/dixie/ - Southern US + friends

Snek edition

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No I wouldn't eat a bug. the mother fugers could taste like pumpkin pie but I wouldn't know because I dont eat the filthy things.

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fried crickets are good but it's not something i'd eat regularly


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I just hope when they mass manufacture them, they say on the label for people who don't want to eat them on accident.

i am going to squee

you don't manufacture bugs, you farm them
you wanna be rich? become a bug farmer

You may not like it, but this is what peak automotive performance looks like. Can't believe these things sat unsold at dealerships.

yeah I know. they will have bug flour, sugar, cereal, candies; pretty much whatever they can, they will. It will be the food of the poor and only the rich will eat "traditional" chicken, pork, duck, lamb, and beef. get ready for your new food slaves.

take your meds

i thought bugs weren't that sustainable

I hope they are not.

My environmentalist friend from college became a bug farmer and is now on welfare


they aren't, all the schizos who think we're going to be forced to eat bugs are retarded
we could probably support 15 billion people at western levels of comfort if we converted most land devoted to livestock into growing shit like soybeans

>ugh bugs are fucking disgusting I'd never eat one
he says as he chomps down on a hotdog made out of grinded pig feet and cow anuses

500 million is the max the human population should be
don't @me

I think you mean 327.2 million

counting space colonization on other planets or not?

>guidestones posting

I forgot the US will always be the only country to ever colonize space.

Can't wait for space travel to be a reality. Europeans will create 'Ban spacetravel' movements to preserve the space enviroment or whatever

them stones are pretty retarded. I tell you hwut.

there will be more people living off planet than on planet within 150 years, screencap this and hand it down to your grandchildren

Are you, by any chance, made out of stone and located in Elberton


>more people living off planet than on planet within 150 years
are we exporting china or all of africa to space?

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Reminder that Euros can't into space


the chinks are going to settle space in the same numbers that westerners will

I didnt know they had working rocket ships.

nigger they have their own space station

guess it wasn't very rememberable. whats it called?

The [NOT A PRISON] station

tiangong-2 i think
their space program is a fucking joke tho. the organizations that run the ISS refuse to allow docking with chinese vessels because the chinese like to steal tech and they're very reckless while maneuvering

Did somebody say PIG FEET?

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the only reason humans went into space and landed on the moon was because there was a political incentive behind it at the time (the space race in the cold war), as long as the countries have no major motivation to continue developing the tech for space travel, they'll keep slashing the budgets of their space programs and instead spend the money on more pressing issues at the time
imagine how much shit would get done if the USSR didn't collapse and the space race kept going, we'd all be living on the moon right now

hey... what happened to Tiangong-1

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>only reason
how about conquest and adventure
something the yuropeens forgot a century ago

no one thinks that the US is going to colonize space. once launch costs get down to $1000/kg, it's likely that it will become economically viable to put industry in space and at that point there will be an incentive to build up orbital infrastructure that will bring down orbiting costs to ridiculously low levels

The fucking Chinese let it burn in the atmosphere. It didn't completely incinerate so there was a chance on the fucking thing falling on someone

the chinese lost control of it and it crashed into the ocean

you haven't been on the moon for 50 years and the US government keeps slashing NASA's budget to put more money into the already gigantic defense funding

>this shit from nbcnews.
oh. well good thing they had a backup huh?

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>asteroid mining becomes a major business
>gold and other minerals loses its value
>oil runs out
>US dollar is now backed by nothing
what now


>implying the usd is backed by anything now

>US dollar is backed by the space planets and moons it owns
>space resorts & space cotton plantations.
thats what. very uncomplicated.

No problem, it will be backed by pig feet

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>Our money used to be backed by gold and silver. That changed with Nixon aka the Nixon Shock, back in 1971. This enabled the fed to print money, and lend it with interest to smaller banks. Thus stimulating "growth," and making money for the Federal Reserve (remember, the Federal Reserve is a private, for profit bank, and is NOT part of our government. They just controll our money in secracy).

>But wait a minute? How do you print money you do not have, and then lend it with interest and make money from nothing? How does that make an economy grow? It doesn't! It's a house of cards, ready to collapse on itself. This craziness has lead to the worst recession in our history. It is worse than the media reports. The real unemployment rate is closer to 22 percent. Our homes have lost value, our towns are bankrupt, and more and more people are joing the unemployed.

>Why? Because you CANNOT just print money! Debt = money in our current system! Our grandparents did not buy things with credit cards they way we do today. Why? Money was still backed by something real, gold! People were more conservative, and lived within their means. Today, it's buy now pay later, that is bad! Credit consumer debt is money in the bank. It's CRAZY! check out Iceland. We must change this system for the sake of our children.

>itt: retards bitch about the fiat system without knowing how it works

who's bitching

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hinds will start shilling for the gold standard within 10 minutes

what are you talking about? I try to agree with you and you accuse me of siding with the Czech? I know how the fiat system works.

this is a thread for americans(and their friends) who dislike other americans

petrodollar is a meme concept and people who use it should be shot

you've shilled for it before

I have a lot of dislike as well as like to go around.

can we go back to talking about space

that was when I felt like it.

i'm optimistic about the future of space colonization. we have the tech required to build up infrastructure in low and medium earth orbit and at that point, 99% of the effort required to get to the asteroid belt is already taken care of. i think with the progression we're seeing coming out of private spaceflight companies, we'll start to put industry in space within 50 years

im fucking tired as dogshit

star trek said space was the final frontier. thats what.
what did you do

The world would be a better place if we all loved each other :)

whats the catch?