Im obsessed by this picture

Im obsessed by this picture.
Imagine what life would be like when you look like him

Attached: When-he-has-strong-jaw-line.jpg (640x640, 55.05K)

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this low test faggot 6/10 cant even grow a full beard and body hair. i'd mog this faggot any day of the week

>this low test faggot 6/10 cant even grow a full beard and body hair. i'd mog this faggot any day of the week

Attached: 1553844352444.gif (224x224, 3.79M)

>this low test faggot 6/10 cant even grow a full beard and body hair. i'd mog this faggot any day of the week

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>Im obsessed by this picture.
pretty gay man

>cant even grow a full beard and body hair
it's called grooming


blind and delusional

Why are you gay?

This pic is pretty old already. I doubt Nick Bateman still looks as good nowadays.

I don't think you niggers realize that in order to get this physique, you have to be rich enough for that haircut, conscientious enough to have that clean beard and clear skin, and motivated enough to work out and get those biceps and abs. In other words you'd have to have an entirely different personality to even be him. It's not just about getting lucky.

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So it's a good thing that he's a model

shahar mogs this guy and yall know it

Im obsessed by this picture.
Imagine what life would be like when you look like him

Attached: 1586065701518.jpg (548x1024, 55.87K)

Their son will become gigachad

Attached: C51gYTbWMAAPNpN.jpg (720x900, 119.3K)

I'd probably do the exact same as I am doing right now, but women would fawn over it.
So not that much different really because those 3D harlots can stay away.

That kid looks Mexican.

Better yet, imagine what your life would be like if he pounded your boypussy on a daily basis

post your mug, we'll be the judges

>Why yes I'd given up on my own manhood. Yes I fantasize about joining Chad's harem as a trap wife. I will impregnate of my sisterwives of course.

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i unironically look like this

He looks IndoEuropean

i pulled his look but im not gonna dox my self

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>It's not just about getting lucky.
yes it is. hes just born with great genetic

looks romanian to me

The definition of cope

i don’t need to imagine, i knew a few people like this and i felt like shit my entire 2 years of post-10th grade. I would never be able to reach their level bc I’m 5’7” and have a shit face. i will never be stalked by girls or that girls would blank out at me the moment I enter the class or that they’d discuss about me when I’m out of the class

If you’re 6ft+, have a decent face and facial hair you should hit the gym and believe in God.

Shut up you paki cunt

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>It's not just about getting lucky.
it is though. it's the prerequisite for being able to reach that point, everything else is just regular effort everyone can invest.

I could lift her with one finger.

Its not entirely. But
>Height: 1.92m
I’d kill to have that height.
And certain things like facial bone structure for example.

Even if he wasn’t a model, he would at least be a 6-7/10.

>i don’t need to imagine, i knew a few people like this and i felt like shit my entire 2 years of post-10th grade. I would never be able to reach their level bc I’m 5’7” and have a shit face. i will never be stalked by girls or that girls would blank out at me the moment I enter the class or that they’d discuss about me when I’m out of the class
Women hit on me quite often but I'm still depressed and would trade it for a life of bliss. It's nice once in a while but you realize most women are shallow and the novelty wears off quickly. Honestly it's pathetic to base your self worth on how women perceive you.

I would not be a 27yo NEET if I had his face and height.

poo in the loo

>you will always be a manlet jawlet dicklet balding poorfag

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he's not any more or less happy than the average person

look up hedonic treadmill

neuroreceptors down/up regulate in response to neurotransmitters being above or below a preprogrammed biological setpoint

He and most Chads are certainly not depressed.

Holy FUCK I envy his hair. Why life is so cruel lads?

Wish I had that masculine face

Knew a kid who looked like this but he was a total sperg

you only need that one right woman to fawn over you, correct.
that's still a lot easier to achieve if you look like him though.

I like his looks better. I'm not even gay.

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>just work out bro

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I did a jaw osteotomy in 2017 and now my jaw is chad-tier as well. Still no gf tho

How much did it cost?

Why Chris looks better?

Literally just grow facial hair if you have a shit jaw. It’s a good cope.

>tfw good looking but 5'9
It's fucking over. All my friends are 6'1+.

m8 the most matched men on tinder are 5'9, look it up

I have somewhat ''off'' taste but if there is one guy I could choose to look like, it would probably be Che Guevara

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I did and couldn't find anything about that. I'm usually one of the shortest guys in a club and it really shows. I've only ever had 2 gfs.

Shame about pube beard

sorry, it's 5'8 lol but 5'9 is still up there

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4000,- EUR for orthodontic treatment of which 50% was covered by insurence.
The actual surgical treatment was close to 11000,- EUR and was covered completely after the mandatory 380,- EUR own risk
I had horrible over bite

How horrible was it?

no but they're actually not much happier than average non-depressed joes

11mm, doesn't sound like a lot but it was and it's fixed now. I don't regret the decision at all

Do you have before and after chin pic?

Not really a before pic because i didnt expect this result. But yea you can see how my lips are perfect placed now

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Looking good.