Name a more hated country worldwide
Name a more hated country worldwide
China and North Korea
how was the bat soup for your dinner
what does this mean
i keep seeing it and still have no clue
China is the most hated country in the world.
they are in the western world since it is a convenient bogeyman for your leaders, unfamiliarity and threatening to challenge your position as the global leader
and in Asian countries too but for entirely different reasons
rest of the world have mixed opinions
>that flag
>that post
>they are in the western world
mate, they're hated everywhere
Most of the top contenders are fucking Asian countries
>and in Asian countries too but for entirely different reasons
I wrote this, Asian hatred arise from too much familiarity and long history
You guys know next to nothing about the country so your hate mostly arises from ignorance and fear of the uncertainty
Western Yuros + some shithole spic/mudslime states isn't the whole world
If that was the case then India would also be hated here
The reason China is hated is because lying and deception is a trademark of their culture
see, you know nothing about their culture, the chinese as a whole and the reason why they are like that I doubt you can even name 15 chinese cities
you just see them as a convenient escape to blame all of your problems on even though your nation have interacted with them for a couple hundred years at most
Asian hatred is perfectly acceptable but western hatred is just ridiculous (hehe yellow joos bugmen eat dogs hehe)
>lying and deception is a trademark of their culture
That is a pretty shitty reason considering our government does the same thing often enough. I do hate them for their incompetence. A lot of people are dying or getting fucked by it.
the united hates of hate
whats that fucking cringy word "sino"
only ccp-worshiping anglo chink incels say that shit
t. Zhang
oh no I got BTFO by that statement oh no such a powerful statement
Chinas plan for world domination falls flat because they assume the rest of the world functions with the same honor code - if you get big enough, the other party needs to bow down and respect you. Thats just not how the rest of the world works, and its going to bite them in the ass.
Ok zhang liu, I take that as an admission
>if you get big enough, the other party needs to bow down and respect you
That's the opposite of an honor code
huh, didnt know murdoch, weazel news and republicans are chinese
do they even have this master world domination plan on hand? who told you this?
A code of compliance
Theyre big and want to get bigger, with increasing callousness towards other countries autonomy. Youd have to be an idiot to think its nothing to worry about
>increasing callousness towards other countries autonomy
this part I agree with, I don't even know what the party is thinking it's as if they are run by bunch of engineers with no social knowledge... oh wait
fuck those nerds
thanks user
How is that meaningfully different from the desire to dominate the world, then?
America is far more hated though
I can only think of this as the reason
I don't think they have any desire to control anything though, they have enough trouble handling their own people already
I dream of China being split into smaller states though, but I don't think that will be a reality anytime soon
Well theyre already effectively controlling the economical decision making of some southern european countries, so youre just factually wrong
hi neocon propagandist :)
>If that was the case then India would also be hated here
India isnt nearly as competent or threatening to the West as China is. India bought into the whole 'democracy + freemarkets = good guy' koolaid which the Germans saw as a scam as far back as the 1800s when Friedrich List called for a National System economy based on protectionism to counter the Anglo-Jewish economic infiltration. Germany, Japan, and the US adopted the National System. The US+UK destroyed Germany economically, then Japan, and finally the US imposed its free market system on Europe and the rest of the undeveloped world after WW2 whilst still maintaining its own protectionist economy. Back to India, theyre useful idiots whos failed state is still colonial in nature. They depend on Western financing, Western arms, Western innovation, and ultimately Western global leadership.
USA still has far more influence over anyone. To most people China is just that weird country that makes cheap stuff.
>muh ebil China controls Europe
Fuck off. The Jewnited States of Amerikike have more undue and malevolent influence than any other major power.
That flag is not a country it's a communist party rebel group. Also china only means real true china, taiwan.
why blame it on the china side though? could it be that the governments are the ones that choose to bow down to china instead of a direct intervention from the party?
I am not too big into politics though sry if I am wrong or anythg
I think this is the first time i meet a chinkbot
I am sorry, I cannot lie.
Cope harder Pekka. Once we were done dominating you we should have given you to Ivan straight away.
>Also china only means real true china, taiwan.
its the only "real china" because its weak and dependent on the US. Not the threatening and capable nation of 1.4 billion Chinese who control 99% of Chinese territory, theyre fake china.
edgy stuff, corona cant do its job fast enough
My bad
Yeah Taiwan is powerless with no international recognition and fair diplomacy
>Mistaking banter for actual hate
many such cases
>only 39% in germany
Why do people (Americans) hate Huawei and 5G so much?
Most of the "5G is extremely dangerous" stuff I read comes out of the US.
virus travels through the waves
>wet markets open again in china as of last week
How do we stop them, bros?
they tried to ban it but the locals threw riots I heard? I don't know, most zoomers don't eat that shit only boomers do
>only boomers do it
But I’ve seen so many videos of young Chinese people eating weird shit like live frogs and live rats and so on. Are they just doing it for the camera?
I hope its tasty and worth it. I could never do something like that from a moral standpoint. Rather unnecessary
>*Writhes for its life*