why do you love me so much?
Tell me the reason gaijinsan
Why do you love me so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
because you are so kawaii
i think your whole country is cringe
I told you last thread, it's because you're cute.
Yet you did not respond, telling me that you love me back or even just cuteposting so I can't say I love you anymore. You're like a stranger to me, and I don't think I casn ever love you again.
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I don't. What on earth gave you that impression, you conceited bitch.
Don't leave me alone
your animeposting
At least I for one have a conscience
Please stop bullying me Japan
i don't bully you
Let me embrace you
you have a thicc ass
A-user, that's gay
But don't gaijinsan hesitate about hug with each other?
I hug people all the time including absolutely strangers, I also kiss random people on the lips. But it's different if someone else is initiating it!
So it is the first experience you had
Aha :)
You are more cute
You are cute as I thought
pls don't bulli
I (the argie) AM HERE. To tell you, Davido-kun, that:
Yes, you are ridiculous and fat.
Yes, you japanese guys have a weird smell.
Yes, you are conceited and superb, but that is supported by absolutely nothing
Yes, you're a bump of the yard.
Yes, you're cringe.
And the most important one of all of them: NO, YOU'RE NOT CUTE
So please, stop the fucking animefagging.
Because good music
Why are you writing in that indecent language? Speak in freedom, nigger.
i love anyone who isn't a ş*H-İT
Sorry because you were so ...
You're responsible for the creation of an idealized world through several media. Brainlets confuse that for your own society so they "love" you out of delusion.
So you are cool
So are you cute aren't you?
have sex
With you
have sex
no I'm pure
have pure sex
>pure sex
Because Japan-Chan is CUTE!
Does Japan-Chan love Suomi back?
BASED. Take these (You)s anons.
by loving him back
ありがとう Finland-chan
I could do that
go for it
what if he doesn't love me and is only in it for the sex?
You deserve kindness and love.
thank you, you too fren
My loved fin chan
Full of kawaii
Comfy. :3
I can't go to sauna these day because corona chan is coming up to me by the. Day
How about you?
I haven't been in the sauna for multiple weeks either. Not gonna lie, it fucking sucks. I love the sauna, Japan-Chan... You know that.
It's your fault
just get a room and fuck already
I hope corona chan vanished as early as possible
Because the sauna is the important desert after doing hard workout