WTF Swedebros. I thought you had dealt with this?
WTF Swedebros. I thought you had dealt with this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Apparently they argued for herd immunity because "the Brits are doing it" and decided to double down whilst we changed course.
are Swedes just going full an hero?
based desu
maybe this is how they will remove immigrant problem
>inb4 its just somalis in stockholm
yea its gona be your granny and dad next bönde böndesson
>the eternal anglo
This is why i love sweden. They are preparing to take immeasurable amount of damage to be relevant.
Yeah, but we didn't "do it"
Its like i just dont understand sweden anymore. Im not sure if i ever did
The eternal anglo claims another victim
no, corona virus only kill old people, so they are hoping to kill the old white rags. and inherit their land to Muslims and blacks africans.
Shouldnt have skipped swedish class then
>haha we are so much better than the rest of the world their problems will never harm us because we have the Swedish way
that joke would work if i had mentioned swedish language
Good I loathe swedish posters, destroy them all.
No one will miss them. Hopefully all the feminism, pro-immigration, greenpeace garbage will be gone after this.
It wasnt a joke
>not less than one week ago these threads were full of svens proclaiming their superiority to rest of the world
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer faggots :DD
I know, it makes no sense
isn't this the world's first feminist government?
>the lack of Sw*decuck flags ITT
desu learning swedish is almost impossible. Our schools make it so easy that any retard can pass the classes but no one can actually speak it. Probably the only way to make it successful is to start it a lot sooner than now
I wonder where all those smug cunts are
Probably fighting over the last can of fermented fish
Sweden is one of the most advanced countries on the planet. I’m sure they have the virus under control.
they want to be relevant on this virus spreading thing.. like finland has 28 deaths or so and sweden 400 spain 10 000 like they eant to be like spain so they would be relevant.
Its literally just a flu, might as well shut down the country when kids have lice
How does it feel to be a Corona superpower?
>The cope
Im finnish so miten vaan
Are you unironically so indifferent to your countrymen dying
By the end of this we will see the results and was it really worth it. God bless you sven
hyvä tääl espanjas ihmiset vaan taputtaa joka päivä ku 1000 ihmistä kuolee siis joka päivä. sit mitään muuta nää 46 miljoonaa ihmistä ei saa aikaseksi ku taputtaaa. jotenki vitun sairas kokonaisuus. 130 000 sairastunutta, eikä 46 miljoonaa ihmista saa sitä hoidettua alta pois. sit nää pitää itteänsä parempina ihmisinä ku suomalaiset, oon kuullu a bout 20 kertaa kuinka me kuollaan viinaan ja ollaan masentuneita ja kaikki on suomes paskaa.. nää on vitun ylimielisiä vitun ali-ihmisiä.
ls not caring about death a Swedish thing?
Enjoy impovrished wagecucking
Its mostly somalis and old people (who brought somalis here) blessing in disguise
Ill be sure to pass this message on to my boss, might be useful when you need to guest work to stay alive
I think its a clinical depression thing
Its a BDSM thing
Clamp my nipples mastress please!!!
>white boomer Swedes get wiped out
>they get replaced by young and strong African BVLLS
Based Swedes
stop being weird
Like the US, Sweden's population under 18 are majorly non-Swedes. So the coronavirus would be mainly killing whites, lowering even more of the native white population.
You’re the one making it weird, weirdo.
They are just bored and crave for a nation-wide häppening
Lol what a load of bullshit
swedish people are cucks of globalist. thats why they are leftist green feminists in politics so much. I bet they are proud they can take bill gates chips in they body and be more dogs to jews.
What will happen to swedish homeless people? Are they at risk?
I'm surprised my socialist shithole countey did not follow Sweden's footsteps.
For all we know hobos might already have had corona from all the dirt they sleep in
They shall inherit the earth
>kills old racist swedoids
>import young nigs
win win
>old swedes
Even if that is true it doesnt matter because at least 60-70% of old people vote for the social democrats
wow they must vote for muslim parties, not a le cmfy lefty liby shitty commies
Dont know what you are saying but yes inshallah my brother
>Just a flu bro
Swedish boomers vote left?
P-praise *coof* *coof* A-apollo! Before it-t's too *coof* *coof* *COOF* late!
why don't the homeless people just get a house?
They vote whatever it's popular in their freeswingery lodges
It's not about the language itself, it's the fact absolutely no one speaks it outside a minority group on the coast. You can live your whole life half an hour drive from the coast and never hear a word of swedish. No matter how well you learn it in school, you will never speak it outside the class room, and thus never become proficient and gradually lose it.
hope he doesn't chicken out
from the 30's to the 70's sweden was a de facto one-party state under the socialdemocrats. generations are brainwashed from having grown up under it. ex. saying 'I have always voted for them and I will continue to do so' with pride.
sweden like germany followed folkhemmet/volkgemeinschaft, but the party changed in the 60-70's
the socialdemocrats still remain the largest party, and now since there's a bit of a crisis old people look towards them for help, making them stronger.
Swedes just like doing the exact opposite of what should be done
>I have always voted for them and I will continue to do so
That's boomer labour voters here
I hope Swedish posters here coof their lungs out