Italy has been fucking up their national budget for decades

>Italy has been fucking up their national budget for decades.
>The Netherlands and Germany have done a very impressive job managing their national budget.
>Italy demands the unconditional use of the EU emergency funding.
>Italy demands the use of EU-bonds, basically taking advantage of the high Dutch/German credit rating and forcing those countries to pay off Italian debt plus interest.
>Italy refuses to make any concessions on their spending habit after the crisis is over.
>Italy putts pressure on Germany instead by reminding them of the generous treatments they received after WWII. Italy doesn’t seem to remember it’s alliance with Hitler and it’s own part in Europe’s destruction.
>Italy receives a billion euro gift from the Netherlands. Doesn’t say thank you, but insults them by calling greedy and unethical.

Why are Italians like this? FUCK YOU ITALY!

Attached: rutte.jpg (750x733, 137.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Which are the frugal four?

Austria, Denmark, Sweden, and Netherlands

tbf dutch are retarded

You fuckers will be the end of the EU.
Thank you!

Italian's will only have try and scan as much as they can and leave. I mean the prime business model or Italy is just to threaten to beat somebody up if they don't give you 20% of their income.
On top of the 40% tax which they can't even use to fix roads or get rubbish off the street because they're that useless at any organisation
Somehow fostering a minute community of autists who are very good at a specific trade is the only reason people have even heard of shitaly
I mean the EU would be better off if they just jettisoned them. Its not even cheap labour like swarms of slabs are

You Bogs don't seem to understand that without Euro (and hence eurobonds) your economy will be reduced drastically, especially since loads of it is tied into finances.
If you want EU to survive in future, eurobonds are inevitable.

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A Tax Haven has no credibility whatsoever, let the Germans speak instead.

no it's netherland, germany, austria and finland in the €-zone, they are called the frugal four, sweden and denmark are in the frugal six with the other 4 members. these countries demand that every country is responsible for its own borrowing.

>The Netherlands is a criminal enterprise mascarading as a country
>They and their partners set a up a system the only benefits them
>"Ohhh look we are so good at this game! It's benefits us"
>"N-n-netherlands please. The system is rigged. Let us change it in a way that it will benefit everyone."
>"How dare you lazy Southerner!!!! You are poor because you are lazy! Now go and legalize gay marriage for refugees!"


If Italy needs money, it can tax its citizens. That these people got the nerve to beg from other nations.

Attached: medianwealthpercapita.jpg (386x725, 65.54K)

Imagine thinking this

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Do Italians really do this?

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just stfu cunt

italian politicians wants to get voted, if they tax their own citizens properly they would not get voted. instead they demand money from other countries to keep up their retard economy.

I don't hate the EU but if its collapse and blaming the Germoid is what's needed to make pic related happen, then let be it.

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You are literally draining the resources from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe. Romania lost 60% of their doctors between 2009 and 2014. You are a thief, no wonder that China will be hailed as a liberator.

>france will pay for all these countries

Fuck the Netherlands is absolutely based
Why should the prop up southern neets

The fact that g*rmans, the most evil people in history are somehow more well-off than those countries they invaded only 60 years after is despicable. They have not yet paid their debts to the world and it is tenfold worse than any other countries.

G*rmany should be a nation of forced labour camps where it's people should be forced to work for the good of the allied nation's. They aren't good at anything else anyway.

Attached: gigachad64.jpg (406x500, 41.18K)

but I want the EU to die. it's off balance without the UK. but enjoy working til 70 for the Club Med lmao. won't be sticking around for that.

As in all of history anybody with worth does the best to get as far away from Eastern Europe as possible

Why do Italians vote for parties that increase their national debt?

Attached: krautofapproval.png (998x799, 323.91K)

>G*rmany should be a nation of forced labour camps where it's people should be forced to work for the good of the allied nation's.
we are already in this situation you fucking retard brit.

The gap between France and Italy really isn't that large.

Zuppa di pipistrello, una delizia.

France still has that capital leftover and a somewhat functional economy I don't think it's as dire for them as you say

>pay taxes
>tax money is spent on teaching some fag to become a surgeon
>fag graduates
>moves to Taxhavenland
>That's a net loss for our people and our budget
>Taxpayerland citizens go "maybe you should pay taxes hehe"

I'm glad the Eurogroup meeting is between politicians and economists and not between Yas Forumsards, Jesus

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Fuck D*tch "people"

>make laws that allow fiscal evasion
>attract all the euro big comapnies to register their center of operations in your country to save on tax
>get all the tax revenue from the largest companies from sourthern europe, because you previously forced southern europeans to increase the tax rates that you just cut

If I ever see any Dutch tourist when I'm in Portugal, he's getting beaten up.

are you actually retarded or are you pretending to believe that the surgeon would not pay taxes here?

> but enjoy working til 70 for the Club Med
I'm planning to move in there & join them, so you keep working for your Achmeds & Club Med, Kevin.
> but I want the EU to die
would be ideal imo

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>rebranding expert swampjews lecturing anyone on business
LMAO, your entire economy is built on a fucking scam, shame on you

How come we have enough doctors and positive immigration?

But most of the time it's not a doctor it's some menial job and as everyone wants to get out of Bogdania as soon as they can they rush over and undercut native tax havens wages and drive up the cost of living

if they are not in public sector & are paying taxes in Marshlands, they are indeed retarded.

Attached: Germs are at it again.jpg (517x396, 42.35K)

we don't even need Romanian or Hungarian doctors dumb shit. We're no thieves, we're educated efficient and Eastern Europe profits enormously from the EU

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Their exchanges are the same shit with less memes and more lingo they themselves don't understand.
Just read on how people flipped out when Rutte told them "no" on coronabonds and told them to use ESM.
I think he's an asshole, but I enjoy his shitposting.

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>You are a thief
>coming from the drain on the EU budget that is hungary

Idk about Czechia, but Hungary isn't having enough doctors. Maybe because you are poaching on lesser Slavs and they go there.
>The Westerner greed is hurting their own countries too
It's like this is the topic of OP's picture too.

North western Europe
>Has capital
>Expensive skilled labour
Eastern Europe
>Hardly any capital, little ability to run a country
>Cheap labour
>Little capital and inability to run a country
>Expensive largely unskilled labour
Doesn't add up. East and West create a symbiotic relationship but the south is just a dead weight on both

you're a fiscal paradise idiot...

>But muh cohesion funds
Keep coping thief

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> North western Europe
> Has capital
Excluding UK, Dutch & Goymoney, it's only internally circulating capital.

I mean is able to use EU gibs to prop up the less administratively gifted countries

because they're stupid

If Germany has capital why is Deutsche Bank failing?

Please take us in instead of Italy, we are very hardworking people

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>The Netherlands and Germany have done a very impressive job managing their national budget.
using everyone else's money

In 100 years the Hungarians basin will be completely depopulated due to nobody wanting to live there

source: your ass

>largely unskilled labour
off yourself

The German press is attacking Rutte now.

Hungarians are our token Nazis, you're late to the party

Stop crying, in a few years you will get a lot of rich refugees from Canada who will save Eastern Europe from the brown people.

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>using everyone else's money
oh wow a yank that tries to stir shit up to push anti-EU propaganda? Well I've never seen that before!

where did the money came from?

>le tax haven xdd
Look up what tax haven actually means. Foreign corporations who put their HQ here put the most money in their own pocket, our government gets jack shit.
It's the average joe here who pays the most tax aka us. Foreign countries only profit from us

You're right it can be hard to be a really good waiter or know exactly how to hang out a towel but luckily they get very good at it after 3 decades of experience


kill yourself bog nigger

where does the term frugal four come from?

it's a must really, every state entity does such a thing.
Also North-western Europe's been stalling for a decade now while the expenses keep increasing across the continent.
There's now way Norf Block is able to keep this state of affairs going without absorbing Sauf Block's burdens too.
Implosion of EU would hurt Norf Club far more than Sauf Club.

off yourself


so this is the power of Canadian education...

So anyway, are meds now unironically mad at Dutch people?

> we are very hardworking people
> GDP per capita on African levels

Attached: all those poor faggots.jpg (704x528, 34.4K)

>vote in politicans that push for EU expansion
>common market competition destroys weaker east/south companies
>pump in westie tax money funds to capitalise east/west consumers so that they can spend money at westie companies, enriching them further
>westies mad at us

??? ???

Skilled labour means that Hans won't flip a burger unless he earns 20euros/hour.
>Country which was destroyed by the Westerners will depopulate and will turn into a barren waste land
Flash news: Angkor Wat was also depopulated

>Foreign countries only profit from us
Now we have to be sorry because you are a tax heaven

Getting jack shit from +1000 companies for a country you can run across in a day beats getting decent tax from small companies that stayed in countries with +50M population


thanks for the laff

from Fantastic Four, they just modified it

Spaniards are absolutely assblasted about Wopke and Rutte, Italians seem to target Germany/Netherlands generically.

Canadians will defend Poland meanwhile Americans will do nothing.

Attached: poland.jpg (1080x474, 109.84K)

NOOOO you can't be competitive in a internal market. Also you seem to have a severe misunderstanding of the tax schemes corporations pull here.

Would probably be best to take more direct action. Obviously giving them money when they are so useless on an institutional level is meaningless.
The EU might need to take a significantly more direct route just with them