Chad Steppe asian vs Virgin rice asian

Chad Steppe asian vs Virgin rice asian

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Here's your steppe wife

Attached: Mongolia .jpg (960x1280, 131.72K)


The farmer's daughter

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hot natural healthy good cook 10/10
plastic makeup barbie


Yup, definitely would take this one over some plastic korean whore

impossible to get
impossible to get

This is average Mongolian steppe mommy

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They both belong to white men


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For ricecels maybe

R1b genes

qt. i'm sorry your scandoid taste is shit.

Giv gf

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Rice asian create flat fragile women that look like little boys without makeup. With makeup they look like prepubescent women who are only fit for losers and paedophiles. Steppe women are real women with curves and strength for for making Chad babies

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Steppe LORDS > Indian RAJS > Persian SHAHS > Arab CALIPHS > yellow people

Attached: unnamed.jpg (300x364, 21.62K)

qt traditional steppe wife who will birth you strong children
plastic used up feminist gook whore
I've made up my mind.

Stop being contrarian, she's ugly as hell

Looks like girl from Southern Area
Would rape her without hesitation

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this is your brain overdosed on COOM

What area are they from?

Attached: Mongolia.jpg (2000x1333, 477.29K)

Wtf, why is this thread filled with my ancestors :)

this is your brain in Sweden.

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Would they accept my immigrant dick to breed mongolian women and give birth to a new generation of steppe warriors?

I was being completely honest though, maybe most would prefer something closer to average instead of some unattainable porcelain? not saying that the normal girl is normal by any means, she is definitely way above average

Who owns the Steppe?

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Average middle class city bitches whose works in government
Come here nigga, when Corona is over. Mongolia is open for France since 1206.

fuck off wh*toids
our women made for our dicks
go ruin some chinks with your degenerate culture and genes like you did with your "women"

From Mongolian Gen-Z's post.

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Can I come to Kazakhstan



Beautiful natural daughter of the land
Disgusting plastic alien

You can pretend

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Belongs to steppe chad
wh*tes & n1gger can have ricewhore.
You will get beat up

>You will get beat up
By a bunch of brown Arabs yes, Kazakhs aren't Steppe people
rate my Mongolian tinder match

Blob fish, yikes

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Have sex ricecel

Tengri bless.

>Kazakhs are arabs
True and their women look like ugly arab too

I am not a ricecel, I encourage white & black people to fuck chinese & SEA monkey ricewhores


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Arab men walk into Kazakhstan and fuck their women, lol

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chi*ks fear this

I can see plaster texture on this face

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Saying you are ugly violent savage is best way to perserve your culture & people. You do not want globlaist wh*te liberals being attracted to your country. Give your country a bad name and shill for sinic women. Your people must be be perserved while ch*nks are destroyed

Both suck.

Be a manchu Chad who gets the best of both worlds.

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why would they beat me up

I fucked her.

Is that how you cope with western countries being replaced by nogs & arabs?

Central asians and momgolians hate outsiders

tfw had a steppe gf

i want her back bros

why are you so bitter

Looks good, when do we wed?

oh ok, maybe I could be there friends or pretend to be Russian to into central Asia


Steepe gooks are very violent & savage, worse than nigqers tbqh

Why are ch*nk insento*d plague?


>This cope

The vast majority of ch*nks are commie drones only good for following orders & spreading communism. I do not hate you but your numbers must be reduced for the good of humanity

Based brother

Natural beauty
Plastic surgery & makeup

TFW no Mongol qt gf

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Full of plasticed dipshit lol

Ugly & nigqerish