
Raiding England with your friends edition

Recent news:
>LOTR waifu war
>Malta likes interracial lesbianism
>g*rman invader was driven out
>Italy saved the world from the Mutants
>croat user still plowing his fields

Previously on /Med/

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Other urls found in this thread:


Beat me to it.
I don't recall liking interracial in my lesbianism desu.

Giv gf

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turns out it was Greece and I'm blind

Can I be vikingz n sheit too?
I was born in Rouen

No worries. I wouldn't mind watching a Latina with a Nord desu.

roll for it bro
(fresh OC to get more posts in the thread)

Attached: med gf roll.jpg (6592x4744, 3.98M)

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Nice OC. I need to make some as well. Rolling.


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Fuck yeah.

I am so sorry for you

Attached: sci-fi super soldier gf.png (1081x677, 53.35K)


I want 2

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I woke up at 1 am, I think I might die.

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Attached: -tJ4CGqj1RY.jpg (769x731, 128.96K)

I didn't sleep at all but since yesterday I slept 4 hours in the afternoon I didn't feel like sleeping
gonna try to stay awake all day, try to fix my sleeping schedule

Attached: med girls.jpg (5400x3600, 3.93M)

good morning frens

what do I have to roll for a polynesian gf?
anyway, 9 get

cheer up Russia
I'm sure a gf is somewhere in your future!

Attached: Big titty goth gf.jpg (1080x1350, 123.96K)


Normans were pretty based

Attached: Chad Norman.png (2518x1024, 767.94K)


Attached: tyjfjty5.png (713x695, 743.98K)

Holy shit, 52 new cases.


I prefer saxons desu


Attached: image.jpg (1080x998, 132.39K)

sad to hear
infection rate actually slowed down yesterday here, I hope it continues to slow down

Attached: aqua mask.jpg (931x866, 126.29K)

They highest we've had prior to today was 19.


Saksere er den svakeste og målet våre er å ta alle gullet deres.

Attached: viking ponytail to pull during sex.jpg (1080x1350, 151.59K)

sorry I don't speak barbaric

We have an interesting legend involving the Normans and our flag's origins.

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Attached: nords_are_cavemen.jpg (1600x1048, 549.36K)

you speak enough to beg them to join your army as Greek troops are too unreliable and cowardly to defend the Eastern Emperor...
based (Maltese) reconquista

Attached: Varangian Guard.jpg (900x1290, 221.7K)


the old flag was completely God tier

byzantium was trash anyway

Great, I'm a soyboy now

what's up with soyboys/incels and being obssessed with asians?

t. Reddit

>wanting to be ruled by literal arabs
I'll pass


1 get

We're arabs too

I'm not a thessaloniger, speak for yourself

rerolling because fuck that

t. Cretarab

>wanting to be ruled by literal greeks

I'm glorious Arcadian master race, tyvm



here I cooooom

>wanting to be ruled

Attached: geafadga.png (375x523, 288.54K)

Ardaki more like Zarkadi xDdddd

1 or 3 please

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>can't get any from white women
>fall for the "Asian girls are submissive waifus" meme
>fall for the "Asian girls worship white men" meme
>spam Asian girl pics on Yas Forums as a coping mechanism while deluding themselves even further

Attached: yellow fever starter pack.jpg (960x914, 44.13K)

but they've never fucked any of those either, likeeee


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what's with people making up stories about the origin of flags?

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meu Deus...
a criatura dos videojogos...

Which one? The pre-George Cross one?
People make up stories about everything.

this one

they already look like this

Attached: file.png (378x216, 5.47K)

Tbh I like this one more. But these are Hospitaller/SMOM flags.

Attached: file.png (1280x853, 10.19K)

Come on baby, papa needs a qt southern European Portuguese gf

Luck be a lady tonight

Attached: unimaginable heatenings.png (378x527, 112.34K)

better luck next time tovarish

I don't think I have the confidence to control a Slavic girl and her volatile temperament.

This will end in domestic violence.

Attached: why worry.png (640x560, 15.03K)


>no sun in 3 weeks
>noticing hair is falling more often
what the fuck bros is the quarantine going to turn me bald?

No place like home i guess

Roll boys, roll

that isn't an absolute rule
some Slav girls are sweethearts

Attached: Russian girls.jpg (600x656, 55.12K)

Anyways. Hello frens

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You want to commemorate the awarding of the George Cross? Build a monument for it; don't put it on the flag.

Attached: file.png (900x600, 5.65K)

God morgen!
Hvordan går det?

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Henlo i just wish to say Ireland is Med
>The Milesians are Gaels who sail to Ireland from Iberia (Hispania)
>Fir Bolg (also spelt Firbolg and Fir Bholg) are the fourth group of people to settle in Ireland. They are descended from the Muintir Nemid, an earlier group who abandoned Ireland and went to different parts of Europe. Those who went to Greece became the Fir Bolg and eventually return to the now-uninhabited Ireland

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Greeks love Ireland

And we love Greece

This one is better Jeg er flink! Jeg sov tidligere i går, men våknet fortsatt litt sent. Jeg har også fått nye øretelefoner!

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Hello frens

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Yesterday our Archbishop uploaded a recorded message directed to children, and in some parts he was playing the harmonica and now he's being memed.
based potato bros.
That's a Hospitaller flag. The bi-colour is more Maltese.

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Hi fren.