Did you go on Erasmus?

Did you go on Erasmus?

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Just got an email yesterday from my uni that they'll continue with the process. I have already received my nomination before the corona meme.


no Euro fuggings this year ;__;


this can't be real


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my mom urged me to go but I knew that I would be out of place there
i wish i could give up

Yes, I went one year to Milano. It was a nice experience.

>I'm going to do Erasmus while being 30 years old
Fuck I don't want to do it but I need to do it to pass there some hard disciplines

I'm going to be so miserable with all of those Zoomers there

Was it easy to pass disciplines there?


Yeah. I don't know if it varies by career (mine is architecture), or is it true that Erasmus students usually have it "that much easier", or what, but for me it was the year with best grades.

Nice. Did you have to do your exams in Italian?

No, I had the grades but I didn't have the money. (Ironic for a Swiss, I know.)

>I suffer as an European
You niggers got it so easy and good, even with your boomers dying of the virus.
You can go study abroad and make frienda and bang yuro qts left and right, and even stay and work and live in another interesting country if you so feel like doing it. I envy you bros.

only if you are good looking at socially inept

not socially inept*

Nah, I was always too cowardly to travel to another country. I'm full of fear and anxiety, I'd probably have a panic attack being in another country where I don't speak the language, aren't familiar with the services, etc.

What a lousy excuse, you could have gone to Eastern Europe that is very, very cheap or even to Southern Europe.

The main reason why I went to Milano (Politecnico) was because they have most of their courses both in Italian and English. I was more interested in passing with good grades than learning Italian (which I did anyways by just living there), so I took as many as I could in English. I also made sure the requirement to pass courses I choose in Italian was delivering a project (something you have time to do at home) instead of a written or oral exam.

I need a Mexican india as a gf because all of the European girls got dicked hard during Orgasmus

I'll go to Paris btw, 1 year.

Damn, I thought Erasmus were for outside UKfags only, I woulda done it while I was at uni but I didn't even look it up. Oh well lol

Oh fuck, I'm also going to Italy, but all of my classes are going to be in Italian and I will almost certainly have Italian written exams. I'm fucked

you can be European too

>I'm fucked
exams are piss easy for erasmuschads, you'll be alright

No, but I'll either go somewhere abroad for masters or do erasmus from home

No, because we are not European and don't have such a great opportunity

Do you question autism?

Yeah well, *usually* the professors are understanding if you are a foreign student and will have more patience with you, but that depends from one professor to the other. But yeah, you will have to learn Italian, not other option. Anyways for us Portuguese and Spanish speakers, learning Italian is not hard.

>or do erasmus from home
fucking zoomers

if your uni has partner unis you can do the same thing as erasmus, I had a few russians in my class

I'm taking Law, so I will have to write and read a ton in Italian, I'm so fucked

italian is easy for you and as I said, erasmus students are not held to the same standards as normal students, don't worry.

if you're doing your bachelor you'll want to do it again during the master to raise your grades (and the international fuggs)

Do Brits really?

The only thing i know that from my uni you can go on an exchange program either in China or some shithole countries like Kazakhstan

Stay mad boomer

shit man I'm sorry, try to go to a different uni if you keep studying.

>Italian is easy for you
Não é nada, consigo entender palavras soltas em Italiano, mas não entendo as frases, vou-me ver fodido ao ter que escrever em italiano palavras e frases jurídicas, eu ja em Português não entendo nada do que vem escrito nos códigos quanto mais em italiano.

See it's not easy

capisco tutto quello che hai scritto :^)

also I might be wrong about this but law is full of latin words which ought to be pretty similar in portuguese since same root.
anyway, I can only tell you not to worry but you'll see for yourself when you're there.

>some shithole countries like Kazakhstan
look who's talking

Do other europeans mingle well with Brits on erasmus courses or are brits secretly resented? Seems like something exclusively for continentals

i had cold feet on my erasmus

Erasmus was mandatory but I got an exemption for anxiety. Kind of regret it now.

nigga just pick all international law courses
that's what im going to do next year lol

brits self-isolate into their brit groups where they "bant" each other endlessly in a homoerotic way, the only fun brit I met was a flamboyant black gay guy who hang out with girls.


In my uni I don't think I've ever seen a brit. Mostly Italians, germans, polish, fins, and many other countries, but not from the UK (at least I wasn't aware)

I don't remember seeing any Brit in Erasmus here
Lol what a pussy
Hope so, since the only thing I know to say in Italian is Porca Dio, Terroni di merda!

Oh right, been thinking of doing an erasmus course myself but know fuck all about it. Seems like it'd be a laugh going out with continentals and shagging euro birds but in reality I'd likely end up holing myself up indoors all the time

Just drop by the international office, and ask about the options
You're literally getting paid to go abroad, it's a one in a lifetime chance mate

No, I had to work 3-4 days a week during Uni to pay my rent and sheit. Erasmus was out of the question.

I'd say do it even if you don't know anything.
I wish we had any brits in my group back then t bh, it's fun to watch brit dry humour being dished out to germans and other northern robotrons irl.

>is Porca Dio, Terroni di merda!

Did you have to do the TOEFL?
I just spent 250 euros and got my nomination too and I'm going to be really pissed if they suddenly cancel the exchange because of 'rona

My college had an international exchange program but I only found out about it until it was too late. Wish I had gone to the US or Europe desu.

I did the CAE and got the C2 level due to an A grade because the Cambridge exams are valid for life contrary to the TOEFL.

And get a worse education and put my parent in a difficult situation money-wise? No.

god i wish i were you

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>For example, more than a quarter of Erasmus participants meet their life partner through it

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I'm still with my erasmus gf two years later

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Disgusting normalfag.
Where is she from?

It depends on the school. Mine accepted any of the common tests. So the Cambridge Exam was my first choice, for the exange and later applications. TOEFL is in general more favored in Asia and the Americas. I also did the DALF C1 because you are pretty much fucked in France if you don't speak French. Just read some of the testimonials from past students, nighmare for non-French-speaking exchange students.


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