Post kot from your cuntry

Attached: Siamese-Cats~01.jpg (818x667, 86.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fat cat

Attached: 3983513_081718-wls-bruno-fat-cat-img1.jpg (1300x732, 456.14K)

Russian Blue kot

Attached: 1566847878979.jpg (960x560, 88.24K)

Japanese Bobtail

you have American shorthair

Attached: 6706D965-E723-499E-A351-FC31B138468E.jpg (686x494, 47.62K)

I want to hug this kot

Is this a Russian Blue? They look so cute!

Attached: 0c8.jpg (480x480, 47.2K)

thats chicken

my neighbor have a cat like this and it is very nice when it comes to visit

Very inbred

Attached: 6337f403-9b1b-33d4-91d6-bce2c6fe16d1.jpg (401x600, 85.81K)

I think Jazz (cat in your pic) is a unique mix
But he does kind of look like a Neva Masquerade kot

Attached: 1564670760718.jpg (311x428, 57.76K)

Russia has cute moggy, I prefer syberian.

Attached: chaque_hiver_ces_chats_siberiens-05.jpg (640x511, 44.27K)

They got him from a shelter actually. Says they think he might be a blue tabby point

Attached: 1584289210412.jpg (500x376, 92.34K)


Attached: 1558123180333.png (1405x1399, 3.2M)

Either way, cute cats

Attached: IMG_20200312_133120.jpg (4096x2304, 967.49K)

Love siamese cats especially the non inbred ones

Attached: 1582272861390.jpg (675x380, 54.21K)

Flat headed cat

Attached: d6d642c2a9cf67ef765b7726630c9a0a.jpg (720x477, 58.57K)

Legendary kots

Technically not from the UK because they're from the Isle of Man but Manx cats are cute, they naturally have no tail, spontaneously arose

Attached: 241031-3300x2203-Manx-Cat.jpg (3300x2203, 3.76M)

Absolute units


Wtf that looks like a marsupial or something

why cats are so cute bros

very elegant looking cat. not a type of a cat you would imagine being owned by a bydlo guy or woman

Attached: Alien-Toys.jpg (1280x928, 207.15K)

Based Kievan Rus

Attached: Kot_is_Blini.png (1080x1067, 1011.04K)

they look innocent

Attached: 1578705176826.jpg (4160x3120, 3.31M)

most people don't know but this is a viet cat

Attached: 1545214136001.jpg (680x680, 48.19K)

Attached: lux_.jpg (770x420, 186.57K)

(I am an american)

Attached: cat in america.webm (480x480, 1.4M)

Attached: котята-5.jpg (620x419, 106.18K)

Attached: 91619885_1571326376353222_4362526229622947840_n.jpg (555x776, 167.43K)

Attached: cisk-2.png (587x489, 475.81K)

Are there many stray cat in Malta?
I saw a dead one in Sicily.

They're common, but not as much as they used to.


Attached: kot.png (1315x245, 15.39K)

Fuck c*ts and fuck c*t ""people""

Attached: 252ce5c20e1133862ecec1890008fef0.jpg (659x872, 109.26K)

A street kot who's fond of me

Attached: .jpg (768x1024, 115.06K)

Attached: 1e7fbe9b.jpg (400x400, 16.2K)

Do Krauts really

Attached: 1585923545654.jpg (460x339, 27.66K)

> be bulgrian
> claim to love dogs
> spin dogs

Attached: unnamed.jpg (500x375, 129.2K)

Attached: Gato_pelo_curto_brasileiro.jpg (480x640, 79.01K)

Short of heada

Attached: 1575773054836.jpg (480x599, 81.34K)

Attached: IMG_20191125_170403.jpg (432x937, 169.9K)

Attached: IMG_20200318_100900_300.jpg (1280x960, 174.29K)

oh no no no no no

Attached: Кот.jpg (1100x733, 134.33K)

steve buscemi as a cat?

>Posting kot from my cunt

Attached: te9f2iol5u8210.jpg (480x480, 48.5K)

Is kot's name Lech? :)

perfect teddy bear

Ah, yes "The Stolypin" :)

i want a cat to sleep on my lap

same :(

How do you get a hairless kot for cheap?

Normal kot + razor

my cat is like a furrier version of that

Attached: 20180903_190857_1536016163544.jpg (1920x2560, 286.83K)

koški - lohi

Attached: -PnQ-pic7XQ.jpg (555x552, 66.88K)

Attached: JUC10p7C2_E.jpg (604x403, 53.68K)

What did you name her?

Doggos are for squishing

Attached: ETs7n1zUYAIBwJH.jpg (1440x1440, 359.76K)

Attached: 59PxxbQ-5RI.jpg (800x600, 44.83K)

my pic :D

Attached: IMG_20200331_192043.jpg (4160x3120, 3.66M)

This is meu gato :)
Say hi to him Yas Forums 8^)

Attached: meu gato 8).jpg (960x1280, 86.34K)


Attached: 20180903_165059_1536007930684.jpg (1920x2560, 1002.3K)

Attached: yUNbpBzvfKE.jpg (730x973, 130.36K)

step away, fuckboy
here's my horse

Attached: 1583608216967.jpg (510x720, 76.29K)

They give off a parasite that makes you think so

seu gato é lindo

Attached: zL6Cm-Gzias.jpg (1212x1254, 302.18K)


Hello Meu & Zoe

Attached: EUYY0iJXkAM4dCy.jpg (510x680, 38.68K)

what is he listening to?

No no, meu gato means "my cat" in Portuguese.
His name is Nino 8~)

>Hello Meu
Meu is Mine not a name lel

only fashion icons itt

Attached: 1577019370336.jpg (538x720, 89.32K)

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Damn did he get that hat from a christmas event?

Based. This is Dors.

Attached: Dors (2).jpg (1468x1788, 637.54K)

Attached: EY1_cSHZIig.jpg (453x604, 97.06K)

Ele agradece 8^]

Attached: 3-URL5axQhU.jpg (720x1280, 112.42K)

Attached: Songs About My Cats.jpg (600x600, 54.52K)

yeah it's a december pic
that horse is a rooner
she's got no worries in life, just the desire to ROON once she hits the field

Attached: IMG-20200402-WA0003.jpg (2340x4160, 1.25M)