Here in Latin America Spanish are considered superfaggots and extremely gay but in Europe they are thought of as manly. Why is that?
Here in Latin America Spanish are considered superfaggots and extremely gay but in Europe they are thought of as manly...
Europeans are more femenine than Spaniards?
That's just jelousy because they owned you for centuries
Your ancestors didn't think the same
They all seem equally effeminate to me. In fact, Spain seems like one of the faggiest countries in Europe so I don't get it
Europeans in COPE
>Here in Latin America Spanish are considered superfaggots
Latin America is not just your country sweety
t.Juan Sánchez Morales del Valle
>Argentinians are the faggiest Latinos
>they're also the most Spanish/Italian
Europeans: oh so macho, so manly. He's fighting with a bull.
Latin Americans: nice leggings fag lol
>but in Europe they are thought of as manly
>but in Europe they are thought of as manly
what? who thinks that?
Dat ass kek
Yeah, the chaddest of spaniards decided to leave their shitty peasant lives to live with a harem of kuruminhas.
The weak ones stayed in Spain
thats a freaking good ass
This. How easy is to own these cuckies....
>in Europe they are thought of as manly.
In Europe they are just like sudacas
dayum nigga look at dat ass
98% of Spaniard men today are aliades or FtM
>dat culo
donde estan las mis islas hijos de puta peninsulares
Can you bully them into removing that awful lisp sound?
We've been doing it since internet was brought to Mexico. Sadly the lisp is directly correlated to their faggot ways.
How do Afrigentinians see los españoles, Pablo Berlusconi?
¿Cómo podéis caer en un bait de alguien que vive en un país hecho mierda?
When I studied abroad in Germany, almost all of the male Spanish Erasmus students were gay
That's because Latin Americans are the biggest copers on Earth. Here you are some of the most notorious gays in my cunt.
But the strong guys that came here ARE my ancestors
The weak ones are yours
¿Lo dices por Expaña?
Why do you open a thread against Spain all days?
Your life is so sad, mate.
Are they not?
Everyone is gay in America, so it's not a big deal
In US Spaniards and Latin Americans are both seen as super manly
I guess Latin Americans have a stronger macho culture than Spain though because of the poverty and non-Western influence.
>half of your guys went extinct, the other half rapebabies
Spaniards are very effeminate and have too much eurosoy culture.
Even kiss each other on the cheek. Only the French are fagger
ole ole ole
Because some LatAm shitholes think being a brainlet brute makes you more "manly", when in reality it only makes you a retard.
Nah not really. Med countries in general are not but thats just stupid fucking stereotypes.
>Because some LatAm shitholes think being a brainlet brute makes you more "manly", when in reality it only makes you a retard.
1er productor mundial de soya, señores.
here you speak like faggots or effeminate, faggots literaly speak a bit with seseo
sudacas speak with a high pitched voice, they sound like their women, making it difficult to tell them apart
>here you thpeah like faggoths or effeminate, faggoths literally thpeah with a bit of thetheo
they are not faggots, just firsties. it can be hard to tell the difference, but there is a difference
>not faggots
A mi parecer no es que los gachupines sean jotos sino que sus mujeres son más masculinas que ellos. Por algo las femichairas tienen indoctrinadas hasta las universidades privadas.
>they are thought of as manly
Not here. We think they are fags just like the rest of westoids and southoids.
Sí son firsties.
Y sus mujeres no son más masculinas, sólo saben que los manolos jamás les pondrían la mano encima porque se van con cadena perpetua a alguna cárcel llena de marroquíes.
Yuropoors are extremely feminine.
Canarios don't have a peninsular accent, so they're excluded.
>se van con cadena perpetua a alguna cárcel llena de marroquíes.
Eso sucedió porque sus mujeres jodieron lo suficiente como para que los "hombres" lo permitiesen. Las cualidades de dominio social y administración política son inherentemente masculinas, por tanto si las mujeres españolas hacen su voluntad rampante podemos concluir que son más masculinas que los "hombres".
Y no, mamar de la EU a dos tetas no los convierte primermundistas.
You're coping by calling something superior to you gay.
Like when a guy calls a prettyboy gay, while the prettyboy attract more prime women than "manly" men.
Is it true that Slavs are the only whites with any semblance of masculinity left?
lol nice cope. They gave your entire continent daddy issues
Spaniards are ok
French are gay
Germans are cucks
t. gay lang cope
Increíble como rabian los mexicanos. Seguid que me hace gracia.
No we don't. In fact, we don't have any stereotypes about them since we barely have any contact.
And your ancestors didn't always talk with a lisp.
mirin that ass
seethe more panchito
>not gay