"were not brown subhumans like the rest of south america we are italians."

>"were not brown subhumans like the rest of south america we are italians."

Do they really?

Attached: argentina.png (1280x823, 104.47K)

>not brown

Attached: conceit.jpg (600x543, 27.08K)

Argentina is white

Why does Yas Forums hate brown people so much?

that sun looks like a fucking dork

All Ratinos do this, though.

It's filled with edgy teenagers

i love brown people if you get what im saying

>we are not brown
that's a fact

we arent yellow

It's unironically true

We are brown, got a problem with that bitchboy?

Cono sureños really are more different than the rest of latin america though, ngl

we're not brown, we are BLACK

>Brazilians: we're not latinos
>Uruguayans: we're different from the rest of latinos
>Argentinians: we're not indios like other latinos
>Mexicans: we don't have anything in common with south Americans


They try to fit in a group they don't belong

Latin America can be divided into several different cultural regions, like every other continent. Latin American is the most artificial identity anyway.

because brown zoomers are self-hating af

post the part of your italian passport that states your height and eye colour

el coronavirus se metio en el medio entre mi ciudadania y el pasaporte juli, cuando pase todo esto y pueda sacarlo te lo muestro

t. jealous of sunchads like me and argentina

Chile does the same.
t. Chilean.

>nooo you can't be a european descendant in south america, you must be short and brown like in the Hollywood movies

Attached: k0IGUXx_d.jpg (640x596, 31.08K)

> Every one of them: we're not really Latin Americans. We're X nationality, and western

Attached: 1560291867842.jpg (682x773, 476.99K)

Most of us don't even know what western means, and especially in Brazil we don't even know what Latin American or Latino means.

>a bunch of Argentina flags posting cope
At this point I don’t know if they are larping as white supremacists or not

theres really no way italians are white.

Attached: Denise-Tantucci-.jpg (1080x714, 60.5K)

They never say theyre italian. Theyll just say theyre white. They also hate the terms latina and latin american

I'm an Afro Argentinian
Ask me anything

Are you white?

No I got TICC NIGGA LIPS, TICC NIGGA DIC and an attitude

I'd rather be a brown subhuman than Italian

latent homos


>Mexicans: we don't have anything in common with south Americans
Thats true

>i'd rather be italian than italian

Its lefties hating on us

t. globalist who wants to destroy unique culture by lumping everyone under the rootless latinx label

Brazil is black
Peru & bolivia are red
Argies are italian

self hatred

We are brown

Just go along with it if you do not want to be hated, lefties only hate people who claim to be brown since hating on blacks is politically incorrect

no. the north side of SA is proudly latina. Fuck the south cucks and central trash.

I've known Cuban-Americans and Venezuelan-Americans who do this shit, it's hilarious. As though white people don't see us as basically mexicans.

Latinx is not a real ethnicity, its just a label given to us by racist westerners who want to stereotype us

Doesn't it have to do with the fact that the split of Gran Colombia was somehow controversial?

Italians are better than wh*tes though

pol disagrees

We don´t give a shit for what retarded amerisharts think

The reason people identify with their nation is because they value their culture, stop being so obsessed with wh*te peoples opinions

>A bunch of retarded brown losers who never get out of their basement disagree

Based and macacopilled

Wh*te is not a real ethnicity, anyone can be wh*te

You have negro phenotype.

Attached: main-qimg-08ab7f20dd15faf3246ba41ace1faecf.png (772x596, 425.04K)

Does anyone have the webm? You know the one

why would someone want to be a whitoid?

look whos talking

italians can't

Attached: Francesca-Chillemi.jpg (2514x1529, 572.83K)

>tolerant anti racist lefties using brown people as a scapegoat like always

Post the american average without separation between the races, monkey

Attached: main-qimg-5a28a9e588bee0ee890f3881aa569ca4.jpg (1997x1002, 208.87K)

If they are cultureless & rootless you can be wh*te
Some people have no identity and calling themselves white helps them feel better

unironically yes.

Attached: images.jpg (236x284, 7.01K)

>look whos talking
actual real italian who knows very well of the trickery of the wh*tes

>Wh*te is not a real ethnicity
because white is a race
so yeah "brotherhood of whites" has too many rejected applications, it's stupid and weak

Wh*te is not a race either, its just an identity for rootless mutts with light skin

I am Brown.

>stop trying to hug us, we're very dangerous, stop, stop, what are you doing...

Attached: kangaroo.jpg (190x266, 8.25K)

>Post the american average without separation between the races, monkey

Attached: average americans.jpg (2880x1871, 1.29M)

>Im am white, I am brown, I am black, I am latinx, i am asian
Why do people identify with these non ethnicities? Ethnic identity and race are not about skin color or the region you are from

ah yeah true
"caucasoid" is a race based on skull shape but even ethiopians are included

diis mio.... .la aberracion

>or the region you are from
wait, the fuck you smoking mate, if ethnicity is not about the tribe you come from then what

Oh yeah they should identify with actual real ethnicities like fucking American

You see people from latinamerica here identifying as such because they are generally pretty americanized. Average latinamericans don't really have a lot of racial awareness

Not all people from asia or latin america are the the same ethnicity/tribe

Yeah Mexico is much worse.

more violent & uncivilized = better

No one really uses the term "white" in europe. Just ethnicities. It must be hard for new worlders to understand. I'm pretty sure it's the same in asia and africa. It's ethnicities and not "race"

I never said such thing