Can anyone explain to me why they called him "King of the Jews" when they nailed Yeshua to a cross?

Can anyone explain to me why they called him "King of the Jews" when they nailed Yeshua to a cross?

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because that's what He is

the Jews don't like Jesus.

>Romans wrote the reason for the condemnation of those who were crucified.
>Pilate asked Jesus if he was the King of the Jews

The messiah is the king of the jews sent by god that would save Israel.
Romans put INRI (Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum - Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews) on his cross and put a crown of spines on his head as a joke.

is this written in the bible?
can you point to me where?
or what historian talks about it.

>on his cross and put a crown of spines on his head as a joke.

I see now.

It's in the Bible and historic discussion of this is based on the Bible

yes, it is part of the bible. pilato asks him "are you the king of the jews?" and jesus answers "you have said it"

> retarded christos projecting their 4th grade pagan-fanfic pretending they understand theology while they couldn't even translate the bible correctly.

But Jesus also said that his kingdom was not on earth, but in heaven.

Pilatus found no crime in his actions. He was killed by the outcry of the people who accompanied the trial.


pilatus wasnt the one that ordered romans to torture and mock Jesus

didn't the jews betray him ? I'm not versed in the bible but I think it was the jews who killed jesus

he just did what people told him to do.


i thought you couldn't speak english, retard


it was an insult when he was presented to pontius pilate

He did it to appease the crowd, after Jesus was beaten he crowd still asked for his death:

>When Jesus returns, Pilate calls together the chief priests, the Jewish rulers, and the people and says: “I examined him in front of you but found in this man no grounds for the charges you are bringing against him. In fact, neither did Herod, for he sent him back to us, and look! he has done nothing deserving of death. I will therefore punish him and release him.”—Luke 23:14-16.

>Pilate is eager to free Jesus, for he realizes that it is out of envy that the priests have handed him over. As Pilate tries to release Jesus, he receives further motivation to do so. While he is on his judgment seat, his wife sends him the message: “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I suffered a lot today in a dream [evidently of divine origin] because of him.”—Matthew 27:19.

The romans did it to mock the jews.
Kingship isn't really based on popularity.

he was preaching heresy

>11 Now Jesus stood before the governor; and the governor asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus said to him, “You have said so.”

>12 But when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he made no answer. 13 Then Pilate said to him, “Do you not hear how many things they testify against you?” 14 But he gave him no answer, not even to a single charge; so that the governor wondered greatly.


If it's pagan fanfic, how come your kind got so triggered by Jesus?

>murders us because the romans crucified their god who is a man who is also god who is also a spirit who is a man but is also god
>how cam u trigeur!!!??

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Based deranged messiah. Truly a man of his people. Almost reminiscent of Yaweh's dirty laundry in the Caanite religion.

try again but this time in english, nafri.

You're dumb

Jew meant someone from Judea, a province of the Roman empire. What are called jews today were pharisees

the Jews liked to mock Jesus as wanting to become king of the Jews despite his low birth into a non fully assimilated people who were earlier invaded by jews
the Christians appropriated it as a real title

t. inbred favela fishmonger.

they did it because they thought they were mocking him. It happend because He was.

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thing is jesus was likely from al-galil
look it up

It was our sins what killed him. Never forget it.

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The Jews accused him of trying to overthrow roman rule and establishing a Jewish kingdom

So the roman authorities put that as a mockery, like you wanted to be king of Jews but now you're nailed to a cross dying.

The Romans were making fun of him because the Jews just out him on a cross.

I understand.
Thanks fren.

Modern day Israel/Palestine?

shut up shahar

no, the jews wanted Pilate to remove the sign because they denied Jesus, but Pilate refused

No Judea was named after the Jews. Jews existed as a ethnic group and religion since the bronze age.

Pilate wouldn't crucify Jesus if Jews didn't blackmail him to do so.

I can't believe that all you can't interpret from this video is "Jews don't like Jesus".
Those who "don't like him" are narrow minded as the hardcore Christians/Jews or people like you.

I didn't mean it in an offensive manner.
It just seems to me that Jews reject Yehoshua as one of their own because they see him as breaking written Jewish law.

>they called him "King of the Jews
That's because he tricked everybody.

Some yes.
But mostly people just don't know about Jesus except "he's christian".

I'm not really religious, For me Jesus choose to go in a different path from Judaism (I don't even know what was his exact reason) and got crucified and I don't have any problem with that.

we don't like all jewish false prophets, this one just gathered a following of otakus known as christians.
he was hardly blackmailed into anything polak, romans would crucify anyone who agitated towards sedition and jesus caused a huge commotion.

Thanks for explaining your side frend, it's all right.
I'm not well versed in religious matters

>why yes, i do believe Pilate, who was the prefect appointed by Rome, was blackmailed by people who have no authority over him
>yes, i do belive they convinced him to crucify jesus and write "king of the jews" over his cross despite not believing he was the messiah
>no, i don't think it's strange that Pilate crucified jesus him because jews asked him to, but Romans had no problems crucifying numerous christians, throwing them to the lions etc. after that, how could you tell?

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for a people who do a lot of historical revisionism and one side narrative you sure can't see others do it
Rome usurped christianity and used it as a political tool of the empire, sure they'll polish Rome's shit image using it, why do you expect them to do otherwise

that's not what the Bible says

what do you mean exactly?

>blames jews of historical revisionism
>is a sandnigger

i mean christianity stopped being a semitic religion when Rome adopted it, and started being a control and expansion tool for roman empire
all christian narrative is roman propaganda and shouldn't be honored with an argument
i mean everyone does it
but it's less prevalent among Arabs and less believed

bro your history book, theology books etc are literally ALL revisionist.

Jesus was treated like thousands if not tens of thousands of rebels and seditionists across the roman empire, the majority of them were crucified and many of them caused far less of a ruckus than jesus. never got the autism surrounded the topic.

>i mean christianity stopped being a semitic religion when Rome adopted it, and started being a control and expansion tool for roman empire
Actually I can see that now. Makes sense I guess.

>bro your history book, theology books etc are literally ALL revisionist.
can you mention an example?
>Jesus was treated like thousands if not tens of thousands of rebels and seditionists across the roman empire,
i know
>never got the autism surrounded the topic.
he's a prophet with a big religion, not some thug

you mean Galilee the Israelite region known to everybody as such?

i don't know what it's called by people who who no relation to it
it's people call it al-galil



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