Did you country had historical analog of cossacks?

Did you country had historical analog of cossacks?

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the Dirlewanger Brigade maybe?

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Probably the Ottoman frontier.

the poor nobility who still served in the armies themselfs as hussars


yes, cossacks

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No,. you have no historical analog of cossacks becouse you have regular cossacks lol

what's the original cossacks if anything?

yes, cossacks

we are Samurai

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suppose we were Sweden's foreign savage army.

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Zaporozhian cossacks ofc


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what were cossacks

yes, the french

only royalty allow to have military or militia

Field hussites I guess.



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why are they wearing chains?

the t*rk arrested them

are turkcels afraid of the BULLgarian?

Los tercios

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Haiduc. There's even a way of cooking sheep in a fire pit named after them.

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what's happening the video? is the BULLgarian making them eat pork?


Attached: domashna slanina.jpg (500x350, 29.21K)

based. turkcels BTFO

All non-anglos in former territories

shit, lacks the meat

Fugitive peasants and poor orthodox landowners from Commonwealth move to nomads land and created proxies state with military democracy

we've never had anything like that in mexico

Meaty slanina is for the plebs and women, the pure lard one is the Chad's choice

Attached: slanina.jpg (730x500, 71.63K)

>higher quality food is for plebs

Slavs larping as tatars but christian

Yes, you need alpha CHAD's palette to appreciate the beauty of pure fat

Attached: rich-piana-58a9e1756fb92.jpg (500x600, 51.3K)

fair enough

yes, cossacks

We also had Lisowczycy -literally CHADS pillaging and looting everywhere including their own country
>The Lisowczycy took part in many conflicts, including the Dymitriads (where their actions help explain the text of the infamous placard in Zagorsk: three plagues: typhus, Tatars, and Poles)

Attached: wiki_brandt_lisowczycy_970 (1).jpg (970x600, 119.6K)

didn't know bulgarian like salo

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fucking based

vreic a plec dar numa numa jei :3

The bandeirantes ?
>went around killing people
>organization went from very little to none
>drunk 38743627943267832973242/10 times
>shit stain poor
>rapebabies that raped people
>the rich literally use them as the "we can't do this on our own, it's too violent/horrible/dangerous, let's call them" guys

Attached: Domingos_Jorge_Velho.jpg (394x562, 61.8K)

>people love them as national heros

Saging every hohol thread.

>Did you country had historical analog of cossacks?

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why are you so butthurt

We could have nice things together but Cossacks chose Russia, I hope Ukrainians are happy now.

Cъeби в po нa Двaч eбaнaт.

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Not all ukrainians are cossacs

Hohols are not humans. I dont want to see them anywhere in my life.

>We could have nice things together but Cossacks chose Russia, I hope Ukrainians are happy now.

Attached: soy 3d.gif (320x367, 2.4M)

you need to stop wiping your arse with sandpaper

Пoтoмy чтo oн тyпaя пидapaшкa.

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brazil is cringe

Slav serfs got tired of their pompous lords and LARP'd as Mongols

Mнe кaжeтcя, чтo тeбe пopa зaвaлить eбaлo.

Uskoci and haiduci and a crazy bunch of murderous fucks called neretvan pirates

Also graničari

But realy all we did was fight for 600 years so pretty much everione

Иди нaхyй быдлo пpoмытoe.

Reminder to s*ge every hohol thread.

Tы нe пoнял пpocтых cлoв? Зaвaли eбaлo.

Sim, nós temos muitos coçadores de saco aqui.
Eu mesmo sou um deles.

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Dont post in ukrainian threads.

Hajduk basicaly just means 'bandits'

weren't they spanish?

Por que não, amigo?

I dont understand portugese.

Estava na hora de aprender, português será a língua do futuro

I will note that my friend :)

During the time of haciendas the earlier charros would serve as a police force. To this day only men registered in groups of charrería can carry firearms in public.
The closest I can think to the mounted paramilitary russians have now.

Cowboy and Injun folk, I reckon?