How is German healthcare so good in this corona pandemic? Do they have high taxes or is it just the German autistic organisational excellence?
How is German healthcare so good in this corona pandemic...
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>orderly means autistic for english fuckboys
yes they are autistic, now coof off angloid
Idk they don't have much elderly plus yeah they have a good capacity wise health system I suppose
Natural Autism probably. Same reason the whole of Eastern Europe seems to be handling the virus better than the West.
I thought Germany and Japan were like the most ageing of all countries
They are the ones that actually leaned from italy
Is there anything in which the germanic masterrace doesn't excel?
World domination lol
something about German data is really fishy.
The average age of our infected people is lower, so relatively few of them will die. But yes, our system is absolutely elite. It's better than expected so far. We have a lot of intense care beds and a lot of equipment and our supply chains work well so far. We do a lot of testing as well. Yes, we pay a lot of taxes, but it's also our autistic excellence.
>hehe le German autism xD
our politicians panicked after Italy and tried to double the ICU and ventilators in hospitals
They vaccinate rigorously, the Italian and Spanish don't, neither do they have shitty wet winters to get pneumonia first hand.
Decentralization but not the retarded (American) kind.
You know you can trust German information. They have a pristine past that you can fully trust
based retard
Oh look at that germans are good at something what a fucking suprise
They have so many fucking beds that they even started bringing in extra patients from Italy and France to treat them
Lol, you are talking like you have 0 contagious. Then it's not true that you have +100K cases? Is it true that you are sacrificing elders before death so you don't have to count them?
Now give me that genetic superiority speech you are obsessed with germánico
>Is it true that you are sacrificing elders before deat
yes we burn them at the stake to please the dark gods
What the fuck are you talking about? Where did I say we have 0 infections? Are you retarded or trying to meme? I said we do a lot of tests, so it's pretty obvious we have many infected as well. Our healthcare system enables us to save a lot of patients, or at least delay the death wave.
>>Is it true that you are sacrificing elders before death so you don't have to count them?
No, it's not true. But you'll probably believe it anyways.
>Now give me that genetic superiority speech you are obsessed with germánico
You're the only obsessed guy here...
God, I sure hope you're not serious.
Bingo. We have created 12,000 new ones in the last few weeks and it's getting more by the day. Some experts here are cautiously hoping that we won't have a shortage of beds or equipment because supply chains are working well so far and we've already made progress with slowing the spread while increasing our capacities. But it's too early to say that.
I would just like to know the criteria you use to count COVID deaths 2bh
Your grandpa was indeed. Why can't you just follow his path? He was wise man.
If there was a real disaster I would like to be in Germany
Are you mad because the mexicans called you faggots again?
They are doing a great job brother, they are mastering that negationism thing
Epidemiologists here are proposing the idea that the higher CFR in southern cunts is caused by higher consumption of antibiotics and a far greater rate of nosocomial MDRIs, in comparison to countries like Germany and the nordic cunts.
I don't understand what the fuck you're trying to say.
maybe they are actually doing a good job at this, I just don't understand how they can save so many 85+ old farts with a lot of conditions from a nasty basal pneumonia like this one.
One explanation is that a lot of COVID positives who die don't get counted as COVID deaths because it's something else that (namely) kills them.
lmaoing at spanish butthurt
I'm trying to play with you lad, but you are way too focused
>enters a thread and starts seething immediatly
>just playing
I'll go with superior genes
anyone who has it and dies gets counted as a corona death. same as in italy
It isn't. They're just hiding their numbers.
Turks are also doing great, might it have a relation? Is it the döner?
This, also establishing a colonial empire, or winning wars
turks aren't even testing much, can't have any deaths or infected if you don't know about it. same with poland, japan etc
Turks do way fewer tests. They got hit later as well.
Why are spaniards so butthurt about Germany? Is it because they can't go get cañas with their friends?
Areas of German with more Turks are doing better than areas of Germany with lesser Turks (i.e east)
Same with Italy, most dying are Northern kek
not really
Mystery solved, I'm out
The joy of denying eurobonds to southrons has an uplifting effect.
So only Alpinoids getting fucked? Sounds pretty based if you ask me.
Mostly young people were infected in the beginning, we do huge amount of testing (read today that we do 500.000 test per week, while Japan did 500.000 in total) and the most ICU beds in relation to the poplation in Europe.
> is it just the German autistic organisational excellence?
There was/is actually quite a big discussion going on about our federalism in times of catastrophes and theres a struggle for power within the CDU/CSU between the minister presidents of Bayern and Nordrhein-Westfalen. Bayern was the first (of only 3 states) to put the state in a lockdown, in the rest of Germany there its called "contact ban" and not a full lockdown.
>minister presidents
>while Japan did 500.000 in total
they wish, they aren't even at 100k lol
>he doesn't know
We'll nationalize Seat and Cupra in exchange XDDXDDDXDXD
I expect Italy to do the same with Fiat
what a complete brainlet move that was lmfao
This is a lie. I know everything.
See above.
The states with the least infections are all in East Germany, per capita as well. They are at 30 to 50 per million, the Western states begin at ~75, Bavaria has ~200 and NRW ~120.
Please stop before somebody believes you.
Wonder why that is
Daddy Volkswagen will prevent that, Seat and Cupra are theirs.
Keep seething, eurobondlet.
Like Dalí said: Picasso is a communist, neither am I.
not only eurobonds will be a thing, but Krauts couldn't help it but appearing like the usual hunjew villains and setting the table for countless future headaches as other countries will undoubtedly take their revenge.
your people political acumen has never been so good but damn son, what a retard move.
Just messing with you, I love my european brothers and I weep for every dead Spaniard or Italian. If I could press a button that kills all of East Germany just in order to save a single Italian and Spanish life, I'd press it without hesitation.
>kills all of East Germany
Now don't overdo it. The only place worthy of getting erased from existance here is B*rlin.
t. spanish waiter
Berlin is the only region worth saving.
I'm Bavaryan, you stupid vagina.
>t. Alois-Luigi Müller-Ambrosio
I'm not exactly sure whether it will happen. Our government wants something in return at the very least. I can understand that you want them, but you have to understand that >we are very cautious about this. And being the leader of something always means making yourself look unpopular, this is nothing new. We've already went through this in 2012 and 2015.
This but with Germany (or any other country, really) and Southern Italy
What is he waiting for? Maybe his hands are not enough hidratated? Can you fix that?
Oh... It's you!?
Imagine thinking B*rlin is worth saving... Sorry, that's a Yikes from me.
>Berlin is the only region not worth saving.
you forgot a word there
>t. Ossie
Winning world wars
Please clap
I sentence you to death for your insolence.
>I'm not exactly sure whether it will happen.
that's where you're wrong kiddo, literally everybody wants them except you and the vile, wretched swamp race.
>And being the leader of something always means making yourself look unpopular
you already do that all the time, you lost a perfect opportunity to look human for once, but you chose the robojew way as per usual.
Sacrificing elders is a Dutch thing
Germans much like Japs and Italian try to keep even the dinosaurs alive, hence their ICU capacity is so big.
Over here if you're over 70 and your odds are below 50% they would let you die at home and they are now going to expand this
We could just buy Sardinia out of them and turn it into Mallorca 2.0.
What's wrong with the ESM?
Not even close. Tief im Westen.
>grandma you say? YEAH KILL'ER
just when you thought you needed further proof of the wretchedness of the bog people..
C'mon, although elders cannot craft engines anymore, they are still worth living at least till 75
>literally everybody wants them except you and the vile, wretched swamp race.
Yeah, and >our opinion is the most important one.
>you already do that all the time, you lost a perfect opportunity to look human for once, but you chose the robojew way as per usual.
I know. But maybe that's the reason >we are the leaders of the EU. Being robojews has brought us great wealth. I don't get what you have against the ESM. We don't want to get screwed by bailing you out and once the bonds are in, there's no turning back. If we get screwed, what will happen to you? We want to help you, but we don't want to open Pandora's box.
Your whole country took the virus as a joke and spread it like the plague and now you think the dutch are wretched?
This. If Italians love their elders so much, why do they infect them with corona en masse?
We'd just call and vote for Independence desu