>your country
>the best fast food restaurant in your country
I'll start with flag and pic related.
Your country
It's Popeye's, KFC, or Quiznos. Taco Bell is the very worst.
I’m disgusted by all fast food. I got used by a fat bitch for a month and she constantly made me go through drive thrus for her. She is the most disgusting person I have ever met. Now the thought of fast food disgusts me. I won’t turn it down if someone buys it for me, but i’m never getting fast food again.
terrible taste.
You just named the worst 3 lmao
Says the person who thinks Diarrhea Inc is the best fast food restaurant in the entire country.
god i'd love a burrito right now. as soon as this fuckin quarantine is over i'm going to take a burrito.
That shit have no taste compared to subway
kfc is legitimately disgusting.
>le epic mexican taco bell diarrhea maymay
you are weak
Imagine getting the shits from lukewarm hot sauce.
We only have 2 fast food joints wich worth mentioning: Habibs and Bob's
For me it's Habibs
Hands down it's Harvey's. Best burgers I've ever had.
Pollo Feliz xd
the brisket sandwhiches from arbys are the best fast food meal you can buy in america
It's an uninteresting meme answer but Chick Fil A
Taco Bell is my second favorite
The only chains we have are the standard american ones, the single best fast food restaurant is probably some shoddy looking currywurst or kebab shop somewhere
We have this in Arizona. It’s pretty good.
Los Pollos Encarbonados.
uh oh! datamine!!!
lol where is it?
For me? Well, for me it's Feijão de Corda.
I like Burger Ranch.
I rarely see anyone mention Chruch's chicken
infinitely better
pic related is about less than 2 dollars
las que me haces con tus jetas
Raising Canes, Zaxbys, Chic fil A, In n out, and Jack in the Box are the only good fast food places with Chic Fil A being the best because it's reliably good and across the country
For me, it's Hungry Jacks. Especially the ones with the 'diner' interior. We just got Taco Bell over here but haven't got to try it yet.
Lol are you on drugs?
It goes: Panera Bread > In n Out >>>> all that other garbage americans pass off as food.
Looks good, what exactly is the chicken?
In n out is only west coast, if I didn't deduct points for unavailability Raising Canes would be the best fastfood with innout being second.
We don't have fast food because we still have some dignity
You have utter shit taste. Taco bell is fucking mediocre. Americanized mexican "food" is cringe.
Does Wawa count?
here there's only KFC and McDonald's
I like McDonald's desu, I ate only once at BK and one time at Five Guys, Five guys was good, but the best burger I've eaten was some bacon burger from BK, the thing was fucking massive, not very big mind you, normal burger size, but holding it in my hand it felt really heavy, compared to all burgers
it was delicious, one day I'll go to BK and order four of them, I hope that wasn't a limited edition thing
I don't know. I think they just say saute for that one, but I am not sure
Hungry Jack’s < US BK < NZ BK
In my humble opinion.
The Taco Bell in auckland was shite compared to the US imo. Taco bell should NOT have fries.
I don't have high hopes for Australian Taco Bell, the branding for it has this yuppie sheen that makes me puke. I want trashy fast food tacos that aren't pretending to be something else. That's the way our fast food tends to be marketed over here, trying to be like 'real food' when it so clearly isn't.
Vazgen's shaverma
It really depends on what you want. Burger King for burgers, Jack In The Box for cheap stoner-tier food, Taco Bell for knock-off Mexican takeout, and Church's for fried chicken. For everything else you should probably go to a local restaurant.
I'd probably say kebab shops. It's cheap, filling and delicious.
amerian fastfood is really shitty
you have average tasting food with shit quality served everywhere
The best fast food burgers are from Peru
Bembos is so fucking supreme it beats McDonalds and BurgerKing in every aspect
I need to taste that some day.
hesburger is better than any american fastfood place. it's a bout the mayo, and not making the hamburger fucking disgusting like americans often do.
>whole salmon
I love salmon myself, but is it actually fast food? Salmon gets nasty when left to sit.
>tfw can get an entire meal for the same price as a shack burger
In n out feels
The only thing they leave to sit are the sandwiches I believe. Everything else is freshly prepared when you order it.
Moms touch
Based thigh burger
Greggs is love, Greggs is life
That's what I meant. Seems more like fast casual than true fast food.
This is probably one of the better Mexican chains in my area, but Alberts, Birrieria San Marcos and Senor Fish are pretty damn good too.
Zankou is personally my favorite fast food chain but they're not cheap, Yoshinoya is good too one in my area was part of a short lived pilot program where they actually sold sushi, but it never took off, was actually pretty good.
Best burger chain here is a tie between In-N-Out and Carl's Jr. Best fast food hamburger chain I've ever been to is Bembos, but they only have those in Peru.
Greggs sausage roll reigns supreme but for everything else.
so do fast food chains in the states prepare everything beforehand and just let it sit? Not even mcdonalds does that here. I mean ofc they have the basic shit done already but if you order a large burger, most of the times you have to wait and they bring it to your table
Mcdonalds wins since it's the only one present apart from a single Burger King and a single KFC
pic related, i always order a triple burger with bacon,eggs,cheese and maple syrup
Weird that you have other chain bakers up north, here its almost all independent ones or at least a couple of branches of the same shop in each town
That syringer is maple syrup? Why sauce not in small bowl? So weird in ma eyes