Anons who have lived in Japan, I've heard that japan is very xenophobic and generally hard to break into socially. I've heard it vaguely mentioned that there will somehow always be a stigma towards you for your being a foreigner. What's your experience?
Expats and social life in Japan?
Are you that white guy with a moustache who posted several selfies asking if japanese women would like you?
>japan is very xenophobic
It's meme.
We are just afraid of foreigners. I don't hate it.
I don't like you asian people.
The Jew fear the Samurai
Answer me , are you that white guy with mustache?
I'm 100% japanese and they didnt like me.
They literally hate all foreigners. Women fuck foreigners, but only the ones that were rejected by japanese men
you're not Japanese, macaco
What did people say and do to you? And I'm guessing you grew up speaking the language?
1. They will never tell you what they think
2. They have no interests other than working and weather. If you start talking to them about politics they'll tell you "yeah I agree" to avoid the conversation
3. You are the zoo animal. Nobody would and will take you seriously even if you were born in Japan and speak the island tongue fluently
4. Be prepared to not get help from the police or people if something happens. You are a nobody, why would they search for the guy who stole your *thing*.
5. You are gonna earn 15-25% less than a japanese in the same position would
6. Landlords don't trust white devils and are trying to avoid you. You won't find a good offer without paying hundreds of shekels to agent
7. Meat is like 2x times more expensive than it is in the US, same goes for veggies
8. Everything that people say about their work culture is actually even worse. I've been taking unpaid OTs for a month in a row because my colleagues were doing the same and were afraid of being fired
9. Japan is really overcrowd
10. If you are taller than 6 feet you WILL NOT fit in Japan. Say goodbye to your forehead. I'm 6'3 and I had to bend my head down to not hit the subway train ceiling
11. You will never become japanese. They will always think you are a tourist, that's why they always ask you "when do you leave?"
t. worked as a codemonkey in Tokyo for a few months
Sounds like a nightmare.
that's fucked, also how brown people treated there ?
I love Japan, beautiful place. But as a tourist.
It is not a secret they abuse our people in Japan. Even though all they wanted to do was to quietly work and make money for their families back home.
They are also abused because they do not like it when flips "do not follow japanese culture" like asserting labor rights and making labor unions. Case in point: that flip that tried making a union to assert his rights as an apprentice and was fired and discriminated becauss
I'm a white dude that lived both in Korea and Japan, and I can tell that both countries are very nice to you if you are white.
However, I really struggled making friends in Japan, way more than here. Japs generally sucks at english, and are extremely afraid of uncomfortable situations, so most will just ran away from you.
However, I am very racist myself, so I don't really blame them for disliking me. Just take everything with a grain of salt, be humble, kind, and as polite as you can, and you will be fine.
It happened to me quite a few time that restaurants don't want to serve me. That's fine, don't make a fuss about it, leave and find another one.
Also this , its very true. However, I still enjoyed my time there. Just accept that you are, and you will stay, a foreigner. You will never be fully integrated.
Overall, if you are white, you can give it a shot. If you are even remotely black, just forget it though.
probably just like that but worse
I've seen brown guys working as community workers, but I'm not sure who they were.
I don't know honestly
It's a dumb meme.
Did you manage to have sex?
Your country is a dumb meme mr. kitajima.
You racist dog.
Bad. I met a nigger in a bar back in Tokyo. When he started becoming remotely drunk, he cried for the whole fucking time about he wish he had another skin. He sincerely loved japan, but it's pretty much an untold apartheid back there for him.
No one will talk to you
You will never be able to go into a club
More than half of restaurants will refuse you
No one will ever, EVER, sit next to you in publilc transport
And the list go on and on
Yes I did, in both countries
Agree with everything.
10. you learn to duck, eventually
He sounds like an autist
Where did you have more success?
Probably nepali
Japan is not only Tokyo
Hey, I'm not a native english speaker, rude desu
Definitely Korea. I think it's because they are not as autistic as japanese people: they are willing to try to speak english to you even if their level is mediocre.
Unfortunately, I feel like the white reputation in both countries (Especially Japan) is going down, because most whites they meet are fucking loosers English teachers that only came here to taste asian pussy. Those guys are retarded fucks back in Europe, and still are there. So yeah, we all pay the toll for their lust.
How is it going to a small Japanese town as a foreigner?
I imagine you're even more exotic to them.
Yeah. I know a few flips who live there. Brown SEA people there are really discriminated against, especially those working low jobs. I know a filipino for example who at one drinking session with their boss. When their boss was drunk, they literally peed on the dude for no reason at all and laughing at him. Japanese lose all their inhibitions when drunk he says. Most of them show their side without their tatemae shit whatever that is.
He was asking me if we can sue.
>they literally peed on the dude
>He was asking me if we can sue
What a cuck. Should've turn his "boss" into bloody pulp.
>for no reason
>implying there can be a good reason to pee on someone
I dunno if its both partners fetish
we got too cocky weebros. . . .
>Women fuck foreigners, but only the ones that were rejected by japanese men
It's really hard to do that in a country that isn't your own, especially racial Japan. If that happened here that guy would have been stabbed or beaten to a pulp, really.
Anyways, we can sue the recruiting agency who gave him the job but I gave him to a more competent lawyer rather than my newbie self.
In criminal cases Japs will support each other against foreigners.
Fucking yes. I almost forgot all about that
12. Carlos Ghosn case
btw how's manageable is it as a tourist without any japanese knowledge?
Its fine in my experience.
As a tourist obviously you are new to the place and accept the treatment of someone from there.
But living there? Not cool.
>I've heard that japan is very xenophobic and generally hard to break into socially.
thing is only like 0.0000001% understand english. It's not that they don't like you
There are signs in english almost everywhere and you always have a smartphone to help you out.
Just make a google map walking route for yourself and follow it.
>there will somehow always be a stigma towards you for your being a foreigner.
I'm Japanese and there is always be a stigma towards me for being a neet.
have you made some genuine friends there?
just get a job makoto
Brown people should never go to Japan. Maybe go there on a holiday if you really want to. But if you plan on living there then prepare for the most psychologically tense and isolating period of your life. Japanese people are so hard to decipher that it will make you question your sanity. They will blatantly discriminate against you but the tricky part is that you don't even know what you did wrong. There is no scope for rectifying errors whatsoever. You will forever be the brown circus freak wherever you go.
Also another little tidbit of info, your landlord WILL discriminate against you. No matter how nice or rule-abiding you are. There is ALWAYS a scope for error. Good luck.
I went on a Chinese cruise ship around this time a year ago. I made a Chinese friend (a tour guide in Japan) since we kept winning in the casino in the ship but that's it.
They are hospitable and nice. When we got lost an old Japanese woman in the park helped us find the mall.
I have experienced a bit of discrimination myself. A guy in a mall in Nagasaki thought I was a bum and told me to go away. But why would he say that, I literally had a camera with me.
Japs also kept giving flowers to my sister. Most dont know english so that made it harder.
But wouldn't that apply to white people as well? I also imagine it would be quite a disappointment for them when they get to know that you are not from one of the dream memelands - France, USA, UK, Italy and Germany
Regular Japanese women prefer Japanese men, the rejects go for white men because it’s easy
lol did random jap men just walk up to her with a bouquet of flowers? seems autistic af
Well not a bouquet but a flower, yeah. Twice from two different Japs. Weird.
Look, admittedly my sister is cute. We laugh at it but nevertheless appreciate their kindness.
I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong but sadly that isn't the case. They hate brown folks wayyy more than they do white ones. Infact their attitude against white people is better described as some weird inferiority complex where they feel insecure because of their english skills. If only they knew how hard those weebs were trying to impress them.
>white people is better described as some weird inferiority complex where they feel insecure because of their english skills
no like that
99% of Indian people I've met here in Tokyo have never shown up on time, usually late by 10-30min late while while mutts/bongs are coming on time
For Japanese, it's courtesy to show up 10min before the appointment
Indian people do not really respect Japanese business custom, and we really hate that
>so most will just ran away from you
I laughed this part.
I have no doubt that some filthy pajeets have ruined Japan the same way they ruin every country they visit. I do my best to never associate myself with those monkeys anywhere I go.
I also tried my hardest to follow all Japanese customs and business practices but I was still treated like shit.
the jap guys looked like this?
>Indian was still treated like shit.
but all Japanese programmers/system engineers are treated like shitty slaves in any IT companies here
man, I would seriously injury that person permanently. like cut of his nose or something.
True. Although the shitty treatment didn't stop at the office.
>programmers/system engineers are treated like shitty slaves
a-are they?
This is true.
Objectively wrong. They tend to avoid having in-depth discussion with foreigners largely because of language barrier and their ingrained shyness. If your Japanese is N2 level at least, having a decent conversation is a no-brainer.
Kind of true, in a way
The fuck are you on? There wasn't a single time when Japanese police didn't help me or my foreign acquitances from USA/Russia/Italy etc. Probably the most helpful police in Asia period.
This is mostly true for blue-collar type of jobs. Kinda sucks, but managable.
It is kinda hard to find a nice landlord, yeahm but then again, isn't it the same in most countries? Once again, learning Japanese and some basic Japanese culture can take you far enough.
Absolutely true. Their meat is fucking delicious though.
True, but it mostly doesn't concern foreign workers. Me and some of my friends told our colleagues and higher-ups we're not gonna attend drink parties and such, and nothing happened at all. No repercussions, nothing. No problems with vacations whatsoever as well.
Only in huge cities really
Not a real problem.
Doesn't happen, unless you behave like a tourist at all times.
>for a few months
Yeah, it shows.
t. studied for 2 years in a college and worked for another 3 years as a session musician in Osaka
I met a thick japanese woman in helsinki, like curvy one. I think she wanted to children with me. like they vibes just were there. some primitive I take you semen vibes.
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, or if you are not aware that xenophobia is the fear of foreigners?
Japanese people are like Americans, they are nice on the surface but there's nothing deeper to be found within them, no greater level of friendship that can be established over time, no genuine connection that can ever be made. They are fairweather folk. Little doll people.
Is it true the girls that date outside their race are only the social rejects?
There are a shit load of Italians and Japaneses migrants in brazil.
We’re the exact opposite faggot we’ll tell you shit to your face
>jews fear the samurai
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