Try out the new Tinder international for free

>Try out the new Tinder international for free
>Only get a few more swipes than normal in 3rd world countries in South America and Asia
>Set the location to a first world country
>Get nothing

Does this mean i am a ugly cunt?

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If you can't attract white women, you're indeed unattractive. That's a global rule.

All mobile games are bad, but tinder is one of the worst.

Most likely, yeah.
You may have bad pictures or a cringe profile though.

I guess its time to accept it and move on. I can get some lower end looking white women(mainly fatties) interested for a bit but it never goes anywhere and they just lose interest and we stop texting.

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Are you white, user?

maybe your problem isn’t looks, but personality.

Terrone ancestry on my mothers side. I looked dark enough in school that the abo kids did not beat my ass and call me a wh*Toid.

Yes my personality is absolutely terrible.

Probably, i am shit at taking photos.

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it will be okay, you just need to build confidence

>>Try out the new Tinder international

Whait what? Is that its neww app thing or just your regular Tinder option settings?

You can change locations for free on Tinder due to corona

Try changing your profile pics and your bio, people can spot socially awkward spergs even when they're good looking.

>people can spot socially awkward spergs even when they're good looking

How the fuck are women so good at doing this? Its like how dogs can sense fear or sharks smelling blood.

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Anyone can sense sperg. Only spergs cant

It's pretty easy 2bh. Spergs have bad pictures, awkward smiles, they post pictures that a normal person wouldn't. In general spergs have bad, somehow childish taste.


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lol do you live in melbourne

Worse. Rural QLD in a backwater meth addled going nowhere town. The only place with anything going for it is the adjacent highway to get the fuck out of there.


Your dating life is a representation of your attractiveness. If you don't have a dating life then you are simply not attractive because women are the ultimate selector. Up until now, you have lived your life in denial. You kept telling yourself lies along the lines of 'I might not be a chad but I'm not ugly either' or 'I' m a 6/10 or a 7/10 on a good' none of that shit is true and it just came crashing down while being confronted with reality. Through your avoidant personality you have managed to escape this fact by not being outright rejected in thr real world.

on a good day*


What if you have never made any attempt at a dating life, not even via tinder? Your "rule" no longer works in such a scenario.

Checkmate, atheists.

>set location to mexico city
>tons of half dressed 18 y/o whores
>set location to Buenos Aires
>tons of half dressed 18 y/o whores
>set location to Santiago
>tons of half dressed 18 y/o whores
what is going on in South America?

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Eh, depends on your definition of attractiveness.
Social awkwardness is a turn off on anyone, and girls love average looking guys that make them laugh.
Only the extremes (extremely good or extremely bad looking) heavily affect your dating.

>Social awkwardness is a turn off on anyone, and girls love average looking guys that make them laugh.

Still in denial. I see.

I actually thought I was decent-looking until I started using Tinder and got very few matches. It felt horrible at first, but now I accept it.

>set location to Montreal
>trannies and polyamorous couples

I have terrone ancestry on my mothers side too :). i am unfortuneatly (may allah forgive me for uttering this word) wh*te though

I'm gay user, and my dating life is pretty decent.
Still, there have been countless times when I refused to meet guys that were good looking for the simple fact that they reeked of school shooters.

>I'm gay user, and my dating life is pretty decent.

So any advice you give is total garbage because dating dynamics between gay guys is completely different from those of hetero couples.

I don't use tinder because I'm poor and ugly

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>Gays don't have close female friends
Do you wanna know how I know you're as autistic as the others?

You are the one coping though
Notice how most people who think like you are first world white, the most sperg nations of all

Getting less than 50% match is normal even if you are good looking

>Female dating advice is valuable for men
Do you know how I know that you are talking shit about stuff you have no idea about? Have you ever talked to a male bisexual friend that could explain you the difference in dating dynamics for example. They will tell you that's it's like stepping into another universe.

Women have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to male dating, their advice is useless at best and downright misleading at worst. To use a shitty analogy, you don't ask the fucking fish on fishing advice, on how to catch them, that's stupid. A woman will go on a long cognitively dissonant rant on how you shouldn't get in a shape and start lifting for example because 'she doesn't like overly muscular men' or how 'you should be yourself that's not you' while hooking up with some Hulk the very next day.

Not gonna lie, yes. If as a white blue eyed person you don't get swarmed with likes in the 3rd world, you are an ugly cunt

Let me guess Irish from father's side?

>set location to southern France
>after 5 hours, get first like
>turns out she's a redhead, not ugly but kinda fat
>lol, nope

Still haven't got other likes. How much until a match, lads?

If you haven't gone full blackpill and think there is room for improvement then this is how to set up a good Tinder profile:

Forget the bio or keep it short, put down your height if you are above average on the country where you are swiping. Absolutely avoid self-deprecating humor or anything that radiates insecurity.

-At least one medium-distant picture from your face, optimally one where you are not looking straight into the camera and don't smile or at least just hint at one.

-At least one picture where you are in social setting preferable with different girls and guys, all guys must be as attractive or a bit less attractive than yourself but not with your virgin squad. There shouldn't be too much innuendo between you and the girls to suggest that you are in a relationship.

-At least one picture with you topless in a acceptable setting where you are showing off your body. No bathroom selfies, preferably at the beach for example.

-While you are doing some special activity. This can be anything from skydiving, riding a camel, shooting at a gun range, siting in a race car operating a jetski.

-Optional: additional travel pictures.

I am absolutely fucked for the special activity and social setting with girls pictures. FUCK!

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The latter is important because it shows that you are

A: a social person in general and
B: a person in whose presence women feel comfortable. This is very important when it comes to online dating.

The biggest fear for men when it comes to dating is meeting a fat woman. For women it's meeting a serial killer (not kidding). This means that they tend to avoid man that haven't proven themselves to be absolute creeps. Additionally women like men that are liked by other women.

to not be '

>For women it's meeting a serial killer
Not much of a problem if you're like 15000 km apart from one another on the first place.

they've evolved for it la. sexual selection. that's why they probe you for weakness and do shit tests etc. unironically women are brutal and the main reason men aren't openly emotional.

Women are natural selection personified. When a women makes a judgement that you aren't suitable as her mate then it's literal natural selection going on.

I cant handle this shit right now mates! Why did Disney and the Jews have to lie about love? All i ever wanted was a loving GF ever since hitting puberty.

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But I mean dude, you live in Australia. Just take a picture of you driving a 4x4 in the dessert, surfing, holding a kangaroo/piss-soaked koala baby, climbing down a mine shaft or whatever.

sperg here
Tinder has been a mostly bad experience. I received 3 matches in the frame of a few months.
If you're an ugly piece of shit, try to connect with ugly women. I'm a social retard, but downed a few confidence drinks before meeting.
We fucked on our 2nd meet up and were together most weekends until I opened up and told her I'm a sperg.

tl;dr engage with below average/average women, don't tell them you're a sperg

Disney is a multi-billion media company that is selling a product by peddling to fantasies and illusions. In order to win over a girl's heart the protagonists pull off some grand gesture but reality is ruthless. Most women are put off by demonstrations of effort, they only care about results. That's right, if you have the body of an Adonis talking about your strict training regime actually devalues your achievement. All women are essentially essentialists and all qualities your have are regarded as being innate to yourself. That's why women don't like men who have changed or made an effort to change because they register as falling for a 'fake'. Everything you do has to be or at least come across as being effortless on your part.

Dude, you are implying that any of this shit is rational in the first place while it never has been.

>At least one picture with you topless in a acceptable setting where you are showing off your body. No bathroom selfies, preferably at the beach for example.
Too fat for that. How time does it take to get Yas Forums at a normie acceptable level?

>That's why women don't like men who have changed or made an effort to change because they register as falling for a 'fake'. Everything you do has to be or at least come across as being effortless on your part.

The more i learn about women the more i begin to gradually hate them... Fuck this.

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Set it to Israel you'll see that too

I'm matching with german qties hehe

Too many variables

>Women are natural selection personified. When a women makes a judgement that you aren't suitable as her mate then it's literal natural selection going on.
Yes because dating is men going for as many women as possible while women filter out whoever they don't like and move from partner to partner

Are all girls on these apps super superficial? Like they're all into fitness, traveling, etc. Where to find the artsy pretentious qties?

Over 20 matches in a span of 5 minutes. Why haven't you taken the rice pill OP?

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>Are all girls on these apps super superficial? Like they're all into fitness, traveling, etc.
Yes but that's most women in general.
>Where to find the artsy pretentious qties?
Probably Starbucks or something similar.


>Are all girls on these apps
>these apps
Oh boy still in denial.

>the artsy pretentious qties?
From the literate art hoes to the shy introverted girl that that sometimes goes to anime conventions, all of them lust after Chad's dick.

How does that work?

>Yes but that's most women in general.
Not in my experience, I've found most woman IRL are pretty interesting, actually.

If they're rice women why do they have western names?

I hate being an incel named Chad, I constantly read about Chad having all this amazing sex and everyone loving chad meanwhile despite being Chad I am an incel

Because Westerners can't pronounce tones so they give themselves alternate English names, most of which are normal with some being weird to completely bananas (figuratively and sometimes literally).

lol you pay for tinder?

sign up, fill profile, fill questions. it's not filled with hoes like tinder, and the questions match your personalities and you can get a lot of insight into their thinking.