/polska/:edycja matury z infy

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is Polska difficult to learn on a basic level?

jaki ser na pizze?

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It's literally the same as Russian from my Duolingo experience, just in the latin script instead of the cyrillic one

it's harder then russian

gonna pinch this abstract meme

do polaks prefer vim or emacs

emac's retarded

well is russian considered to be hard or normal difficult for europeons?

marc are you alive?

also polish is harder than russian

any evidence for this claim?
Polish seems like a simpler language and is at least easier because of the alphabet.

Poor by Swedish standards, what is the monthly income?

can you teach me a polish phrase, fraze? Why did we start talking about russian idgaf about them

6500 sek. Im living neet life. when i worked 80% i made 13000 sek i think per month. Now tell me about white russia, im guessing you are from Poland? Hows things there?

>any evidence for this claim?
less declination, simplier pronoucination
just grab any kind of book

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Who made that stupid photo. I know some Finnish but i guess that wont do me any good in Polish? I just wanna get bros in polish

so is vim desu

> I know some Finnish but i guess that wont do me any good in Polish?
I would be actually. Slavis langs are based on grammatical cases using suffixes

do you have a friend that is stupider then you?

>Now tell me about white russia, im guessing you are from Poland?
No. I am not from Poland. Moreover, I have never been to Poland. But I know the Polish language and understand 90-95% of the speech of the Poles.
>Hows things there?

There is no democracy in this country - in general. Not in terms of freedom of all kinds of LGBT people and other things, but in the literal sense: you cannot vote in elections, remain in the courts, there are no people representing the interests of citizens in the government. Nobody cares about people. We do not even have quarantine and the borders are open. A good income is 500$ a month. But there are bandits who seized power and they get tens and hundreds of times more.

In general, what is happening in the country reminds me pic releated.

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No pieknie kurwa

wow! i was hundred percent sure you where a polack! Idk imo if things just goes on as normal i dont see any reason to have democracy really. But i dont know your day to day life so maybe i should just shut up. But Lukashenko likes Hockey so thats atleast something right!
how long does 500 dollars get the average citizen per month? Or how much does it get you if you live in an attractive city like the capital Minsk for example. Does it cover rent, and al the other expenses that an average human usues per month?

Not his friend but I am stupider
No it won't help

Oh and i have never read orwell btw

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But i think you and me would get along then because i dont know like 30% of the words that he used in his post. Where in Poland do you live frend? I live in Sweden here

czemu polacy to takie ścierwo a polska to taki chlew obsrany gównem z dupy?

>Where in Poland do you live frend? I live in Sweden here
I live in Poland here
Does Finnish have some simmilarities to Swedish? Any words that are used in both languages?

na kolana przed zagranicznym lordem polaku robaku

w twoim pytaniu zawarta jest odpowiedź

sugerowanie że bede pisał w temacie zrobionym przez pierdolonego podwieka

moge to wyguglować w 5 sekund ale wole sie przypodobać mojemu zagranicznemu Panu i udam że obchodzi mnie jego osrany język ;)))

nieeeeeeee nie rozumiesz wchodze na Yas Forums - international żeby łapać ból dupy o innych polaków w moim /polskim/ generale o gównie

polak to synonim słowa niewolnik

zapytaj go ile zarabia polski śmieciu xD

I use nano meself but, each to their own

Honestly nothing aat all that im aware of atleast. Mind you my dad came here when he was six yrs old and he have taught me some, but in writing im very very poor, better vocaly or however you should say it. Now that i come to think of it, Boys, Swe= Pojkar, Fin= Poika is prabably copy pastet from one of the languages to the other but thats the only thing i can think of. Haha i ment to say i live In Umeå wich is in the northen part of the country, if you dont wanna say in what town you live, in what part of Poland do you live?

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kara zamknięte?

>wow! i was hundred percent sure you where a polack! Idk imo if things just goes on as normal i dont see any reason to have democracy really. But i dont know your day to day life so maybe i should just shut up. But Lukashenko likes Hockey so thats atleast something right!
>how long does 500 dollars get the average citizen per month? Or how much does it get you if you live in an attractive city like the capital Minsk for example. Does it cover rent, and al the other expenses that an average human usues per month?

Now the national currency of Belarus has fallen sharply. In this regard, you can rent an apartment for 150-250$ per month. These will not be luxury apartments but sufficient. There are rented apartments for 1000$ per month, but few can afford it.

I live in Minsk and work in general for 270-350$ depending on the course. My work is not difficult and I generally do not get tired. Sometimes at work I can even sleep if I work on the evening shift. In general, if you earn 500$ in Minsk you can without any problems, but you need to work hard. Fortunately, I have my own home and I see no reason to work hard for the extra 150-200$.

If you are a visitor from a small town or village and work for 500$, this is enough to rent a cheap apartment for food and minimum needs.

polaks earn 400 euros a month, beat their wives and children, are alcoholics, stink because of lack of hygiene, are obese and look like ogres, have average IQ of 50

did u know that 80% of polish families bathe in the same water to save money?

sruuu pod siebie

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do you bathe together with fish?

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You robbed me of my (you) you Swine!
But how's life in Minsk? Im from a 100k city so there arent so many bars here ufrotunately..
Oh yeah the currency situation is the same here in Sweden wich makes it even more expensive to go on Vacation to Denmark or Finland for example. but the 1ks are for the rich arent they? They dont play by the same rules as you and me. What do you work as, it made me curious when you said you could sleep at your work haha.
I have the same mentally as you man! When i was fresh out of highschool i used to work as a welder in a factory and i used to injure myself everyday haha and also i would get dead tired after work and the hours where so shit! The pay was awesome but fuck it money isnt everything in life

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Sounds like i should have been born as a Polack then

I masturbate with the fish


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hahaha le epic normicze poczucie humoru ;^)

of course, no polack could ever let so much water go to waste

dobre , nie ? :DD

ech żubry

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we brew tea from carp water

it's true
some families even bottle their bath water and use it for flushing down their toilets or even washing the dishes

bullshit i dont belive that. Some might not flush after they have taken a piss and that's just based in my book. Where in Poland are you from btw


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Rate boys

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ugh -_- normiks posting angielsku in moje general again -_- czas to trole them with EPIC marcel posting xD

lol no polack ever flushes down their piss
did you know that 30% of polish families don't have access to toilets and shit in a hole dug in a field?

i want the kazzak worldboss cloak from legion btw, do you think it will work with that set?

Fuck off retard
No one clicks those fucking links you fucking ape

Heyy we used to do that also. 70 years ago.. But that doesnt matter outhousess are based as fuck! Where in Poland are you from? I just wanna cruse google street you dont have to tell me your city just the are please

czy ten jeden debil serio złapał taki ból dupy że kupił vpna żeby gównopostować?

Na kogo głosujecie w wyboarach? Kidawa to stara idiotka wiec odpada.

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ech kurwa nie dadzo takiej

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I work as an electrician in a factory. In general, this does not bother, but people are different. We have divisions by departments and each is engaged in its own equipment. In a couple of years, it’s real to master everything so that it does not cause problems. For a week or two a month I have a second shift (15: 15-23: 45). There are no bosses, and as soon as I and my partner complete the work, we are just on duty and waiting for calls. If there are no calls and everything is ok, then we do what we want. I play old games on the Asus t100 tablet, watch YouTube, movies, read books or sleep in a hammock. I wanted to buy an inflatable sofa, but a good one is expensive, so I bought a hammock on a Chinese site for 15 bucks.

I can find work for 100-200$ more expensive and people told me that I can objectively do this work ... but ... there will be much more work and this amount is not worth it.

If you work hard, then at the factory in some factory in the EU. I’m thinking about making an EU passport. I saw jobs in Belgium for 9 € per hour where they provide accommodation. Work in the factory. This is about 1,5k€ per month. For such a difference of 300$, I would work hard. But for the extra 100-200$ a month is unlikely.
I will not say that I am satisfied with my life. If I make an EU passport, I’ll try to work in the EU. If I can withstand physically, I’ll work for 5 years, get money, buy another apartment and live on rent. Because we do not have unemployment benefits like in the EU, we have the unemployment tax on the contrary - ~300$ a year.

co za gowno pierdolone sie zrobilo z tego generala szkoda slow

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Man this polish thread is a mess

he wants svenssons daughter

>so is vim desu

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pierdolenie cipki seks ruchanie mmmmmmmmm

osiedle strusia

Mam już kurwa dosyć tej pierdolonej epidemii. Jeszce na początku Marca sam robiłem heheszko-memy z wirusem, ale to co dzieje się teraz zaczyna mnie już rozpierdalać psychicznie. Nie wiem czy ta cała jebana pandemia to hoax czy nie, sam nie widziałem choćby jednej jebanej osoby która była by chora na cokolwiek, ale wiem że realne jest to że nie mogę kupić rano bułki w sklepie bo do kurwy nędzy baba nie wpuscza więcej nię (1) osobę do sklepu, a kolejki na zwenątrz nawet jeśli są stosunkowo niewielkie to są na dosłownie całą jebaną ulice przez to że paranoiczne mohery zachowują odstęp 2m (tylko patrzeć jak w TVPIS zwiększą dystans do 4m, wtedy dopiero będzie ciekawie). Jebane stare dziady przypierdalające się dosłownie tylko dlatego że przeszedłeś koło nich bez maski. Realne są chore i popierdolone restrykcje naszego rządu zabraniajcie spaceru w 3 jebane osoby, pod groźbą 30k grzywny. Paraliż komunikacyjny całego kraju, niemożność wyjechania na wakacje, czy nawet zamknięcia się na jebanej działce u dziadków i przeczekanie całego tego pokurwieństwa.

Zaczynam myśleć że to się już nigdy nie skończy. Że zmarnowałem życie w czasach kiedy mogłem jeszcze coś z nim zrobić, a teraz świat jaki znałem prawdopodobnie już nigdy nie wróci.

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wykurwiaj psie

miej seks kaszkiecie

No tak, czego się spodziewałem po takich śmieciach jak tutaj.

to nicbugera
skończy za 2-3 miesiące

roszerzaj tranzystorze

ty też wypierdalaj cwelu

brap, o, zesrał się

Wypierdalaj kurwo.

tomorrow I will be going out shopping for twarozek ze szczypiorkiem piatnicy and my question is, do I have to wear the mask?

>Za 3 miesiące

Nawet kurwa tak nie żartuj. Nie wyobrażam sobie kurwa sterczenia w kolejkach w jebanej masce i rękawiczkach w prawie 40stopniowych upałach. Już teraz moja skóra na dłoniach jest jak papier ścierny, jeszcze chwila i dostane jakiejś kurwa egzemy.

w takim razie nie zapomnij zagłosować w przyszłych wyborach na andrzeja dude

dlaczego w sejmie wiekszosc byla bez masek i rekawiczek???

bo wirus to dziadek i tylko przyjeby w to wierzą