What's it like to be gay in your country?
What's it like to be gay in your country?
I don't think I will ever find anyone and probably just die alone.
I do see plenty of decent or cute guys on tinder and grindr, but most of them are deep in the closet. They only look for one night stands and hookups, because they know eventually they will be asked by their parents to marry a girl and they can't say no to that.
Getting in a relationship is already troublesome for straight couples in india, you can just imagine how hard it would be for gay couples.
Gays and lgbt are illegal here
It could be better, but it could be a lot worse, I guess.
very good, we are the most tolerant people in the world.
Russians irl and Russian politicians: Russia not homophobic, see we have gay bars, we just don't want them to indoctrinate kids
Russianons: Homosexuality is strictly illegal.
breddy gud
I just remembered a Danish documentary where a journalist and the only pro-Russian politician in Denmark went to Russia (both speak fluent Russian). They interviewed a feminine gayboi and he was like "Being gay in Russia is fine, I just tell people 'I'm different' and leave it at that, I think the anti-gay propaganda laws are reasonable, one time a group of guys beat me up and called me a faggot so it would be nice if those vigilantes would stop but other than that Russia is very accepting of gays, I support Putin."
imagine pushing laws to ban men from fucking each other
>Russia not homophobic,
It is.
> see we have gay bars,
Probably some shit in petersburg where only finns and balts go.
> we just don't want them to indoctrinate kids
Would be good if they did the same about popes.
>group of guys beat me up and called me a fag
>but other than that Russia is very accepting of gays
Western propaganda
My younger sister (21) is lesbian and she's shunned by our parents.
We force them to have gender reassignment surgery.
how do you feel about it?
A weird mix of compassion and indifference, I think.
>Western propaganda
You mean Russian propaganda
The West thinks Russians are homophobic, Russian propaganda aimed at the West tries to say it's not so bad.
If you live outside Intelaviv you get bashed in the head by Mizrahi bvlls
pretty good
Terrible. We are forced to stay indoors and I have no boyfriend.
like shit
>imagine growing up surrounded by poo men and somehow becoming gay anyways
meh fair enough that sounds reasonable. At least you're not a cunt about it. I'm gay and both my brothers don't give a shit either, they just tell me not to tell them about sucking dicks. Which I sometimes do to make them disgusted and angry lel. But yeah would be awful to have your parents hate you, at least her whole family doesn't hate her.
better than most other places i'd assume but i'm too embarrassed to show outwardly show it, which of course contributes to the >tfwnobf problem many of us non grindr-whores seem to have
Play lewd VNs
Which ones?
we burn gays on stakes on the main square
I always cringe when I see this kind of thread
There are no gays in Lebanon.
I don't know, I'm not gay. I just heard that's what gay people do when they don't have boyfriends. That and make threads on Yas Forums anyway.
very funny
unf, light me up daddy
It’s amazing.
the only polish men worth fucking are the priests, and it's in their interest to keep that shit in closet. non-issue.
I've been to Poland once and you have the kinkiest twinks I've ever seen in my entire life.
its gay
I personally know a lesbian in Lebanon
Lots of happy people, free sex and no one hates each other~
It's horrible. People will insult you, lynch you, try to stab you, hit you with baseball bats, hammers, bricks, etc...
France is a very homophobic country.
thats what you get for importing africa and the middle east
It's horrible. People will insult you, lynch you, try to stab you, hit you with baseball bats, hammers, bricks, etc...
Egypt is a very homophobic country.
>falling for this
Quite bad I suppose
oh yeah? well i am a dictator and my mandate is state enforced homosexuality. wat now BIGOTS???
Post her nudes
It's fantastic. People will insult you, lynch you, try to stab you, hit you with baseball bats, hammers, bricks, etc...
Denmark is a very homorealistic country.
Lonely. There are no decent men. I will die alone.
How man ? You are the third biggest population
That changes nothing
you don't need a bf just a good friend
For me it's lonely
there are no gays here.
How easy is it to get to and fro the Faroe Islands?
You're elected Taoiseach (prime minister) even if you've never been effective in previous roles
They're scared they won't be able to help themselves if they don't
You'll be surprised by how many attractive guys there are in metro/developed cities.
The ugly ones you see on the internet do not represent all indian men.
Canadian morals are extremely strict, homosexuals tend to be lynched on sight.
>No bf to do cute things with
Why do I even try anymore
Unironically believe in yourself and you'll get a bf in no time. It's all about the attitude. Good luck fren
great, yall hiring
I don't know where to get them
Even if they are attractive they revert back to pajeets when they open their mouths.