why does japan portray italians as white?
Why does japan portray italians as white?
Africa starts at the Alps.
They don't.
it was an old manga trope to not ink the hair of caucasians to make them look distinct from the japanese characters
they do
i have blue eyes and light hair does this mean i'm not italian?
nobody believes you
i swear my parents are romans
you're less italian, since your blood comes from the barbarian slaves brought into the Empire
>does this mean i'm not italian?
t. Descendant of Middle Eastern slaves
what makes me ''less italian''? lole
nero was a ginger incel irl, wasn't he? What the fuck are the nips smoking
usually middle easter weren't slaves at least in roman times
italians self describtions usually mentioned them being small in stature and with darker features overall compared to the barbarians
>italian flag
>italian aren't white
>japanese cartoon picture
The real question is why do you repost this Yas Forums meme every single day. You having brown features isn't an answer and doesn't mean all of Italy is like you, light features are common in North Italy all the way down Rome (in particular eyes, but blonde hair aren't uncommon nor a rarity although they tend to stay darker). At this point I'm convinced you're a diaspora and not even italian, or just using a proxy.
It could also be due to norman genes tho
The Normans were mainly in south italy
because you are
get over it
you have to go back, sigmar hutforest
How is an Italian different from an Iranian?
how is a japanese different from a korean?
No difference
They also portray Americans, 1/2 Jap Americans, and 3/4th jap Americans as "white" too.
Don't let it get to your head non-white brother. Japs don't know any better because they are homogeneous and insulted. Even if they saw an Italian gaijin in Japan, they would probably think he's Mexican or Arab.
Forgot my pic
North Italian look like Austrians
South Italians no
I can see the similarities, both considered attractive, both have interesting ancient history. Don't let the anglo-americanized atlantists incels here tell you having similarities with the levant, north africa and middle east is a bad thing.
There are unironically a lot of Nafris and for some reason Turks posting under Italian flags
They look pretty different. It’s like comparing Japanese with Samoans
And refugees, see
Frocio non mi rovinare la "italiani sono marroni" propaganda.
if tunisia is so good why did you come here?
I only made the last post 120985380
Are you asking why Middle Easterners move to Europe
Iranians are considered attractive? By whom
Fatti una vita coglione
Because in Japan foreigner=white.
Since most Japanese anime characters have brown, blue, red, black, pink and other colors and they all look the same, the easiest way to distinguish foreign characters is by making them blond and with pale white skin.
biancoide furentissimo
> itt: polentone germ rapebabies SEETHING
Alot of people, me included. to name one feature they have beautiful eyes and eyebrows.
why is she blond and has blue eyes? pretty rare in italy from what i know.
t. visigothic rape baby
Oh, but you’re a faggot. You don’t count imo
Because Italy IS white. Do you take online bant this seriously? Beside, most of the italian flags on this site are North Italy-hating terroni, just take a look inside of our threads: they're wishing death upon nords since the pandemic started.
>Because Italy IS white. Do you take online bant this seriously? Beside, most of the italian flags on this site are North Italy-hating terroni, just take a look inside of our threads: they're wishing death upon nords since the pandemic started.
im sorry white man now i see my faults
>He instantly think I'm talking about men
lol if there's a fag here it's not me, besides if you can't appreciate male beauty without thinking about homosexuality that makes you a double fag.
Obsessed. How much time do you spend every day cherrypicking these images? Do you despise having brown eyes this much, terun?
This is what you end up with when you racemix a Dutch guy and a guinea woman
idk, it's retarded, italy was never white, do we need to remind people that the romans had an EMPEROR that was literally and unironically an arab from syria? i think the mental gymnastics that italy is white is just pure cope for the fact that all of western civilization is based on and and was started by brown people.
Excuse me, but I'm a moor BVLL rapebaby
Fuck Visigoths and the rest of wh*tes
As i already told you i repent for my sins
Im ready to settle down with a nice white bitch and shit where the viking horns at
it dosnt, skin color has nothing to do with being white
If you life in southtyrol, you aren't an italien anyway...
White are there so many Terroni on Yas Forums that want to be Arab so bad?
I took acid in Italy once and thought I was in Turkey the whole time
Because they have a lot of time on their hands, see how disproportioned finnish posters are compared to norwegians or polish to czech or south american to the rest of the board. Our thread is full of terroni who larp as nord and flag-bearers whenever the occasion of calling Italy not white arise while posting on /mena/ at the same time. One of the most well-known retard from our thread is a chinese incel living in Italy spamming threads on Yas Forums about ''Shitaly'' and how we aren't white because he can't get laid. It's a good reminder of not taking these sites too seriously.
and pyrenees