what are some boards you would add to Yas Forums?
I would add a true crime board /tc/
What are some boards you would add to Yas Forums?
/gif/ without all the disgusting fetish stuff
That's /wsg/
I would add religion
/gint/ International Generals
Make a separate board for Maths and break i from /sci/
>That's /wsg/
but I still wanna coom
that's still fetish, a porn fetish
leftypol unironically
this is 4channel.
And I would add
/intg/ - int generals (if people try to post generals here they'd get permabanned)
/mutt/ - americans (americans would be rangebanned from other boards)
/wspol/ - work safe Yas Forums to contain the racist and transphobic kids that weren't already contained by the rangeban of americans
/frog/ - frog posters for frog posting scum who hate anime
Medieval poetry /mp/
Coom to magazines
Yeah, religion and philosophy board would be cool.
Also take "and humanities" out from /his
everyone would just post cats.
/uni/ board when?
I would have like a /mutt/ board as a April 1st joke instead of corona shit
that's just /gu/sic
I can’t think of any board that’s needed
Based libtard
Yas Forums is retarded alt-right sensationalism
good choice
A knitting board
The last time I tried, I convinced Hiro in his Q&A to create /his/
Never again...
>Based libtard
thats not a bad idea, /leftypol/ would be a containment board for commies like Yas Forums is for nazis. win-win
Something like Yas Forums but SFW and with no spam.
It's Yas Forums but new
a place where nice posters and go n chat and blog post with eachother and do silly not really offensive humor. strict insta ban on violent/hateful content.
yeah this
/fags/ where we can discuss smoking cigarettes
its trash, worse than nsfw Yas Forums
t. ylilauta
/nfg/ Name Fags
To contain namefags
Medicine board, where we post pictures of sores, scabs, growths and whatnot the diagnise and comment
There would be turd health threads but its ok
no, that would be too strict for Yas Forums standards
just implement an Yas Forums-like rule where you have to be respectful to each other and if you're not you'll get warned
stop screaming, retarded tripfag
International generals
Fuck no, someone would come in with a minor illness and end up making mustard gas, we'd end up on the news.
That will just be another r9k but without the trannies, but with too many assblasted jannies and mods
Their own fault
Its internet and not a certified doctor
Nothing would be cured and there would be literal shit posting
I dont think it can get any better than that
I would introduce BLACKboards. My top choices would be /guro/, /scat/, /zoo/, /tor/ture, /gore/fest, /con/fessions,
No need to create a new board, just ban all the faggots outside of lgbt
Any board where traps/trannies, frogs and jack posts are banned on sight, lets call it /div0/.
Yas Forums is for leftards also.
/sxp/ - sexpats
/intc/ international celibacy
>frog/gigachad/wojaknigger containment board
>board for race science/haplotype autism
>/lgb/, trannies banned
>turn /t/ into a private tracker
So webmd but worse
/reddit/ a board for everyone who post pepe and wojack
/fem/ - a board for femanons
Wasn't Yas Forums 'fitness and health' some years ago?
/hum/ for general humanities would be good. Basically /sci/ but for soft sciences.
At least you know what you are getting into there.
Excuse me i have to wash my eyes with bleach.
This is a good idea
You just described Yas Forums
I thought that'd be just for French people lol
No offence
A religion board would move all the garbage religion threads off of /sci/, /his/ and /lit/
Red /LGBT/
A containment board for Yas Forums‘s kpop generals