
Richey is still alive edition

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>tfw you do thing
anyone else?

*Says something controversial*



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how do i report a youtube channel. want to report a 5g conspiritard

distilled /brit/posting


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>you wake up in Sunderland

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No i don't do anything

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so it's time to end the lockdowns and so called social distancing

Gf is crying in the other room cos I told her to leave because she was doing my nut in. For the past 3 days she has been in a mopey mood with me and I've no idea why, I've had enough and told her to go back to her flat, even offered to drive her there myself

Mental illness

/brit/ is a post-postmodernist deconstructivist general

Covid has reached Las Malvinas lads

thought you were calling me mentally ill then




actual mental illness or anxiety / depression?
i've been in the same boat with those before you whine about how yours is actually super serious

>gf asking me how i'm doing every 2 hours
yeah.. i'm still fine.

Is Google pro-5G or summat?

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enjoy making underlcass brainlets like you seethe

hello fats

wonder how many breakups are gonna be caused by corona lmao
my breakup was caused by my girlfriend being a filthy lying whore so i can't blame quarantine

just sent my gf the ol' snap

this isolation business is really highlighting how vapid women are when you're not having sex with them

Actual mental illness, yes.

me in the middle


>not a single sunni muslim has died yet from the coronavirus.

thoughts on this?

Having a word with the janitor

cute, she cares about you
literally what is a fallback executor

Epsteins story is inspiring as fuck, came from nothing to be a mega rich puppet master with his own island

Jimmy Savile too. The son of a Yorkshire miner became a confidant of Prince Charles, The Pope, knew The Beatles, Elvis, addressed the Israeli Knesset.

you use your lack of chin to make a youtube video shittalking it while you play a surfing game on CSGO

Anyone here remember that mentally ill yank called 'Riley'

>over 7k new cases and over 1k deaths

This can’t be right, is it lads?

how long until you breakdown and walk in there and apologize to her, n tell her she can stay and you were just really stressed out for a bit and said cruel things you didnt mean?

what was it lad
you should have know this question was coming why not include it in your reply
are you stupid, is that why you dropped out?

it's 854 deaths retard

*looks around nervously* n-no. he doesnt exist. you imagined him


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seethe harder, rasheed. why are you worried about 5g when packs of pakis and wogs roam your streets?

Mental that New York has more cases than China and India combined. Incredible.

>enjoy making underlcass brainlets like you seethe

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lads they accidentally us sent some testing kits with corona
what a silly mistake

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I'm sure Jewish nepotism did a lot for Epstein

weird that rich successful people hang out with eachother and not mcdonalds workers
reckon you might be onto something here lad - dig deeper and see if other rich people hang out together too

It's beginning to slow down

Hopefully, that guy was depressingly pathetic

I had major depressive disorder (diagnosed)
An eating disorder (diagnosed)
Panic and anxiety syndrome (diagnosed)
Acute PTSD symptoms from being mugged
Alcohol abuse
Psychotic disorder where I was hallucinating and dissociating (diagnosed)

No, it's not dipshit

What happened in your delusions?

10min. 10min it took for another antisemitic post. congratulations

Seems like an onion article desu.

christ harry styles music is just soooooo bad

ahh yes guilt by association

Yes it is you moron, fuck off and firebomb a telephone mast

Yet he's enjoying his life making music (an actual hobby) and living in oregon (a beautiful) state. Eat a dick.

it's literally not
they infect people using the testing kits
'ronavius is a hoax to cover up 5G effects on humans

How old is hatposting. Can declare with certainty that it is over 4 years but unaware how much much longer than this period it has persisted

if i'm rasheed, why would I be worried about my fellow caramel colored brethren?
Nice Pi IQ here, fellow

doing a clap

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oh so it was just anxiety and depression, i was right
and you did try to pretend it was actually super serious, i was right about that too
>alcohol abuse
>eating disorder
can't count how many skinny fucks i knew at uni who never ate and would drink every day, often alone in their rooms, came out fine

none of what you said is reason to drop out
i know your type - you'll insist to yourself that everyone who disagrees with you just doesn't know how serious it is, because no one could possible know who you FEEL
get over yourself lad

Thanks :3

If you really are Riley I just think it's hilarious that the guy obsessed with hating on Brits actually spends all day trying to get attention from them and hangs out in /brit/

I was hearing people speak that weren't, was paranoid people hated me that didn't, thought people were talking about me saying negative things etc when they weren't

Would unironically have temporary black outs when I was drunk and not remember what I had been told/said

Would shed nary a tear if they all perished in a fireball

If you truly think that COVID is related to 5G activated nanotechnology, then you’re dealing with an opponent so advanced & powerful that they wouldn’t need a pandemic to achieve world domination. They’d already have complete control without anyone noticing it.

Going to bed physically then figuratively.
Hump day tomorrow.
Longest day of the week.

the devil's greatest victory was putting cameras on phones

This lockdown situation has made me realise that I have neurotic tendencies and I image I’ll have a mental breakdown of people acknowledge this happened after it’s over.

Thinking of taking a gap year for therapy because of it, but I’m not sure if that would fuck with funding and shit.

unsurprising he had little to do with any of 1D’s successful songs

can never trust a male with an eating disorder

nah was just havin a laugh pretending. I always wonder what happens to people like him when they stop posting here. It's not like is doing something helpful or productive, he was too far gone mentally.

who says they're using corona to achieve 'world domination'
sounds like a strawman to me lad

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have about 800 quid left in savings and genuinely tempted to spend 250 quid of it on a new CPU and the motherboard needed to use it

>can't count how many skinny fucks i knew at uni who never ate and would drink every day, often alone in their rooms, came out fine
Except the ones with mental illness

whats their goal then?

Agree. Girls have no idea you're filming then. I fucked dozens of girls doggystyle and filmed their arse while im fucking them on my phone

the goal is to implant a microchip into everyone's skin

Some people want to be "mentally ill"
Gives them a locus of control over others

and amers greatest victory was putting cameras in toilets

Must be a student or a dolebird

the latter haha

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Toilberg has turned my house, my fortress of solitude into a toilcage away from toil

Had a flatmate in uni that claimed to have like 20 different illnesses and joins all the disabled societies

attention seeker if you ask me, yes it was a woman

This is literally like flat earth and similarly retarded conspiracies. Same also than most social justice movements.

Those ideas are fed directly into the system and then fostered by entertainers (think alex jones) by secret agencies to disrupt any movements that mightbe created around genuine issues (i.e bioweapons, the legitimacy of billionaired etc)

worked to pull myself out of depression, anxiety, and a host of other issues which i couldn't pin down but closely resembled schizoid personality disorder
people who give in and take fatalistic views of mental illnesses are pathetic, your mind is the one thing you have the most control over

imagine the horrid smellz

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What a stupid fat mongoloid ahahahahahahaa

The poorthern aspiration

can just imagine the shit eating grin on leftypol's ugly mug as he was knocking this one up in photoshop

Good, the thought of that creep posting with us gives me shivers

>>UK lockdown ends tomorrow
>What is the first thing you guys will be doing?
keeping count on dead yankies apparently.

It wasn't about laziness when I was coasting through University both first and the start and second year with 1sts and 2:1s doing a Law degree
Gap years don't talk with funding. I wouldn't prolong University if you don't need too. At lot of things happened in my life that weren't avoidable.

idiotic post

I don't believe in the conspiracies, i'm just able to see things fairly
no one would know what their exact reason is but it's not hard to speculate - just look at the circumstances
everyone locked down, large scale deaths
use your own head and figure out some reasons why 'the powers that be' might want this
critical thinking is important lad x