>Swedish speak perfect English
>Danish speak perfect English
>Norwegian speak perfect English
What's wrong with Finnish people and their school?
>Swedish speak perfect English
>Danish speak perfect English
>Norwegian speak perfect English
What's wrong with Finnish people and their school?
Other urls found in this thread:
non IE language vs fellow Germanic language brothers if I had to guess
First off, Finnish people aren't Scandinavian.
Also, their schools are actually great in most respects, Finns just suck at learning languages. Not trying to be mean or anything, this is just common knowledge.
They're all forced to learn English and Swedish, but it's so easy to get a passing grade that rarely anyone takes the time to actually learn said languages.
Finnish people speak English very well
>>Danish speak perfect English
^ This one I Kek'd at though. At least based on my experiences.
>They're all forced to learn English and Swedish, but it's so easy to get a passing grade that rarely anyone takes the time to actually learn said languages.
Correct except Finns are actually good at English. They just have an accent, that's all.
>Finnish people aren't Scandinavian.
Ancient Kings of Sweden were Finnish
I've never seen a Finn have problems with speaking English, plus they come with the added bonus of not thinking they know English better than natives like Germanics do.
Ancient aliens used to be a good show
No, you wuz conquered.
No but seriously, why are some Finns on here doing amerinigger level we wuzzing? It's really just embarassing.
Bruh english is more prevalent than swedish nowadays. Teenagers mix it in their sentences all the time.
Our school system is ranked #1 in the world. I dont know what you're on about. If you mean the accent it is because our language is very different from the rest of the nordic languages. Our high school english final exam is actually so difficult that the native english speakers don't even get close to the maximum points.
We can speak it well it's just that our accent is dogshit.
Read some Sagas you idiot. They speak very highly of the royal Finns.
>Read some Sagas you idiot. They speak very highly of the royal Finns.
Top kek, no idea were you got this from.
>We can speak it well it's just that our accent is dogshit.
Yeah you can't even speak your own language lol
I don't think it's #1 anymore but I could be wrong
Scientists have made a computer generated image based on all known Swedish royal skulls
The result? it may shock you
You mean the language superior to yours, the one that sounds like you're endlessly having a cock thrust up your ass?
>jAAA jaj gIIILLaaaar sveEEEriigEEE
Fren :)
Most boomers cant speak English for shit, even if their grammar is on point.
*ensiferum music intensifies*
t. His kids will literally learn speaking one year later than normal just because his language is so retarded.
I don't know how much focus is on PISA in Finland but you've actually declined quite a bit
>that Finn that is in every PIE thread and thinks everyone in Europe except Finns is Indian
They're still light years ahead of us you stupid faggot. You know why?
Cause Finns actually have some sort of sense of how to discipline a child. We have become far too lenient.
obvious diaspora fag
Oh Eesti. Left behind again.
Difference between wealthiest 1/4 and poorest 1/4 is 80 points
you can guess who is reproducing more
>obvious diaspora fag
Nej, inte alls. I just like bringing up the fact that the Finnish school system as fucked as ours. Especially when I'm with my politically active friend, because he likes to pretend that the reforms his party created didn't fuck everything up.
>Difference between wealthiest 1/4 and poorest 1/4 is 80 points
you can guess who is reproducing more
Oh well. Are the Finland Swedes doing good?
>that the Finnish school system as fucked as ours
*isn't. It isn't as fucked up as ours.
too busy learning their mother tongue
Pls don't try to stir some shit between our peoples, mr José.
who 2002 here? those tests were easy
>Are the Finland Swedes doing good?
Slightly better than a few years ago but traditionally much worse than Finns.
Btw, half the students in Swedish speaking schools are gonna be from mixed language background.
theyre already forced to learn swedish as well plus they speak some kind of asian language so its not strange that they struggle
decline has been more pronounced with Finnish-speaking students
>Oh well. Are the Finland Swedes doing good?
actually swedish speaking coastal areas perform worst which is quite surprising really. But then again fenno-swede elite lives in helsinki so i guess they are doing fine
non-meme answer is that the Nordic languages are not only Indo-European in origin but also Germanic (just like English), meanwhile Finnish is not even from the same linguistic family (Uralic), the other one is that Swedish gets in the way of acquiring English proficiency
and Scandinavian countries have a long tradition of learning English
>actually swedish speaking coastal areas perform worst which is quite surprising really
>quite surprising really
Finns are somewhat ashamed abut the accent.
>Slightly better than a few years ago but traditionally much worse than Finns.
Huh, never knew.
Yeah, it's kinda strange how some people conflate the Helsingfors Elite with the Österbotten Swedes and make the conclusion that all Finland Swedes must be really wealthy etc.
what the fuck are you talking about what is your problem
every finn speaks perfect english you fucking faggot
and english is not supposed to be spoken with a gay ass germanic accent , you sound like faggots when you talk
Finnish is not an indo-european language so most finns end up having a really strong rally english accent.
>the other one is that Swedish gets in the way of acquiring English proficiency
No not really. secondary school swedish is childs play. Anyone can pass it easily. In high school there is swedish for five courses and one course is 3 hours a week for 2 months. I literally passed my mandatory swedish in four months with mediocre grades.
>and english is not supposed to be spoken with a gay ass germanic accent , you sound like faggots when you talk
English is literally a Germanic language.
>a language being difficult to learn is a bad thing
Spoken like a true 21st century Swede.
Swedish today is closer to old Danish than actual Danish is. Your language is too German now which is pretty cringe
t. other
*holds pinky finger up* ja actually english is a jermanic language *sucks black cock*
I beg your pardon Mr. Jensen?
Certain shit you say?
powerful image
Finns speak English fine, they just have super strong accents. Even fluent speakers sound text-to-speech machines.
meant for
Idk, people either didn't speak English OR maybe just didn't want to.
Because when I was touristin', only two people did. One museum receptionist gal and a dude who told me "this is Denmark. Speak Danish here." and turned around. Kek
>>a language being difficult to learn is a bad thing
It shouldn't be hard to learn for the fucking native speakers. You've ruined the language
for some odd reason the Finns that I've spoken with in the past have all possessed a universally robotic cadence to their spoken English
We aren't that bad.
i think it comes from that fenno-swedes are the most privileged minority in the world even today because of their linguistic rights and that wealth has always been in their hands. They were still overrepresented in wealth and status until 1940s and thats why many great men are fenno-swedes
That's just how people speak, there isn't that much emphasis or pitch shift when we're talking. And even less when it's a foreign language that you're not as used to speaking. It's noticeable even when you compare how people speak Swedish over here, compared to Swedes, it just sounds more flat
>the most privileged minority
You can't deny that's the sami niggers. They literally have priveleges unheard of anywhere else except in Scandinavia and Finland, have their own parliament and 5 million different kinds of gubmint gibs
They are totally irrelevant at least in Finland. Only psychotic northerners who are Saamimutts themselves give a shit about them.
I don't see why, even thick Finnish accents sound okay compared to , slimy sounding Hispanics/Italians, or the various other ones that sound like speech impediments.
They're irrelevant everywhere but that doesn't mean they're not draining tax money and are more priveleged than everyone else
Finns speak perfect Swedish. The ones who do speak Swedish.
If you want to learn the language, befriend a Finn.
thats not what other people on the internet say
>come with the added bonus of not thinking they know English better than natives like Germanics do.
Holy shit. This is fucking true. A German friend of mine is so proud of how many big words she knows but when she puts them together in a sentence they don't make any fucking sense.
Why are they excluding Bestonia?
first off finboys are cute
Secondly them speaking bad english only makes them cuter
Thirdly I want to penetrate finish boipussy so bad guys
I'm pretty sure we don't have quotas for them in higher education though, unlike for Fenno-Swedes.
In certain fields 20% of students are mandated to be Swedish speakers. After all, we need Swedish speaking doctors for Swedish speakers.
It's the same logic as with affirmative action in America but totally flipped. We make the rich richer in the name of equality.
>American education
>speaking perfect english when you're not a native english speaker
the cardinal sin among the amphibians
"That's a big ass truck over there"
>Vehicle at prior location was an immense example of excess"
>Too much to the south?
>Too much to the east?
>Was annexed by USSR for 50 years and it affected culture too much?
Idk desu. Gotta ask them. But they don't even like to take 5 seconds of time to talk about Eests. Well, maybe Finland... maybe
>When someone puts on a fake british accent
>Finns just suck at learning languages
Never heard this one before. Most people will learn additional languages (other than english and swedish) in school for easy courses with high grades because learning languages is pretty easy for most of us.
This is super cringe.
Is is this guy?
Reminds me of a chatbot