/dixie/ - Southern US + friends

Agrarianism edition

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Flaglet, red dit frog edition someone else make

since when do you care about frogposting

like this edition much

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Cobb made this tho

Has anyone ever been to the Louisiana bayou

ever just shit in your truck

why is finn so bitchy lately

embracing his inner drag queen

you all just softies

Said the finn...

>President Donald Trump signed an executive order today (April 6) establishing U.S. policy on the exploitation of off-Earth resources. That policy stresses that the current regulatory regime -- notably, the 1967 Outer Space Treaty -- allows the use of such resources. This view has long held sway in U.S. government circles. For example, the United States, like the other major spacefaring nations, has not signed the 1979 Moon Treaty, which stipulates that non-scientific use of space resources be governed by an international regulatory framework. And in 2015, Congress passed a law explicitly allowing American companies and citizens to use moon and asteroid resources.

>The new executive order makes things even more official, stressing that the United States does not view space as a "global commons" and sees a clear path to off-Earth mining, without the need for further international treaty-level agreements. The executive order, called "Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources," has been in the works for about a year, a senior administration official said during a teleconference with reporters today. The order was prompted, at least in part, by a desire to clarify the United States' position as it negotiates with international partners to help advance NASA's Artemis program for crewed lunar exploration, the official added. (Engagement with international partners remains important, the official said.) "As America prepares to return humans to the moon and journey on to Mars, this executive order establishes U.S. policy toward the recovery and use of space resources, such as water and certain minerals, in order to encourage the commercial development of space," Scott Pace, deputy assistant to the president and executive secretary of the U.S. National Space Council, said in a statement today.

Dixon astroplantations soon

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strongest in europoo


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Finns boil their own flesh and whip themselves as a form of relaxation
Say what you will but they aren't soft

would not surprise me in the slightest if that was the actual Finnish word for Europe

and roll in ice and dive in frozen lakes

There were a bunch of Finnish settlers around the great lakes here whose descendants still swear by that stuff
The Injuns traditionally do similar things as well so it really makes you dhink

i heard a rumor that indians let houses alone that had a sauna

sauna is gay

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My great great grandfather killed a nigger in Boston a long time ago, can I get a Texas nationality?

Greek subhuman detected

I don't think that this was the photo they meant to use

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if you pay depbts

Wouldn't doubt it. They were actually pretty agreeable in general so it didn't take much to earn their respect.
Canada was always more at peace with the tribes than America was tho, even in the heart of Blackfoot territory raids on homesteads were extremely rare.

old meme kys yourself

Ozzy ozbourne famously ate a bat onstage at a concert

old memes are good

Old memes >>>>> new memes

I know

or Louisiana maybe

Based. Can we get some Longcat?

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I allowed it

>I allowed it

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must still be early in the States

It's like noon in the south
Things don't speed up here until at least late afternoon their time

I just seasoned a chicken and put it in the oven.

This one's an old one, 2007 I believe

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based bionicle posters

McChicken post

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get that green shit off my mcchicken

you have to eat your greens kiddo

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I dont want to eat green people.

I assure you, soylent green is not people

Can I get a burger kon keso

sorry I don't speak urgayhahaian

You said the same thing about the jews and look how that turned out.

>kon keso

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shut the fuck up commie

Kon karne

What is this donkey kong dialect

We arent racist here x

I prefer the term "communal collectivist"

Shut your mouth, commie