
I wish I could save her in some sort of time machine Edition

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>Joan of Arc
you’re a fucking traitor to your country

I wish I could save her in some sort of time

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hey lads how's it foing

The maid of orleans

>God have mercy upon us, we have burned a saint.
Proud Anglo who can respect a fellow patriot of their country. She didn't deserve what we did to her.


>if u are French, she needs to die to be martyr
... why? just why?

her nose is ugly lol

good way to spread the virus

excellent way to spread it to the gypos

She wants a man who doesnt flush

Also sorry to break this to you but I'm pretty sure she won't have sex with you if you rescue her. Iirc that was an important technicality in her trial.

nhs gf

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who gives a fuck about what you think you fucking protestant piece of shit

I do not care for yanks

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quarantine beard starting to itch

shave it off


The only girl I've ever loved
Was born with roses in her eyes
But then we burnéd her alive
One evening, 1431

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Is there anything more cringe than sectarianism in 2020? Like finding one of those Jap soldiers still fighting WW2 40 years after it ended. Grow up.


she likes getting pissed on, she's beyond saving

Another one bites the dust..

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>Another one bites the dust..
you referring to the iranian mass graves?

Modi requested everyone to turn their lights off and light lamps to show solidarity, the leftists found a way to act afraid in that too

are you the lad whose dog saved him from being raped

No thanks.

Off to my scratchers inabit lads

Americans can suck my chode

just performed a miracle waiting for the catholic church to call me back

LOL more have died in JewK, even if you believe the inflated numbers of the opposition in Iran.

which one of your buttfuck cousins back home did we bomb?

I want to finish inside Emma Watson, filling her warm vagina with semen.

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Does that include the 300 who died from drinking industrial grade alcohol or not?

alri chubek, thought you committed sudoku

fingered her bum behind richmond maccas

Anglos have never disliked Jeanne D'Arc.
At her execution several English soldiers wept.
She's a hero in Shakespeare's 1 Henry VI.
Robert Southey the English poet wrote an epic poem about her.
Winston Churchill called her the greatest soldier of all time.

if youre not a vpn user then im shocked Yas Forums is legal to browse in Iran

Have you ever eaten at Bobby Sands Burgers?

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How would Australians describe the countryside?

She’s still a dirty p*pist though.


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no jobs
too hot
old people

hoo hoo hoo

doin a poo

whoa whoa whoa

pooin some mo'

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

If you Brits didn't martyr her she wouldn't be nearly as important.

Oi cunts wot a fresh day to get our cunts barbied

Include that if you want, white boi. You beat us by 2000 not 200.

Only 4channel is open here.

Shitty burgers. I once got a girl's number in tgat street tho.

Instead of UK,
Becsuee jew rhymes with U and you own their country so.


need i even say more haha

Is this the thread for the discussion of British culture?

Draining the Oceans

>Only 4channel is open here.
ah so they havent got word of the split yet. We'll I would be careful, browse the wrong thread and you're on a list

vpn larp


It's murder on the dancefloor!
But you better not kill the groove

Iran is based

China missed a golden oppurtunity by not claiming COVID 19 was in every single chinese town and getting rid of political opponents, then writing their deaths of as corona


got nonced by my hot female primary school teacher when i was 8

did you just

is she an NHS gf because she's obese?

Necking a jar of Emma Watson’s diarrhea.


tell me about emmayank. why does he neck the jar

hi lads :3


Boris Johnson is wholly unfit to be the prime minister of England.
First, he is American.
Secondly, he is a Turk.
Thirdly, he is a fat retard.

I rest my case. Dare anyone disagree?

hi briyewt

>Are we closing because of the State of Emergency?
>No, see you tomorrow

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the definition of drivel



LOL je te connais, t'es le francias d'autre thread. Dis "Anglos literally lost the war to a teenage girl" une autre fois.

>First, he is American

is that an automated dick sucking machine?

proxy off spacker

>Johnson was born on 19 June 1964 in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York City

They targeted gamers...

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Bit overcast here in 'Sunny Sydney' lads, might rain/storm

پراکسی ایران از کجا میخواد کسی پیدا کنه آخه دودول بریده؟

what’s he doing here then