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Is smoking weed for runts?

cant think of anything funny for the first post

she cute

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>aldi lifting restrictions on item limits apart from hand wash, shower gel, and milk

in denmark the media is now starting to talk about herd immunity LOL

dom cum may have been right after all


anyone tried this, looks grim

not if Joe rogan does it

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no doubt about it

me when I saw the yank in the other thread

But Joe Rogan is a runt even though he takes testosterone shots

pie and mash is food kino

genuinely scary how social media has destroyed the planet in a way that no world power ever could.

morning lads

but i smoke weed and i’m not a runt

Lockdown cured my depression but starting to get anxiety over the lockdown potentially ending so soon

Louis mate you've gone feral and I shall gain access to your room unless you come out mate

lads how to i make the cheese on top of a chicken parmigiana crispy without an oven?

Thoughts on becoming a hermit in the Pyrenees mountains?

so this is leftypol

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felt bizarre listening to that as it’s my name as well

hot air gun? propane torch? grill?

and jellied eels?

are you same guy who used to post his arse

Social media makes people self centered yet the users becomes insecure because they compare themselves to other all the time

>PM in hospital
>Ending soon
Bloody doubt it

he might be a manlet but he's obviously no runt

She smells her own fart.

In Korea everyone self isolating gets a food parcel. Where’s our food parcel Boris Yeltsin ya bumbaclart?

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toaster oven

munchies series are kino. series on france/paris is a classic

frenchie bastard

I smoke runts like you for breakfast

grill or maybe some kind of kitchen blowtorch

dunno never tried them but im always open to new things


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Cope harder

will never make it

Part of a new generation of runts who listen to nintendo music compilations to try to regain the feelings of childhood wonder and contentment

fuck borris is literally going to die
the chinese plan of western destabisation is going like clockwork

Is ISIS still a thing?

all that wouldnt even last me 2 days

t. big lad

doom eternal was an ok game
but not a good doom game t bh

Hospitalizations are down because nobody is getting injured because they’re all at home.

This sort of scheme would require our government to be organised enough to actually track people who may have the virus

oh no hes gonna have to work overtime all year to afford that new holiday home in the bahamas!

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about time. if this pandemic had taught us anything it has to be that our healthcare system needs to be dismantled from its very roots

so this is what yanks mean when they say private healthcare is efficient

yeah now they attach explosives to drones and fly them into people then detonate them

no all the funding from obongo ran out

there’s literally no point in single player fps games. boring as fuck

>doom eternal was an ok game
>but not a good doom game t bh

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Would you rather be a radiologist or a surgeon?

for me, its doom 3

I'd be the lad in control of the morphine supplies

Have been phoneposting since my laptop got sent away for repair and to be honest i see the appeal

our doctors get paid like 3x more than yours

Video gaymes in general are boring as fuck
Just fake reward stimuli init

for me, its shagging because games are for virgins and I shag

the problem, in every sector and industry, is middle management

In the time spent playing video games you could've mastered various skills or useful hobbies.

no they aren’t

The Chad Dr. Leo vs. the virgin patient Boris.


for me it's youtube.com/watch?v=q657rEkgfKs

I'm a middle manager, my livelihood depends on bureaucracy and delay. Fuck off

Doom? No, no, been playing something a little more mature

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Any Dengist gang lads in?

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for me, its gaming because games are for virgins and I am a virgin

yeah but those are boring

quite warm today
I guess winter is fully behind us now
sunny days ahead

Reminder: Lads are still getting fanny despite the lockdown

Source: Went over to a girl's flat last night

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NEED a cruel, sadistic middle management female to crush my bollocks under all the paperwork she has just assigned to me with a smirk on her face

mastering a skill is not leisure time like video games

the one that doesn't have to cut people up

Best fps game this generation

i do other stuff while i play runescape

And heard her getting fucked through the front door?

Kill yourself you parasite.

nowhere near hot enough to go outside

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Reminder: people on /brit/ are still pretending to have sex


thats tshirt and shorts weather mate

What’s Diego doing right now?

t. pumped a fat desperate mentally ill heffer

Jog on zoomer

I learned Python so I could make OSRS bots, which ultimately got me a job as a programmer while bringing in secondary income from selling osrs gold.

ah the bureaucratic officer fetish
one i know well

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Is it 14C or 3C
This is a very important distinction

in scotland maybe

but you could do more stuff without runescape

i didn't get on with it much, felt gimmicky with the enemy weakpoints
felt more like a frenetic puzzle game that a straight up fps
marauders were a terrible choice too, really breaking the flow of it

Good thing i like video games because the alternative is doing the work i'm being paid to do


fingering his pooey bumhole


VERY powerful article

I am a 30 year old male virgin.

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fucking a tenant's hairy arsehole in exchange for 20p off her rent


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I’m not going to be the person I’m expected to be anymore.

is she behind me?

or im just a white man with a functioning hypothalamus.

Isn’t the U.K. government planning to switch back to herd immunity once the lockdown lifts? That’s what I heard.


alri 3.5" lad?

No you're not, be quiet

bet this vapid slag has never had a complex thought in her life

I'm sexy and I know it

I could fix that, not in a gay way

what they're saying here is that practically we'll be forced to go that way because otherwise you'll never actually stop it, every time you end lockdown infection rate will just increase again

it could be

How does that even happen?

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Nah it was amazing, the dynamic of constantly having to be managing your ammo and switching between weapons was brilliant. Also the loved the Metroid Primesqe jumping around to fight items.

Marauders were crap though. Ruined the pace of the fights.

vaccine? completed it mate

Until now they're not getting paid anymore LMAO

What's your IQ mate?

Said it before and I'll say it again, within the next week Boris will say niggardly live on TV

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