Édition de la géographie française
Franse geografie Uitgave
er klopt iets niet aan die kaart
Wat bedoel je?
er is gewoon iets dat niet juist aanvoelt
Ah ja geen Duitse gemeenschap
à quel point peut-on être autant incompétent?
Demande aux frouzes
>sardines and lemonade
>blue sky
I’m spoiled
living the dream
Je vois pas le problème.
Yeah that’s all I ask for tb.h
WE are the AMERICANS of Western Europe, problem?
>Still no Wallonian qt gf
They are better irl with some beer
Waarom zijn Vlaamse meisjes zo brutaal jongens?
Ik kies voor Waalse meisjes...
Ze lijkt me wel lang
Vandaag het 2de Waalse meisje dat me unmatched nadat ze ontdenkt dat ik vl**ms ben.
Hoe ga ik hiermee om jongens?
>geen intresse voor mannen onder 1m80
nooo I understood that and I'm 178 :(
Oh well, maybe she would understand Scandinavian too.
Is het echt omdat je Vlaams bent? Beetje verrassend
Alle vlaamse zijn hoeren :(
Ik blijf proberen, ooit zal ik een Waalse vd hebben
ok ik meende het niet, sorry :'(
Het is niet moeilijk, moet je gewoon een normie zijn
Tja je Frans leren/verbeteren kan ook veel helpen in dit geval
Ik wil men Frans verbeteren maar dat gaat moelijk als ze me unmatchen na een paar zinnen van mijn gebrekkig Frans
Maar gebrekkig Frans is schattig!
Ze moeten lief doen desu
what do you even talk about on Tinder these days? "h-how is the confinement doing for ya?"
I just want to talk to some wallonian girls because I love them, if only the love was mutual...
I'm from Wallonia with over 400 matches, still have not gotten lucky through tinder though. App sucks if you don't just set up a date right after talking for a couple of days at most because you will eventually run of topics to talk about or slowly watch her lost interest for you over the days...
>tfw not Skyping with Maggie
Over what amount of time did you get those matches?
Had tinder a couple times but deleted it multiple times as well. Both times I got to 150 matches relatively easily but then I got kinda stuck and didn't get many matches anymore.
About 10 weeks now. To be fair I've been moving aorund a bit these past few months before quarantine so the match pool was much bigger and I would literally never run out of profiles to swipe on. Tinder during lockdown is the worst thing desu
post your pics
Nah. By the way I only have one photo and no bio. I just look good on that one pic
Well post it otherwise I don't believe you
It's ok you may not believe me, I ain't trying to compare dicks. All I'm saying is that Tinder sucks when you can't even set up a date.
Oh that's pretty good. I got like 150 both times in like 12 weeks. can't really complain though
Don’t you find it weird to talk to strangers like that?
That's pretty good
When you think about it yeah, then again a lot of other people are doing it so it's fine Ii guess?
Just feels unnatural, it’s too cringy for me
I have like 250 matches and it says that I have 25+ likes (over a period of 1.5 years I think, without paying).
I have had easily 10-15 dates over this period and fucked around. How can you people be this bad at texting seriously. You get more matches than me and yet you people are so boring that you can't even set up a date.
I was at 99+ but I'm just too autistic to talk to strangers, just feels weird.
I just end up talking like a person I'm not using emojis and pretending I'm excited that she rides horses and likes the same boring movies everybody likes... it's depressing faking a convo, for me atleast.
Feels cringy to me as well. I just don't know any other way of meeting potentially interested girls
ik moest van mama juist 2 dode muizen begraven die onze katten hadden gevangen en voor onze deur hadden gelegd. Ze vroeg me om ze te begraven, maar heb ze uiteindelijk bij de buren gesmeten
I guess you’re right, honestly I should do it too since it’s easier that way
kaka pipi
>mum start argument
>crazy nervous laugh again
I’m so sorry lol
she really shouldn't be so picky
Aaaaaaah mon corps devient flasque !!! J'espère que basic fit va vite rouvrir.
>dvw geen vd
>Alle vlaamse zijn hoeren
Alla svenskor är också horor :/
Lia, om eerlijk te zijn.
ze was mijn childhood crush, gek om te zien hoe iemand die er zo onschuldig uitziet zo snel op het verkeerde pad is kunnen belanden
leg u nader uit
1 semaine sans cardio ici
Je sue comme un porc
Literally who
>red face
looking like a pig
Courage frère! Ne mange pas trop de cochonneries en ces temps difficiles.
Non je mange plus de fruits et legumes lol
Welkom beck