
BLACKED edition

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leah gotti

I'll watch a blacked movie today

Burn the toll, pay the coal!

>this is someone’s daughter

she's got quite a big willy doesn't she


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Damn imagine her sucking on that cock haha

She earns more money than your whole family, so, who fucking cares?


S to Boris

And I'm supposed to compete against THIS?

what is your purpose of visit to korea, james?

wish i was her

Do you believe that porn is relevant?

so, would you let a guy with 9 inch cock pierce your intestines for $10000?

What a fucking based /brit/ general

I wish it wasn't but it is

Not me, but my daughter.

I'd do it for free.

>/brit/ general
>not a single british flag in sight


>You will not be required to submit your emTMA for this module because of the challenges arising from the current Covid-19 pandemic.

>Your module result will now be informed by your continuous assessment scores on this module. The exam board will take into account a range of factors, including giving consideration to the current coronavirus pandemic situation, when determining your module result

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did he really died?

Um, hello, department of BASEDNESS?

/brit/ is the most 'international' general.

It isn't, porn actresses demand more money to work with blacks


most women do it for free

because they don't like it when their thread is deleted

i wish i could did that on her tits.

Not yet but it's gonna happen 90+% guaranteed.

>Liberty Cabbage - Coined during the First World War as a substitute for the word sauerkraut,[1][2][3] which had been borrowed from German around 1600.[4]

Get in lad, hoping the same applies to my unitoil.

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people are actually using this edition?

Imagine how we'd solve every single one of our problems in Australia if the government nationalised all pokies and natural resources

could do*

we're in here

Figured out why they're whinging, turn s out Sephiroth can time travel and is atempting to recreate events from the original in the remake so he can win or something.

Sounds pretty interesting to me but you know what those autists are like.

blue board homie

what's funny is his dick isnt even that big

*hits pipe*

Seething whi boi, this is the real general

joe, scientifically speaking, smoking psychedelics is essentially lifting weights with your mind like a jedi.

would you gag on a bbc to save boris

i would gag on a bbc for free

Why is this thread still alive?

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jannies and mods are jews who will delete only things that go against their globokike agenda, everything else stays as long as possible before it gets too obvious.

this is too obvious


apparently not since the user is having to ask.

She's an adult. She can make her own decisions.

She is active on Instagram

checks out

Janny's gonna flip once he sees this


I thought Skoreans hated black ppl

American ones do, because of the LA riots. But the ones in Korea try to copy them...

sorry, didn't bojo advocate herd immunity and was going willy nilly shaking hands mere weeks ago
can I say well deserved? Darwinism at work?
he did put many who would've been fine at risk

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