even worth my time

>Fuck off you dirty little brit with your crooked teeth and stinky ass. You asswiper aren't even worth my time

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>and stop being backwards thinking goatfuckers

to become briteeth sheepshaggers?

the new generations are already closet homosexual liberal atheists that are void and empty of principles and morality

you can have them

Algeria, Tunisia ans Morocco have more in common with France than with Saudi Arabia.. Most other Arabs are already regarding them as some kind of frenchified non-Arabs.

For me, it's moderate liberal democratic Islamism.

Attached: 1200px-Ennahda.svg.png (1200x1882, 116.17K)

It's a fact. Negros everywhere in European cities, please do try to prove me wrong.

No it's a fucking meme, they have not the same facial features, are swarthier and culturally they have nothing to do.

Smashing Moroccan puss

Attached: 5.jpg (403x604, 124.15K)

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Ahh, the anglo, the destroyer of nations..

How are nafris supposed to compete with the TCHIIIIP bvlls?

t. only relevant because of oil

>Those ears

100% Nafri BVLLS each and everyone.

Why don't you europeanize London first?

Send white women to europanize us please

>blood of Carthage and Rome
>not evropean

Europe = faggotry and liberalism

will women (men) be ok?

Attached: 682c571843caa25ce68cd92347c320d9.jpg (474x710, 39.17K)

The last Europeanization wave involved European men, though

we can fix 'em for you for the right price

listen to the ayatollah
may allah guide you to love traps

Stick to your own, negro.

My ancestors hunted them down in Anual like rabbits.

You guys are retarded. There's nothing in the world more powerful than liberalization. There's no culture powerful enough to withstand it. Not the nazis, not the turks, not even saudis. Once urbanization and education happen, it's a ticking time bomb

>become degenerate fags like us
no thanks, I'd rather stay a north african