How friendly is your country to feminine boys?
How friendly is your country to feminine boys?
Put it in, ask for name later.
I think it's really friendly desu. Nobody cares in my experience. (not that I'm a femboy but still)
You sound like a cumslut though.
How so?
Well, I would say that from what I observed, they often are very common in my country, but if they act too effeminate, they will be treated as clowns or caricatures by the media. However, some girls in my country enjoy their aesthetic because they remind them of kpop boys.
Just swedish things I guess.
Very friendly, especially in Amsterdam
Are you implying that you're a femboy, op?
OP is obviously craving cocks right now.
But where's the romance? That doesn't sound very French.
Isn't there some catholic-based hatred for them, or are the Philippine more like Thailand?
I don't know. When are you free? I failed uni anyway, so nothing's holding me anywhere.
Not sure about my country, but my cock certainly is
back to your containment board wannabe tranny
when did you turn feminine lithweeb?
But people there are stupid and annoying. I came back to here for intellectual stimulus, peace, and to overcome my mental issues.
When my cousin's friend made fun of me for shaving my legs. I don't know actually.
wanna have a date if I ever visit lithuania?
We elected one as our prime minister
I don't know. I'm pretty anxious about people in real life. I hardly leave my room. Today was the first time I ate in a week because I just couldn't force myself out. Pretty much gave up on any kind of real life relationship.
very unless you're their son
you wouldn't even give me a try?
whatever you say, you'll eventually go back anyway
So it's like an open secret or what? Why is it okay for others, but not your son?
I'm also very obsessive and get upset easily. Can't handle people at all.
I won't. I'm less and less on Yas Forums anyway.
darn it
How old are you user?
Too friendly these days.
How do I get a white bf
Shot through the heart.
Lets hope so, that place is just complete shit for ones mental state.
I'm not saying I couldn't love you. I'd probably even get very obsessed and insecure towards you, given the chance. But I'm an idealist. And nothing ever works out for me. It's funny how like 80% of people who propose to me around here are from Latin America.
Just be yourself. All races are equal.
>tfw Yas Forums made you threaten to stab your dad
It is indeed.
more than it should be
>very obsessed and insecure towards you
Care to elaborate? I think I may have this too to an extent. Especially the obsessed part.
Pick your bf
how tall are you?
oh come on I didn't propose to you or anything, I'm just saying like, if I ever happen to be in town, you know?
>>tfw Yas Forums made you threaten to stab your dad
Story behind this?
If you are homosex, you are a genetic dead end.
Withdraw from public forums pls.
Gays get the rope
Cum ropes
Cringe duo.
I suggest an intense session of making out to repel the cringe
Arvo! Arvo hanki voiteluaineen! :DDDD
The future is now, Yas Forums man.
I get very possessive of people and think that everyone hates me constantly. I feel like very moment of my life is a mistake. Every movement I make, every thing I say. I need a lot of reassurance and support and it's never enough anyway.
Too tall.
Well, I don't know. Some Swedish guy in Norway once wanted to meet me to bash my head in, so it's a bit of a gamble with people here.
Nothing really. I keep a knife in my room. Threatened my dad with it because I didn't want to go out during Christmas. Well, it's maybe more complicated than that, but not serious. Nothing came of it. I was already a violent at times and moody at all times as a child.
I don't like to hurt people
unless it's like a sexual thing and the other party agrees
what I'm trying to say is I wouldn't bash your head in
O fug :DDD
Howd my benis get govered in boo?? :DDDDDD
Oh, I thought you meant like someone on Yas Forums got you to threaten your dad with a knife
I don't want to be hurt, just submit to someone I can trust. Someone who'd appreciate me giving myself up to them. Maybe I wouldn't mind the sexual thing if it's what they wanted, but the most important part is that they love me emotionally. But this is all just a fantasy. Real life is not like this. I can't handle anything it thrown at me, so I just lock myself in my room.
Nah. I was fucked even before Yas Forums.
I would say that some catholics dislike them, but I know a lot of them who do not exactly embrace them, but just see the as laughingstocks and harmless. They usually are stock characters in the the tv shows in my country or those seen in the parlor.
kodėl Yas Forums visai Lietuvai uždirbai rangeban?
In addition, I would say that in cosplay conventions, a lot of them make very convincing girls.
I see, I'm not a huge fan of rough sex, I'm more of a romantic-kinda guy but I guess just cause I'm big or energetic many boys like it when I'm rough but I'm on the same boat as you, I just want some love
>a lot of them make very convincing girls
Being shorter probably helps. I'm sorry, but the Filipinos I saw in Norway can be real damn short. I wish I was.
Visai? Turėtų būti tik mobiliesiems tinklams. Netyčia. Luktelėk gal kelias savaites, gal kelis mėnesius. Šiaip tai paslaugą padariau. Nėra ko toje makalynėje murkdytis.
Talk like this makes me so sad. It's not something I'll ever have. True love isn't even real and I'm not a cute girl someone can keep as a neet pet. And all the other stuff. I hardly understand my mental disorders. Or accept I even have any. Life's just so exhausting, user. We were born mistakes.
hey don't say that, we're both young, I'm sure we'll both find someone who loves us someday, soon hopefully, but someday for sure
Nežinau, aš ant mobilaus tinklo.
Ai px, t'sakant. Gal tu ir teisus. Tik neatimk iš manęs Yas Forums, gerai? Prašau.
It's not even that, user. I may have what's been described like a "severe case of OCPD". I personally refuse to believe anything's wrong with me, which only makes it worse. Life's just so overwhelming.
Tai taip, tik mobilūs užblokuoti. Nemanau, kad Yas Forums užblokuotų, nes čia tiesiog per daug žmonių. Bet šiaip ar taip aš neketinu čia pasilikti.
I do need to sleep. It's 07:00 already.
yeah I've been prescribed with some stuff too, the best thing you can do is accept who you are, if you hate yourself you'll only bring pain to yourself
I'm going to bed, I hope to see you again sometime you seem like a good person
You are not cute
In my home country they cut this gay guys finger of at the university because he was gay. He got it sowed back on though.
Not friendly at all
Not very
I'm sorry I'm not into feminine boys I only love curvy shemales
Goodnight. I hope we don't meet though. I want to spend the least amount of time possible here. And I'm not a good person. I sleep now too.