
Hangover edition

Previously on /balk/

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this will be the albania in 2008!!!

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if you're awake at 9AM it's not a real hangover

Do you read other generals/threads on Yas Forums? I only read /balk/ and don’t care about what others are doing on this board, тbh. I just wanna know what my neighbours are up to.

bwahahaha imagine drinking LOL

I don’t enjoy alcohol.

Mnogo me koshtaju zene

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So why did they institute such harsh restrictions in Macedonland?

Mislam zashto od ednas pocna da se siri u provincijata, 10 slucai u prilep, 30 u kumanovo, etc.

U skopje go ladime kurot so samo 13 na den iako ovde zivee pola drzava, ali da gi kontejnirame provincijalcite da ne se rasiri tamu mora i nie da patime.

Btw Bugar u Kumanovo se zarazile skoro site zdravstveni rabotnici, edno 30-40 se pozitivni. Celoto gradche im ostanalo bez doktori, pa im prakjaat od Stip, Bitola lol. Site se ispozarazile bez zastita.

Ovde nema takvo sranje da se desi.

No, what should I read them for?


Does Bulgaria have lower taxes than Mkd? Lel

As far as I know the cars thing is true, much lower cost of cars due to no import taxes from EU.

A bmw x5 can go for like 4000 in Bulgaria while here it will be 6000+ due to import taxes to put it on mk plates. Everyone with a Bulgarian passport can register his car in Bulgaria and never have to pay the 30%.

Yeah, I actually remember how expensive cars used to be before the import taxes fell.

If you have the cash you could make some shekel importing cheap cars from Bulgaria and selling them at a mark up here.

So the first profitable thing once you enter the EU will be to import and resell cars, just as it was here back in the days.

No because if I enter for purpose of resell I need to pay taxes. Not to mention they are already with a mark up here.

Pa dano se opravqt horata tam, ne vseki ot Kumanovo shte e Nojle ta da zaslujava malko korona.

I think it's profitable now before the borders fall. I could get a margin on these cars easily, about €500-1000 per car.

There are some cars that are hugely varied in price here and BG like renault megane. The newer ones go for €4k while here they sell for €6-7k. If the import taxes are brought under €6k there's opportunity.

Hundreds of people here made a comfy living back in the day by doing this. Importing from Germany, Italy and so on, 2-3 times a month. You should do this if you have some understanding of cars, cause I dont and when you buy you need to at least somewhat evaluate the damages it has. And in Germany the sellers lie just as much as here.

5000лв глoбa

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Ye, and it's not even that funny

You must also thank brother Xi

100kg bmi 36

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Feet hurt problems with breathing high blood pressure

If you don't cut your nails every week you are basically a tranny

Still eating

Give me reasons to live

that's how you get fyromnails

I missed so many opportunities to fuck if I think about it. Sad sad sad

Are you 1.50m you disgusting autist turk?

To see Greece

Thats not a good reason

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DDS is higher in Bulgaria 20%/9% (iirc) here it's 18%/5%.
Social security in Bulgaria is greater because you pay on both the employer and the employee side whereas here contributions are deducted only from the gross salary of the employee.
Corporate and personal taxation are both flat rate 10% just like in Bulgaria. Dividend tax is 5% in Bulgaria but regular 10% here.

Here, a company which is classified as small or micro and whose total revenue is below 3 million MKD (~48k€) doesn't pay any corporate tax.
For companies with a turnover between 3 and 6 million (~97k€) the company can choose whether they will pay 1% on their total income or a regular profit tax of 10%.
Companies with a turnover above 6 million MKD pay regular corporate tax of 10%.

The best advantage Bulgaria probably has is that, to register an (E)OOD here you have to deposit a 5,000€ capital whereas in Bulgaria you can do it with 1 BGN. This can be in the form of a deposit in a bank account or if not, you have to go to a registered appraiser who will have to asses the value of the capital you are "investing" (for example equipment and other crap like that) whose value has to be min of 5k€.

Just off my mind.

Ikibey is 167cm same height as Laszlo and also same weight

This general people have a lot in common

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isnt Slon 176?

Nekoj ovde shto ima vozacka dozvola da mi kaze kako ja pominal i kolku platil?
(nikad neam vozeno kola u zivot)


yes he is 176cm wide

I must lose 30kg and avoid hanging skin

Just wait till electricity stops. Would finally be a decent excuse to go out and stay out.

Horizontally yes, vertically 178

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Uff bucko dojdi da te stipnam

are you obese?


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Yes i cant breathe normally anymore

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>spent the last 30 minutes watching Russian slapping contest highlights

you can be a celebrity in america. why don't you move?

I hate niggers and america is full of them


ei dectvenici

Only superior xNTx can reply to this post.

I was ENTJ

Trudno mi e da mu slusham dialekta brat

koi go slusha toa pedal
gledai kurvata mu i natisni M


t. ESFJ subhuman


зaщo винaги инцeлчyгaтa гo нaлaзвa пeдaл? нa тoвa ли ca oбpeчeни инцeлчyгитe :(

Zashto sme edinstvenata durzhava ne spirashta obsluzhvaneto na bankovi krediti?

Nishto osobeno kvo da I gledam


sounds like a classic case of self-hate

Embrace the future

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Scientific fact