You can't refute this

You can't refute this.

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what the actual fuck is that abimation


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Based Patriotic British Jewish lady


Attached: Full English Breakfast.jpg (920x603, 93.03K)

>brits are beaners

>No rice

would take this over dry cake and dampfnudel any day

She's right but that pic is terrible

I myself eat british breakfasts.

Strammer Max > Leberkäs mit Spiegelei > Weißwurstfrühstück > full english breakfast > Kontinentales Frühstück (what even is that shit lmao) > dog shit > croissant with coffee (fuck France)

>fuck France

I hope you get corona'd, you piece of shit. You piece of SHIT.

Looks like someone shat on toast

are you this cucked? english deserves to be butchered by foreignrs

what in gods name is that

That's a dinner here

Why would the headline be about the English breakfast and the picture not be an English breakfast?

Jesus christ, thats breakfast for a brit? I would be in a diabetic coma by the time I finish half of that.

These niggas are eating beans and they are based

>english deserves to be butchered by foreignrs

The English are my friends and they are under my personal protection. Forever.

i never eat english breakfast
i eat oats and fruit for breakfast

Looks edited to use a selectively worst case to meme on.

No idea what any of that is so I'll have to assume you're wrong

That's not an English breakfast

your a embirsment to you're country

Okay, but how can I get a cute smooth british twink bf?

Fresh croissant in the morning is the best thing in the world.

Imagine being ESL and thinking you can butcher the English language. You just look retarded, only a proper native can butcher it.

How can I get a cute smooth french twink bf who will feed me his croissant in the mornings?

Why did she decide to pick the worst possible pic of this dish?
And what exactly is the continental equivalent of this?

Go in le Marais.

I prefer cinammon toast crunch desu

Okay, thanks!

> Just shit on my bread senpai

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>what exactly is the continental equivalent of this
Not sure there is one, do other countries anything this big or fatty in the morning?

>And what exactly is the continental equivalent of this?

The Holocaust.

>only a proper native can butcher it
The fact that Americans have successfully butchered the English language disproves that argument.

How can I get a cute smooth dutch twink bf who butchers my boipucci?

That sosig looks so good

Fuck it, pork roll egg and cheese

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Go to Amsterdam.

Okay, thanks!

We have something like that in America but we don't put it on toast.

it's not possible that you eat that much in one sitting especially in the morning

This is a conversation about Europe obviously America has something bigger and fattier

I never implied that but ok

That looks like much to you?

Au contraire, mon ami.

English breakfast= Best breakfast

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Do Brits actually eat English Breakfasts everyday? For us we only have it on special occasions like a birthday.

No we usually just have it on the weekend


>mainly fat and protein
>some carbs
You will be fine.

Why not just eat bread and drink coffee like a normal person?

Because normal people eat yoghurt and müsli

Looks like shit
Just eat milk and corn puffs

>For me its a cup of coffee, two eggs over easy on a piece of toast, maybe a second piece to mop up the yolk.

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This post wasn't worry of gigachad


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britmutts BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!