i unironically want to know why wh*tes are so obsessed with skin color. why does it matter what the skin color of the people in your country are? or are you just openly racist?
no memes either please, this is a genuine question.
I unironically want to know why wh*tes are so obsessed with skin color...
literally only amerimutts are, having the same skin tone as someone else gives them a sense of identity
t. nigger
i used to think this too but i've seen a fair amount of euros and even SEA people who are the same.
wow you got me!
it's actually the non whites that are obsessed with it
Race isn't just skin color. And whites are the least racist when it comes to the most superficial shit like skin color, that's Asians.
>You're OBSESSED with skin colour!
>starts thread about skin colour
how do you mean?
i disagree. i'm biracial and have a caucasoid "bone structure" but my skin is dark. it hasn't stopped people from calling me a nigger
Skin color = quality of a human being
When I see a brown 'person' I get insinctively told to hit the dab and scoot off
i'm not though. asking a question about the obsession isn't my obsession. are you mad? i'm seriously just curious
well, at least you're honest about it. unlike
>Slavs are pinnacle of quality
But I don't want to be white...
Nice anecdote.
yeah i mean there are so many "whites" that are fucking horrible. take for account people like american rednecks
why not?
American blacks are obsessed with skin color you disingenuous retard.
Blacks can't go 5 seconds without bitching about light/darkskin niggas. It's absolutely not a whites only thing.
That being said, to answer your question;
>are you just openly racist?
Americans seem to be more racist. Racism like that is practically non existent in Canada. The most extreme you'll get is "casual racism" but not outright malicious hatred.
Why do idiots pretend that it is only whites that do this? Every fucking country on Earth has a section of the population who are obsessed with nationalist/racial thoughts.
Non-whites are ugly. Only good looks matter.
thank you for the honest answer. it might seem like im being sarcastic but i really would rather racist just be upfront with their beliefs. that being said, i'm not disagreeing with you about the black community being obsessed as well. however, it's different in the case of minorities because blacks have been treated like shit by those whiter than them (even other light skin blacks) for hundreds of years in this country.
of course. people in this country exploit the races of others and pit racial groups against each other to distract them from the real issues we've got. thankfully canada didn't have stuff like the civil war or jim crow which deeply rooted racist thought into americans.
im not, it's just that whites are the loudest about this
that's just subjective though. what's beautiful to someone living in budapest most definitely will be different than someone living in say, stockholm.
>it's just that whites are the loudest about this
LMAO, mabe on Yas Forums, but not in real life. Go google Hindu nationalism and read about what the Indian nationalists get up to.
hindus, in the case of the united states, are a miniscule number of people when compared the overall size of the population. im not trying to argue, i'm just trying to figure out what the motive behind white racism is.
Why not, What? I was just taking the piss about how ridiculous this infograph is.
>hindus, in the case of the united states, are a miniscule number of people
Your OP didn't mention the USA. You wanted to know why whites are obsessed with skin colour. My point is that it is a stupid question: your question should be why are humans obsessed with skin colour? Even you're obsessed with it because you use "whi*tes".
The motive behind white racism is the same as any form of racism. Fear of the unknown mixed with historically and culturally informed bias and misconceptions.
because i live in a white-majority country (by population size AND by overall power) and that's what is most prominent here.
thanks for giving one of the first non-meme, non-seething answer.
>because i live in a white-majority country (by population size AND by overall power) and that's what is most prominent here.
There's nothing special about America or Americans and their psychology. The answer to why American whites are obsessed with skin colour is the same answer as why South Africans are or why Arabs are or why Indians are.
Stop being deliberately obtuse.
>Stop being deliberately obtuse.
i'm not.
look, im not defending racism of any sort in my answers. arabs and indians seem to be more culturally afraid of what foreigners coming to their countries will do. because of neocolonial thought, there is a deeply ingrained fear of loss of autonomy in non-western countries.
however, in the case of developed, white-majority countries, i'm curious. are whites afraid of a sort of "neocolonial revenge"? by this i mean, are whites afraid that non-white immigrants coming to their countries pose some threat of revenge for their colonial pasts?
sorry if this isn't making much sense, i'm truly trying to grasp this concept as best i can
he based
>are whites afraid of a sort of "neocolonial revenge"?
My issue is that you're treating whites as some sort of monolithic group, as if the angry people on Yas Forums represent everybody, or that concerns around immigration have to inherently be linked to racial issues. Sure, some people have a fear of a sort of colonialism by foreigners, but for most people there is no fear of that.
i'm unsure though. for example, many socially conservative parties (american and euro) seem to be anti-immigrant when, in reality, immigration has been proven time and time again to be a net benefit.
>you're treating whites as some sort of monolithic group
i am, because, both historically and presently, they are. whites, while being a fraction of the world's population, hold the most power throughout the world. because of this, it's unavoidable that non-whites may question this fact and even develop a hatred toward whites. i don't hate whites. i just wanted to understand where the fear of non-whites comes from, really.
a question i have for you is, what would your reaction be if the united kingdom were to become a nonwhite country in the next few years? why or why not would this be upsetting to you? is it solely tribalism?
Wtf. Whites aren't obsessed with skin color, Americans (of all races) are. People outside America understand that race is much more complicated than a color but Americans, as always, oversimplify and see the world in black and white (no pun intended).
I honestly can't tell what americans are more obsessed about between ancestry and skin color.
use whitening soap and stay out of the sun
world racism solved
see my answer here i've seen plenty of political parties in both europe and SEA countries which are blatantly racist, or at least, obviously dogwhistling. not only this, but see some of the white posters in this thread even. many of them aren't american but still disregard some of my questions or points solely because i am not white.
many americans combine the two into the same idea. aka the "1/5 german" meme
>immigration has been proven time and time again to be a net benefit
id depends, in Europe these anti-immigrant parties are against mass imigration of various Arabs, Pakistanis and North Arficans who in many cases end up not working, not even trying to assimilate and increasing crime rate see British grooming gangs for most extreme example
>i am, because, both historically and presently, they are
Are you being deliberately retarded? Most of the 19th and 20th centuries were defined by white countries slaughtering each other by the million. There is more to conflict than race; I think you're unfortunately completely biased by your own experience as an American.
>i'm unsure though. for example, many socially conservative parties (american and euro) seem to be anti-immigrant when, in reality, immigration has been proven time and time again to be a net benefit.
It depends on who is immigrating and for what purpose. Not every immigrant is needed or a net benefit. Most arguments are about how to filter immigration to get the immigrants that are wanted, not to stop immigration all together.
>while being a fraction of the world's population, hold the most power throughout the world.
Out of the world's 4 major superpowers, 2 are non-white.
>a question i have for you is, what would your reaction be if the united kingdom were to become a nonwhite country in the next few years? why or why not would this be upsetting to you? is it solely tribalism?
It completely depends on what you mean by that. I want people who come here to embrace our values and our traditions, not be a hostile group within the country. I think that if a country loses its original population then that is hard to do, so you have to have immigration at such a pace that it allows for assimilation into the general population. My biggest fear of immigration is ending up like America were politics is all divided along racial lines and not on serious issues.
What about non-whites being disproportionately violent?
You should read more carefully. I never said people outside America don't care about race. Everyone all over the globe cares about race and ethnicity, that's human nature.
I said that Americans tend to reduce race to skin color, while race is obviously much more complicated.
the link between increased crime and immigrants is not proven still. in fact, first generation immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than their fellow native countrymen.
Fasani, F., Mastrobuoni, G., Owens, E., & Pinotti, P. (2019). Immigration and Crime in the United Kingdom. In Does Immigration Increase Crime?: Migration Policy and the Creation of the Criminal Immigrant (pp. 54-90). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108626286.004
thanks for your points. i know that history of white countries, especially euro countries, has seen xenophobia between other euros solely because of cultural and political differences.
>Out of the world's 4 major superpowers, 2 are non-white.
see, the united states alone has spread it's culture throughout the world similarly to a modern british empire. it is inescapable. now, in the case of china, that's a whole other case of xenophobia that i dont want to get into. i think the chinese are the greatest threat to world peace since post-9/11 united states. but, the cultural, political, and economic dominance whites hold over the world in general is still very relevant.
i don't know about euro countries, but here as you most likely already know, our police forces are disproportionally biased. young, black teens in southern states are locked up for nonviolent marijuana charges at an alarming rate. and, as studies show, people in the united states who have been imprisoned before are more likely to reoffend in the future--due to lack of jobs for ex-cons, lack of social cohesiveness, and lack of proper education in black-majority areas.
ah, then that's my bad. but still, i dont believe "everyone all over the globe cares about race" because, in fact, i don't.
I’m ashamed by the lack racism in my country.
What The fuck is wrong with Italians?
>when, in reality, immigration has been proven time and time again to be a net benefit.
They are a net negative. Not that corporations or politicians farming them for votes would care. Nowhere in Western Europe are non-Euro immigrants a net benefit. Not to mention they are used specifically to drive labor cost down, targeting the working poor.
>its okay to hate wypeppo cuz prof horowitz tol me dey haz privileeg
>but its not ok to wypeppo to want to survive becuz dats tribalis yo
>hating wypeppo as an outgroup isn't somehow
I guess breeding out aboriginals and amerindians was morally neutral according to your morality
How about we use Chinese and Indians to repopulate SS Africa cause they're more conducive to economic growth. The natives we can phase out via some family friendly means like voluntary sterilization for gibs. If they aren't tribalistic about it all should go smoothly. World's overpopulated anyway and those Asians aren't wyppepo wiff all da priveldivel.
What about asian superiority?
i am not advocating for unregulated immigration. what i AM in support of is immigration which first and foremost advocates for assimilation. immigration cannot work without proper assimilation to their host country's culture.
>is still very relevant.
In what sense? What you're really pointing out is that the USA is the most powerful country and the USA is majority white. That doesn't really mean much.
I fucking hate shitskins. Every time I see a an immigrant in the street I immediately feel that they will rob me or something.
i'm sorry you must feel this way. i appreciate your honesty though.
Italians aren’t white.
Ethnicity matter not race.
Unironically socioeconomic factors.
what race they are?
>skin color
Lol they always imply it's just skin color and nothing else. Yeah if you paint an African white he'll look like a Western European definitely.
This not caring about skin color shit only affects Whites too. Africans, chinks etc don't have to care because they're not having their entire countries undergoing complete look change.
I like European white look. I believe every non-white in a white country is a stolen white (they were brought to replace a white that now won't be born because oops, it's already crowded as fuck, but let's bring even more because muh birthrate, muh economy with low wages)
90%+ of the world is already not white, fuck off we're full.
>the link between increased crime and immigrants is not proven still.
i have a lot of sympathy for the case of immigration in france. i think, with france, you see the outcome of a multicultural fever-dream. your government handled everything completely wrong and i do not blame you for having your viewpoint and as an american, it's hard for me to grasp what that must be like.
source? what methods did they use to study this? over what years?
What about 80% of rapes in Oslo being comitted by 10% of immigrants?
What about it?
And? I still don't want them around. Don't care why they be have subhuman.
Representative democratic politics are 100% geared towards maintaining division to create clients out of minorities, which means your appeal to assimilation is useless. A state can be multiethnic in the sense that there are groups not identifying with one another in it but it will fail if its multicultural, as in there are starkly different value hierarchies etc. Divides like that deaden democracy and create parliamentary plantations like the US Demoncraps.
Also a fair amount of countries are states created for the sake of autonomy of specific ethnic or cultural groups, usually after a lot of struggle. The real question is why goblinos can't sleep in America knowing privileged wyppepo Moldovians or Ukrainians aren't getting swarmed by mass nonwhite migration? How about you take care of your own shit in your oligarchic tweedist idiocracy who's strength is diversity n shiet?
Well me neither, but it is unironically socioeconomic factors. Poor uneducated niggers raise more poor uneducated niggers and poor uneducated people are violent.
>i dont believe "everyone all over the globe cares about race" because, in fact, i don't
Well, you care enough to create this thread, attacking "wh*tes" in the OP.
Some people in developed countries (almost exclusively white people) have been brainwashed into believing they don't care about race. If you stop for a moment to see what people in, say, Asian or African countries think, you'll notice that they consider race to be a very important feature and they are not afraid to talk about it (i.e. be "openly racist" by American standards). Come on, now tell me it's because they don't know any better.
>Representative democratic politics are 100% geared towards maintaining division to create clients out of minorities, which means your appeal to assimilation is useless. A state can be multiethnic in the sense that there are groups not identifying with one another in it but it will fail if its multicultural, as in there are starkly different value hierarchies etc. Divides like that deaden democracy and create parliamentary plantations like the US Demoncraps.
again, we agree here. i hate both the democrat and republican parties because they both do this in their own ways.
>How about you take care of your own shit in your oligarchic tweedist idiocracy who's strength is diversity n shiet?
although i don't like your phrasing, i agree again. we should focus on our own issues here first. however, i believe many racial issues are not just defined by what goes on in my home country. in comparative politics, it is helpful to look at countries undergoing similar issues to come to some basic conclusions.
it's the fault of bureaucracy and neoliberal thought. not "niggers". they're just an outcome of a system which does not value their betterment but would rather use them as a means of looking more socially progressive.
i'm not attacking whites. i'm asking a question. and as an African immigrant, i can assure you that at least in my former home country, race is not a concern. in fact, the greatest conflict between people in my former country is a religious one.
I'm sure its all marxist dialectic and zero culture driven or epi(?)genetic. Just dump mo' money for dem proh gramz, indefinitely. That never failed, right? Gypsies don't exist, romanipaan doesn't exist, m-muh socioeconomic...
To be fair there are people born in gypsy communities that make something out of themselves.
That being said, fuck gypsies.
do you think people of different races naturally act different than one another? do you believe in eugenics? if so, i can offer a few interesting studies which disprove the "science" behind it.
Literally only happens here. I suspect it's because people living here have little connection to their ancestry while also distancing themselves from being American, so instead they invent new identities with which our politicians are memeing around with.
i highly recommend that the white euros in this thread read "season of migration to the north" by tayeb salih. it's a fascinating critique of immigration gone wrong in europe and i believe it could really be helpful in seeing the african viewpoint of violent immigrants.
i agree with you. it's the fault of both identity politics and multiculturalism which are killing this country. someone can be proud of their ethnicity but first and foremost must identify as an american. as i've said earlier in this thread, i am an immigrant. my father is from a euro country and my mother from an african one. my mother came to this country with just a high school education and after successfully assimilating to the culture, put herself through med school and is now a doctor. she identifies as an american and if you spoke to her, would not even notice that she's not from here. this is how i believe immigration ought to be.
akhem fuck niggers
>is a religious one.
which is a significant component of ethnicity i.e. race
but it isn't. turks and syrians are of different ethnicities and cultures, yet, are both largely muslim countries. that doesn't stop them from hating one another.
another example is 18th-19th-20th century europe. almost completely christian, that didn't keep each country from slaughtering one another and even committing genocides. race=/=religion whatsoever.
>is a religious one.
what country, when did you leave. I suspect there is more to this