Forget about Liberal and Conservative, Right or Left for a moment. Forget about Justin Trudeau. What should we as a country, aim to do. What should Canada's goals be?
Forget about Liberal and Conservative, Right or Left for a moment. Forget about Justin Trudeau...
Increase the population not through immigration and become less reliant on US or China. Restart the manufacturing industry
Kill the US.
Not rely 70% of our trade with the US.
rape xhinks
>Restart the manufacturing industry
Abolish women's rights. No good has come of that.
I think we need to do whatever we can to set up a great economy, our banks are pretty strong though, we just need good investment and hard work.
We also really need to update our education, we need the best of the best in the world. For future generations to come, we need to be prepared for every possible situation.
We need to address housing and find a solution for it, we need to bring in real estate experts into our government and we need to find a way to deal with this stuff.
the canadian govt should ban all canadians from posting here.
What will I do in my day to day?
>The Great Canadian Firewall
Not a bad idea
the commonwealth
The destruction of the USA
Actually do our own shit instead of relying on Am*Rica like we used to do.
Start speeding along global warming to get some sick new usable land up north
You should go on strike for more money
Canada's lagging behind other developed countries in productivity so we need to figure out what's going on and fix it. We also need to work to be less dependent on the US.
Mulroney liquidating Canada Development Corporation and instituting new laws and rules to make it impossible for the Canadian government to impose industrial policy or directly start a strategically critical commercial enterprise was a huge mistake.
It should be reversed soon, and the governments, both at provincial and federal levels, should create capacity to manufacture critical goods if the private sector won't do it.
establishing the first NDP federal government
>lagging behind other developed countries in productivity so we need to figure out what's going on and fix it
Look at the traffic jam and the commute time in Toronto and Vancouver versus most major cities in the industrialized nations. So much money is being lost with all those cars and trucks stuck on the highway. Canadians work longer hours than the OECD average, and the work quality is very competitive against American and German workers, so it's not laziness like the National Post likes to imply every time they mention productivity. Canada has lagged OECD average in infrastructure investment since the mid 90s when Liberals came in power and slashed spending left and right to balance the budget. With growing population, the government should have loosened purse string to invest in infrastructure and increase overall efficiency of the economy (even if that means budget deficit or tax hike in the short-to-medium term), but that has yet to happen.
Annex New England, West Coast USA, and the Midwest. Bomb Texas + everything in the South sans Virginia. I'll help you.
Autarky. Big navy. Nuclear weapons. Everyone should fuck off
an aggressive expansion into the arctic. dab on the ivans
This and also establish the greater French empire by committing lebensraum in the US
manufacturing, stabilize population, protect the environment, give everybody a living wage and healthcare, self-sustainability. We all know that's a fairytale, we are slaves to china and america and our land will be ruined by yellow mans greed.
Nah I know a guy who does coast guard in the Arctic they Ivans sorta don’t give a shit about the Arctic everyone cooperates pretty well up there
I know you're a russian grifter retard
Canada Superpower 2030
Imagine if we ramped up production to the likes of Nazi Germany in World War II.
and have the united states invade? are you retarded? also germany literally had shit for production. even the russians out did them. kys
>all these people thinking manufacturing could ever come back to the first world while there's still third world countries to exploit.
>deport every immigrant that "earns" less than 50k/yr. Force them to sell any real estate, tax the sale at 90% on the gains.
>Force the sale of all foreign owned residential real estate, tax the gains at 100%
>Anyone who landed in the last 10 years must pay an immigrant tax, anyone who arrives must pay this for 10 years, citizenship can only be granted after this period, the tax is an extra 10% on all income non-bracketed, this tax is waived for entrepreneurs who hire Canadians
>anyone who gives a job to a foreigner over a canadian must prove there was no qualified canadian candidate
>foreigners can no longer buy real estate
>all hospital visitors must pay 50$ regardless of their reason for visiting the hospital
>univershitty funding is hereby cut in half, the money will be poured into mining and manufacturing
>voting requires a license, you must be 25 years old and take a test similar to a drivers license, you must retest every 10 years, the test is on Canadian history and current events, politics and economics, you need 80% to pass.
>if you are caught smoking weed and driving you lose your license day 1 and the fine is 5000$
>tuition subsidies are hereby cut in half, students must pay their way, employers must show valid reason for mandating higher education for entry level jobs
>workers get minimum 4 weeks vacation effective immediately
>union membership cannot be mandatory
>all politicians salaries are hereby cut in half
There I fixed Canada.
Relax im just larping
This is no way accurate at all we do have fucking bases up there LOL there is a few in nunavut
oplan oil monkey
>let alberta be retarded with their industry
>let it collapse
>withhold federales money
>incentivize departure from the province
>mass brain drain
>let it collapse into detroit 2.0
anyone catch me?
Make it so foreigner cannot buy property there
imagine thinking the liberals are left wing lol
Kill yourself
canada is so irrelevant and backwards that the only response we have a few bases in the arctic.
Let China build an airbase in Saskatchewan for 2 trillion
unironically the best way to dab on the united states
they don't hate the gays so that makes them left wing.
invade Alsaka, Maine and Michigan
fifty year ban on immigration except for Asian females
build a big beaver in Nunavut or something
revert to an 18th century style Crown Dominion
Chicken tendies program for children at school and NEETs at home. Social credit except it's good boy points
Enough nukes and fallout shelters to survive the coronapocalypse
socialized mommies
pref. with big milccies
invest in R&D for manufacturing automation so that it can be cost effective to manufacture domestically without paying workers pennies. Make sure to keep all the R&D fed-owned, we have a bad history of auctioning off crown corporations to someone who then proceeds to fuck us over (cough 407)
>Highway 407
>unprecedented 99-year lease in effect until 2098
>Spanish construction company owns half of the lease
>no restriction on how much they can increase the toll
>$66 to drive one way across its length (about 100 km)
>sold it all for $3.1 billion
>now valued at $32.5 billion
>the party that created this mess back in power
>people who did this didn't get kicked out from that party, they're now back in the government looking for the next thing to sell at below value price and receive secret kickbacks on
Lel ontario is the biggest shitstain there is. Landing in yyz is like landing in mumbai now.
welcome to corruption in Canada. It's not flagrant bullshit like bribing cops in the third world, it's all about contracts and legislation in the great white north
You’re definitely not wrong but saying we have no defense up there is dumb because we do albeit probably run by eskimos
We should annex Alaska, become great allies with Russia to finally kill the southron muttified ‘’country’’ of the US. Also ban immigration but allow Asian women only. Split the country in half, East stays French and west stats Anglo.
Imagine being Canadian and living in a big city. As if you haven’t all moved to the Yukon and are just living the best /out/ life possible
Make Amerimutts seethe at any cost. Also organize public school trips to provincial parks and other outdoors stuff.
your school didn't do that? we went to canoe trips every year.
No, not in Toronto. I really enjoyed going to summer camp and going camping with my dad, but I realize a lot of my friends growing up never experienced that kind of stuff.
prepare for the eventual american invasion. build a strategic nuclear stockpile for defense.
yeah that's pretty good
damn dude based redpilled bro top kek you win the internets btfo how will they ever recover
Based but no politician has the balls to do that.
Canada will be the stepping stone of a new stage of history. Canada will be an example for all.
Rural Canada is mostly farmland. In order to see the mountains and woods you need to drive way the fuck up north or hope you have a decent park nearby in your province.
this. They don't honor trade when they block the masks coming to us.