Amazing! Is there anything German taxpayer money can't do?
Amazing! Is there anything German taxpayer money can't do?
Pay debts g*rmoids
>German taxpayer money can't do?
being comedians
You are paying for a hot woman in Spain to stay at home and have sex while you suffer in your commieblock
It's the “Germany pays for everything" meme again.
Mehmet, Germany is EU's biggest beneficiary. And its biggest cancer for that matter.
win wars lmao
do germanindas really?
i bet its german banks giving spain loans at interest rates that would make jews blush
you too lmao
now tell me which one was more kino
>i bet
Oh look he's betting! We got a betting man over here! Show some respect!!!
France also lost to the Vietnamese
"The U.S. Military -- not worse than the French military"
Nice slogan lmao
Why are Germans angry all the time? Chill out bro. Enjoy life.
>Enjoy life.
Over my dead body.
upboated my fellow redditor
ok leave then, why you veto for each other so you cant be thrown out, if all you do is pay and not leech from EU. Do you really believe your own bullshit
upgyppoed my fellow sinti
Most of German military history is a absolute joke.
ur moms face is a joke lmao
us europeans have to stick together..stop falling for divide and conquer bros
*brexit your path*
We kicked you out of Europe back in January and we are never letting you back in.
>never fully paid for versailles or WWII war crimes
>complains about being the tax house of Europe
Can germoids be any more ungrateful than this?
>Can germoids be any more ungrateful than this?
We can, and we will prove it.
Your mom got fucked by American niggers and Russians
Congrats, mom!
who is hurting your feelings?
I don't have feelings because I'm not a faggot.
Based robot
Thank you
Why are you so agressive today Hans?
You really need to calm down
Why are M*doids so economically illiterate?
>You really need to calm down
I needn't.
where is this money going to come from?
>inb4 Germany
>where is this money going to come from?
Why do you think southrons insist on eurobonds like spoiled brats?
based germany
Good riddance
Idunno, but I think I know why they're autist incels
Just make Germany pay
Spain can't make printer go brrr because they don't have their own currency, they have the euro. Germany would never approve money printing for gibs so they give some of their tax revenue to countries that would collapse without printer brrrring. So assSpain can either use EU gibs or they can hike their taxes up to pay for it that way, which isn't the greatest idea because business are hurting already as it is.
Why doesn’t Germany just make printer go brrrrrr. It works for America. Are Germans just not as smart as Americans or something?
>Why doesn’t Germany just make printer go brrrrrr
We make southrons go grrrrrrrr.
Because before the 60s all money was backed by gold. So if you brrrr all day your money becomes worthless because the amount of gold doesn't change, your amount of dollars = 1 oz of gold changes. All of the shitty third world currencies would suffer from hyperinflation because they used gold, and when America went off of the Gold standard we decided to buy all shitty 3rd world country's gold in exchange for dollars because dollars are much more stable than their shitcoins. So we would print moneys forever and they would give us gold in return, and now today we have the largest gold reserve in the world, and more than 50% of the world uses US dollars to trade in their own countries instead of their shitty unstable currencies. It does not matter how much brrrrring we do because there are literally quadrillions of dollars floating around the world, not just in America meanwhile the Euro is fairly new and not considered as safe as american dollars
After WW2 your debt was erased, so now you need to pay
>southron BEGGING for free money
Why do southrons + poles have no dignity?
Stop lying Jakub, Spain and Poland are the gypsies of the EU and you know it.
that's a fact, Germany was rebuilt with american money and european forgiveness. Deep down you know that's the truth.
Yeah lets pretend that you didnt make the southern countries get rid of their industry,agriculture and fishing and in exchange gave us some gibs so you could keep selling your bmws
>>that's a fact, Germany was rebuilt with american money
True but so was all of Europe, nobody denies the Marshall plan being effective.
>european forgiveness. Deep down you know that's the truth.
Dividing the country in five and leaving half of it to the commies to exploit us isn't what you would call forgiveness.
Where do you Indonesian retards pull this shit from?
The first one
LOL nothing in life is free, that system made Western Europe enslaved to the US and gave them global dominance by distribution of the US dollar as the de facto world currency. A country like America isn't thinking about charity, don't be an idiot.
>so was all of Europe, nobody denies the Marshall plan being effective.
not really. Certain countries didn't have the comforting ameridollars being poured into their economy.
>Certain countries didn't have the comforting ameridollars being poured into their economy.
Bet you enjoyed those communist years, huh?
The allies could have for ever cripple Germany after 1918 or 1945 but they didn't.
Dividing the country was necessary after WW2 you couldn't be trusted after WW1 and 2.
>er nutzt das Wort southron
Ein veraltetes Wort das vom durchschnittlichen Englischsprachigen schon lange (seit Jahrhunderten) überhaupt nicht mehr gebraucht wird.
Das hast du unbedingt in einem Buch gelesen, wahrscheinlich „Das Lied von Eis und Feuer“ vom Ameriklap George Fett Behinderter Martin
>The allies could have for ever cripple Germany after 1918 or 1945 but they didn't.
You think the Treaty of Versailles was fair? If Germany had won and put you in a similar spot you would be poorer than Rumania. But you wouldn't understand coz as a fr*nchoid your only goal is to feed your inferiority complex and revisionism.
Das ist vor allem freundliches Geplapper. Bin jetzt hundemüde, vergib mir meine sprachlichen Fehler - ich bin Ami, kein Muttersprachler. Grüße aus Ameriklap, mit Bezug auf den OP und seine politischen/wirtschaftlichen Behauptungen stimme ich eigentlich vollkommen zu. Nachti
>"Muh versaille"
And you think it was fair to chimpout after that and destroy completely Europe making it a american slave ?
Germans are just complete autists. Bye
Die Frösche sind zwar ein lateinisches Volk und Land, und Frankreich gilt als einzigartige Kreuzung zwischen: prototypischer lateinischer Faulheit / Chaos / unverwechselbarer Gewohnheit für Ausreden ; UND, durch himmlisches Glück, germanisches Blut an den nördlichen und östlichen Grenzen. Wenn nicht fürs Heilige Römische Reich, das heutige Frankreich wäre ebenso beschißen (als Land, geschichtlich auch) wie seine Mitlateiner Portugal, Italien
Auf jeden Fall sind ALLE Lateiner nur BETTLER, Deutschland gegenüber. Kek wie die Wut ausdrücken nur mit eurer Anwesenheit
>And you think it was fair to chimpout after that and destroy completely Europe making it a american slave ?
French brought the americans into play because they were bitter that they had to admit defeat to Germany like the brits did. We would've been much fairer in a negotiations that you would ever be.
Don’t forget Greece, the Poles actually work desu.
This is good 8/10 bait
It's amazing. Start a thread on Yas Forums with that image and it will fill up with 300+ replies within seconds.