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Blake Brown
Other urls found in this thread:
John Garcia
Die Boris!
Gabriel Adams
Caleb Ortiz
Cannot stop wanking lads
Evan Morgan
is doug the chink still here? I've got some questions about the chinese
Ethan Mitchell
>mozart was definitely talented at music
Sebastian Collins
nothing wrong with a light up keyboard
just make sure you disable it before shagging
Sebastian Cook
>ask dad what he thinks about abusing me as a child during his violent alcoholic years
>he doesn't remember
Blake Powell
Cameron Kelly
It looks kinda gay honestly.
David Harris
>playing piano isn't exactly critical though is it
Imagine someone saying this to you in real life. You'd right hook them without even thinking
Ayden Foster
hey white boy whatchu doing up town
Brayden Barnes
What are today’s Corona numbers? Did we go up or down?
Hunter Williams
what's the point though?
do you look at your keyboard all of the time?
Owen White
Boris is fighting it off on their behalf, numbers will be close to zero
Levi White
Oy vey, he's got the gay
Leo Green
more of a korra man me
Jonathan Campbell
up in france and britain. way up, around 800 each
Leo Hernandez
Korra is peng but beyond insufferable
Gabriel Jenkins
we're all infected
Jordan Smith
>girls laughed at light up keyboard
This didn't happen. Girls wouldn't have even seen one before, let alone know that only incels have them
Jaxon Stewart
Owen Hernandez
whats the point of light up keyboards anyway
it looks so autistic and obnoxious
Cameron James
Jose Myers
758 in england around another 100 in the rest of the yoo k
Caleb Gray
Up cos of Scotland
Robert Long
Justin James
China are pumping out gigatons of concrete, building 3 or 4 new bullet train lines every year and well on the way to 6G whilst Scousers are burning down mobile phone masts because they are 'of the devil'.
Logan Morris
Andrew Peterson
not letting this sequence of posts escape. what the fuck are you two doing?
Henry Davis
you wouldn't understand anyway because you're not as gamer
Jason Robinson
Been doing one hour of piano per day since the quarantine started, and making pretty good progress desu. Nearly mastered the Ludovico Einaudi songbook. Soon I'll be able to try pieces from non-brainlet composers too
Lincoln Long
Michael Butler
So you can stay up until 2am and have the light off so mummy doesn't catch you and still be able to see what you're typing.
Thomas Edwards
up the ra
Alexander Garcia
Why does the UK act like the NHS is the pride of the nation (lmao literally marching them at the Olympics) then pay and treat them like shit
Jaxson Thompson
What about total case numbers for today?
Mason Hall
yeah but you eat microwaved bat soup so whos the real clown
Gabriel Lee
>China are pumping out gigatons of concrete
Why on earth would you say this as if it's a good thing? One day chinks will realise that there's more to life than being worker drones in urban hellholes
Grayson Cruz
helps when hen pecking the keys
Carter Walker
she's going to break your heart in two its true
Gavin Parker
Fuck up cunt
Kayden Sanders
alri lad play chopsticks for us on vocaroo then
gorn lad GOOORN
Isaac Sanders
you're posting cringe though
Andrew Flores
that feel when no french romance
Cameron Brooks
>Building/making things is not important
Jackson Smith
a new fucking /brit/?! you need to make brit one and two
Joshua Wood
she's just a little tease
Julian Hernandez
it isn't
Joseph Gonzalez
he's right you autistic jap
Blake Hughes
Die Yank
Jose Sanders
post your sister or fuck off sven
Asher Howard
All Doctors Are Bastards
they nonce more kids than the teachers
they deal more drugs than a gang of moroccans
they kill more people than police
David Wilson
Make a gook attractive device
Bentley Hill
>then pay and treat them like shit
is this true though?
experienced doctors/gps are paid a fortune
Jayden Davis
Which country do you hail from which we've bombed?
Jaxson Parker
What's wrong with the north of England?
Robert Collins
Never heard of Chopsticks. If I could be arsed to download an app to extract audio from video I could DELIGHT you by sharing I Giorni, Nefeli, Primavera, or Le Onde. But I can't be arsed, so I shan't share it
Michael Parker
If only we had taxed away Bill Gates' wealth, then instead of having 7 vaccine factories ready to go whenever we figure out which vaccine is most effective, we could have...
*checks notes*
enforced the ban on coronavirus testing for an extra week
Elijah Williams
I remember we had to do presentations at school and everyone cringed when the geek kid had the pc speak out the words (this was when computer speech was really bad). Think a female Stephen hawking giving a presentation
Colton Miller
The, yank, the
Kayden Lee
Jack Wilson
This one you fucking retarded spic
Christopher Williams
Every Empire in history was a consequence of superior modes of production.
Ethan Fisher
Too close to the South of England.
Owen Martinez
need to stream my 4k cuck porn RIGHT FUCKING NOW
this social media post CANT WAIT
internet speeds should have stopped with dial up
Joseph Lopez
ridiculous tune
Ryan Sanders
Anyone seen the Yankee with no brim meme? Really makes me laugh
Landon Garcia
can't imagine how mentally fucked you have to be to wank to cartoons
boggles the mind
Charles King
Angel Martin
>then pay and treat them like shit
thats the tories fault and the simpletons who got tricked into voting for them because muh brexit last election, matt hancock himself said "now is not the time to discuss nurse's wages" while at the same time asking footballers to take a pay cut. however i am glad we dont worship the armed forces especially to the degree that yanks worship theirs
Josiah Rodriguez
Pretty crazy how all the governments have kept the liquor stores open so that the hardcore alkies don’t die of withdrawal.
Dylan Cooper
Ethan Russell
Ahh yes, building ugly concrete tower blocks in ugly overcrowded cities is definitely a good thing for humanity, very good
Isaiah Gomez
what’s going on
Anthony Fisher
Can't find englands fuck sake i give up just wait until 5pm brief
Jason Morris
Whoever said it's good for humanity? It's good for China.
Mason Wilson
Ah yes, the lowercase aesthetic gimp @'s me as if he matters. Shut the fuck up
i know that typing in all lower case & using ampersands & // is pretty pretentious of me but that's my aesthetic & you can gladly suck it
lower case letters, crippling depression and insatiable vanity are my aesthetic.
haaaaaaaaaaa like dude i'm so post modern post irony irony post and depressed and like dude depression and lowercase is my aesthetic like bro idc dude like ha
idegaf dude its like so chill and
Kayden James
which takes years of studies (longer than nurses) also youd expect them to be paid more since theyre higher up
Lincoln Morris
>this entire post
Colton Ortiz
We've never bombed Britain, we only bomb brown third world shitholes, and for fantastic reasons too
Brody Rodriguez
Oooh yeaaah
David Miller
Brody Sanders
think leftypol is among us
Alexander Ortiz
Uganda be kidding me
Jaxson Cook
Boris Johnson has ascended to the Golden Throne.
Tyler Cox
Connor Hall
what are you babbling about
Aiden Torres
>The so called presumed girlfriend when she comes back to England is going a day without responding to me in quarantine again
Jack Perry
Easton Smith
>british humour
Matthew Lewis
Hudson Wood
dude i'm so post modern post irony irony post and depressed and like dude depression and lowercase is my aesthetic like bro idc dude like ha
Dylan Thomas
Plan on voting conservative for the rest of my life
Ryan Reed
France be kidding me
Parker Barnes
Maybe it's good for their (((economic growth))), but it comes at the expense of the happiness of their people. Perhaps the Scousers you were originally criticising don't want to go the same way as these mindless chink worker drones
Isaiah Sullivan
that video cracks me up
Owen Butler
Shan’t be clicking a single one.
Nolan Rodriguez
Bhutan up your trousers
Ayden Clark
been cooming to pretty grim stuff lads
Josiah Parker
Alright I hope they'll be happy living as vassal subjects in a Global Chinese Empire then.
Jayden Rogers
whats that then de lad
Eli Hall
Ordered a Chinese there. Wee Chinese driver comes to the door and I walked out to meet him. He started shouting isolate isolate. I said mate calm down your not that late I only ordered half an hour ago ya fucking header.
Oliver Johnson
The so-called Tolerant right
Sebastian Robinson
Noticed this sort of aesthetic A LOT amongst zoomers desu, spurred on my millennial journalists. Think it's a California thing, which has since spread out to infect western culture in general
Brandon Cox
Anyone else using a gripper to keep the old forearm strength going?
Got the 200lb captain of crush, beats wanking anyway
Ethan Long
you have no idea how many people are functional alkies
Caleb Young
Shut up fat
Dylan Turner
Mason Cox
china is building things
Michael Murphy
you can guarantee all these 5g conspiracy tards are poorly educated, underclass runts
Connor Williams
do tell
Mason Campbell
What part of East London is this?
Aiden Scott
s a d b o i g o t h g f a e s t h e t i c
It's fuckint awful cringe shit mate
Juan Harris
Jaxson Rogers
that gif must be fake
Wyatt Anderson
i have a 40kg gripper
give it to girls to try when i have shagged them
ones done 40kg before
Ian Ramirez
Much to leftypol's eternal chagrin, working class people genuinely love Boris. My social media is full of the working-class people I know posting messages of support for Boris, praying for his recovery, likening him to Churchill, etc. Then there's the typical snarky university-educated middle-class runts who can't bring themselves to wish him well, and instead use his hospitalisation as a way of criticising Tory cuts to the NHS
Sebastian Carter
the author of this post has never felt a woman's touch
Kevin Torres
plan on burning down 5g masts
don't want to be part of global government/coporation 'brave new world' agenda.
Bentley Moore
Luke Stewart
Jason Rogers
Cameron Peterson
Find it quite sweet that pornstars go out of their way to accomodate everyone, including the filthy coomers
Austin Bailey
How many girlfriends are we currently on lads?
Cameron Perry
Hang on i know it's in here somewhere
*Digs around a bit*
Ah here it is try this on for size
Benjamin Wright
they like him because he has character traits they have, in reality hes hugging them while plunging a knife in their back
Jason James
leftypol apoplectic
Alexander Wright
0 for me aha
Angel Sanders
that's not an aesthetic
Julian Wood
On the one hand that's not a lot at all, but most girls are inredibly weak
So it's relatively impressive
Hunter Phillips
Christian Martin
Joseph Young
the working class deserve to be oppressed
Jordan Morales
Josiah Rogers
Nathan Powell
Lots of things take years of study. My gp is in her 20s and a partner at the surgery. All the gp wages are on their website. She’s on 6 figures.
Ethan Perez
Lincoln Carter
Not sure if this fella is just a degenerate or a bit slow
Find it quite endearing though
Charles Mitchell
Wimbledon is one of the very few non-shithole parts of London desu, although a one-bed flat there will set you back at least £5 million
Tyler Brooks
Levi Fisher
Rattled leftypols cage
Adrian Lee
Gyms will NEVER reopen
Ethan Hernandez
A knife needs plunged into London Paki's back on the account of the children he's raped.
Wyatt Thomas
also he doesn't want to flood the country with wogs as reparations for stuff that happened before anyone alive was born
Jace Turner
prepare to cum buckets lads
Henry Nguyen
No you're not aesthetic
Jack Myers
Late stage coomerism is sickening
Liam Watson
Grim grim grim
Jeremiah Jones
Chase Richardson
now this is a based schizo poster
Noah Torres
Dave on a mad one
Nathaniel Fisher
Haven't seen my GP in a good 5 years
Logan White
>working class Tory voters
Juan Nelson
*sedates dogshit Dave*
John Robinson
why does this thing look so horrifying?
most trannies just look like freaks but this one looks scary
Jayden Lewis
the things i would of i ran this country
first of all i would go after that corrupt aussia cunt Murdoch and take him down
Carter Taylor
Kitty is really sore after masturbating too much, hurts a little to sit down
Jack Ross
Many such cases!
Oliver Nguyen
that's not what aesthetic means
Grayson Diaz
brown hands
Tyler Hill
Quite bitter aren't you
Nathaniel Turner
the working class just prove they're easily manipulated due to their low IQs
Hunter Powell
leaving on a jet plane
bye cunts
Anthony Harris
dumb cunt
Sebastian Nguyen
Looks like a joy mutant out of LISA
Brandon Hall
imagine paying to excercise
Jordan Baker
Tories have brought in more immigrants than any government in our history
Benjamin Bennett
James Brooks
how do you know they have low iqs though
Charles Rogers
No one's working m8, we're all at home
Oliver Campbell
>vote for me or you're stupid
wonder why the left keeps losing