The blackest city in Brazil

The blackest city in Brazil

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The whitest city in Brazil


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Salvador isn't ugly
wouldn't live there tho

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salvador da bahia is still better


Tell me about race relations in Brazil. Is there any sort of economic and social segregation like in the US or South Africa? What are the biggest ethnic groups? I actually didn't know that Brazil is so racially diverse until recently



Whitest city in Brazil, lol

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nice tree

Salvador de Bahia is 100% SOUL


S O U L (and you are not white)

Brazil can be peak SOUL at times.

Why Bahia?

Attached: Pelourinho.jpg (1080x1350, 201.05K)

Minas sempre será o melhor estado.


Blacks = northeast, favelas, poorest and most violent
Italians/Portuguese = southeast, economic backbone and highest development
Natives = north, low population and irrelevant
Germs/Slavs/Poles = south, euro wannabes

There's plenty of social and economic segregation but it's not a de facto apartheid, capitals tend to be more mixed.


I'm not a racist so I don't see the difference :^)

Absolutely kino

lmao is this the only good looking street of their shithole

>Italians/Portuguese = southeast, economic backbone and highest development
Wrong. Most of us are typical Brazilians with some Arab ancestry here and there, probably no more than 5% white.

Wait a second, I live in this city


In Brazil, as consequence of colonial social structure kept during whole imperial period, the racism did mix with social classes differences. So the elites can be racist disguising it as hate against working class people and cultural legitimacy to explore them like their ancestrals did during whole brazilian history. Some execptions can appear, but they are seen as in individuals level and they work as exceptions who legitimate this social behaviour.

I bet in a sunny day is gorgeous. Has a portuguese vibe indeed

meant to quote

Attached: Bandeira (3).jpg (810x810, 71.47K)

I think this was meant for you
Don't know why he says the southeast is the most developed, thought. Afaik is Sao Paulo and the South

>race relations
Blacks are migrating to white states and destroying what the whites built, they make huts out of corrugated steel instead of straw like they would do in africa.

Salvador is cute and pulsant

Attached: Salvador (2).jpg (890x1112, 334.29K)

Not our fault that your women are huge into BBC.

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SP is southeast and it mogs every other state on basically everything.
I'm not from SP btw.

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literally looks like Coimbra or old part of Lisbon.

>on basically everything.
On cuck statistics maybe, but not when it comes to history and culture. I'm from São Paulo.

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This, I also see plenty of wh*toids coming to Bahia to taste our BBC (big baiano cock)

Not even close. This city is brown as fuck.
I live 1 hour away


Silence nigger, you will never amount to anything or sway any minds no matter how much you spam your cuck fantasies.

Portuguese architecture and dirt

Salvador is also known as Black Rome, because is the city with biggest african population (~85% of city population has african ancestry in some degree) outside Africa

Attached: Salvador.jpg (4000x2667, 2.6M)

>I'm from São Paulo.
sure thing, cabeça chata

>Italians/Portuguese = southeast, economic backbone and highest development
Yeah, I've seem some of these southeast """""""""""italians/portuguese"""""""""
>Germs/Slavs/Poles = south, euro wannabes
The cities populated by slavs are as poor as any other, homever german cities are always extremely developed, even though they didn't received any gibs from most of their history

An old signon/signoff generic from a Salvador TV station from 80's showing Salvador at that period

Santa Catarina is the best state in all of the important things

Not only am I from São Paulo I'm also from the wealthiest region of the state (Zona Oeste da capital).

You can bitch all you want in the depths of the internet, pink cucks. Your women will continue getting blacked and there's absolutely nothing you can do but continue to bitch about it in the depths of the internet circlejerking with your fellow pink cucks.

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Todos os paulistas são cabeças chatas hoje em dia.
Paulistas do tipo italiano estão extintos ou se miscigenaram.


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I want to sniff their asses

>posts a literal homossexual larping as a straight man for PR reasons

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That's some next level larpery I'll give em that.

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they are the same?

wtf I can see they panties

Is it true there's a Confederate American community in Southern Brazil?

They are from Fortaleza, Ceará state

Nego do Borel is a closet homo


No, it's in São Paulo, and they still celebrate confederate stuff despite being all brown today. lol

What's the crime like?

It's in SP.

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>Brazil and Colombia should racemix more with each other post #5918275919258