
Attached: EAkQCswWkAAXG6D.jpg (1119x750, 117.41K)

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I hope Boris will die :)

Link it then

If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders.

ah yes Yas Forumstards are pretending that they've always liked linkola now

if you have a bum, you're going to get poo


I'm a race surrealist

playing video games beyond age 21 is for virgin freaks only
simple as

watching the documentary about the chick that worked in the drug lab that started doing the drugs. don't blame her at all. anyone would do the same

rap is crap
drugs are for mugs


which docu?

200 tenants
that is just a fucking ridiculous amount, new york too so rent is probably ridiculous. far, far above six figures a month at least
how can anyone say rentbergs aren't parasites without laughing

crazy how vegans need to supplement b12 else their brain will start to atrophy.

it's called How to Fix a Drug Scandal, on Netflix

please support the welsh ASMR industry

reckon actually you are the racist but you're the patronising "yeah well done ngubu this is a "sick beat" and you really make some salient points about how her majesties metropolitian constabulary or "da feds" as you call them intereact unfairly with young afro-british males for carrying and using knives on each other. Also i'm not like the other white people Nugubu i really feel your peoples pain about grenfell its so spiritual". type Yeah i reckon you're something like that you fucking bigot!

i'll be sure to tell my gf the next time we play some games together. thanks for sharing.

wish i could know the feel of having a fanny and getting fucked by a dog's knot

Linkola has been liked for years tbf

>what are ostomies

put posting on Yas Forums is a sure sign of maturity and productiveness

virgin freak reporting in

just ask any woman with a dog, they've all done it.

>reckon actually you are the racist but you're the patronising "yeah well done ngubu this is a "sick beat" and you really make some salient points about how her majesties metropolitian constabulary or "da feds" as you call them intereact unfairly with young afro-british males for carrying and using knives on each other. Also i'm not like the other white people Nugubu i really feel your peoples pain about grenfell its so spiritual". type Yeah i reckon you're something like that you fucking bigot!

Attached: big-dora410.jpg (850x1000, 156.18K)

Adultworks a ghost town recently, grim but im seriously considering having to go to back to wanking till this blows over

>i'll be sure to tell my gf the next time we play some games together. thanks for sharing.

Attached: soyrig.jpg (800x993, 76.55K)

image board not a linkola board

veggiesaurus here. this is untrue
I only recently started adding nutritional yeast (high in b12) to my diet

they’re mostly from the poorer south

>Nicola Sturgeon gets grilled by Piers Morgan on This Morning

wtf I thought Scotland was nothing to do with the English working class

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A japanese race realist?

hello newcunt

don't care

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have a you out of pity for your completely unimaginative, limpdick excuse for a gimmick

Lads, I'm having suicidal flashbacks playing in my head.

how many prossies have you shagged

imagine being trapped in a council flat in a tower block with your family

Who else here isn't hoping Boris cops it, but wouldn't particularly care if he did?

Don't think anyone in the thread asked, keep that to yourself yeah.


suck my piss

uganda be kidding me haha

woah looks like i just got memed!


chinese are already back to eating bats btw

Good post

enjoy that atrophy


Australia is never going to get out of this corona virus pandemic & it's making me depressed. Is this year, indeed I say Year of the rope?

really? fascinating.
*walks away and talks to someone else*

Did you know Monaco was the first country in the world to mint the Euro and introduce it as it's national currency?
Monaco did so in 2001, while the EU nations didn't adopt the Euro until 2002.

enjoy sucking my piss

Feeling intimated white man?

uganda be kidding me!

stopped counting around 50, around 70-80 probably


lmao XD 100 100

Not the end of the world might even make Britain better than it is but I’m not deranged enough to wish death on the man because I don’t like him

two antipodeans

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uh should i tell her...

What have you got against blonde haired, Turkish-Jew millionaires.



should i buy cheetos from 7 11

fascinating mate
*turns around and leaves the room*

how can you afford that

Uganda be kidding me


no you fat shite

Selling eggs

Australia, the lost Atlantis.


Me and the homies

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