
Me on the left making this thread vs Janny on the right edition

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State of that Chilean poofter. All Chileans are mentally ill in my experience. Either nonces or gay

does anyone want to look at pictures of tits with me and masturbate??

wasnt worth posting the first time

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Not in the higher rev ranges. Superchargers only provide more immediate power

Just found out that Turks are on average 18% Paki genetically. Think this explains a lot.

Preferred the internet before the advent of social media.

Not everything was a meme back then.

That’s true mike

Have to say you do a lot of truthing in this general and I don’t know if people actually appreciate it

She's the prettiest girl alive though

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what is poofter?

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she can get it
good job user

have touched lots of tits none as nice as British

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No she’s not. You’re a demented freak. This is that whore that got kicked out of multiple universities for sleeping with niggers and subsequently filing unsuccessful rape charges in like 8 different universities. She’s a two bit whore and you’re a faggot freak.

pull my teabag out a fresh brew and squeeze it in my hands like that james bond villain that can't feel pain

pet amer is telling me hes a girl again

Barber shops are closed and now me pubes have gone out of control

True. Did you wind taking any of the mushrooms. You said you were going to take some with your mate but the plan fell through and said you might take some yourself.

oh ffs the femoids on facebook are now doing their equivalent to those male suicide awareness posts that are doing the rounds
whole timeline is filled with this cringe

wondering if British tits taste different than the monkeys here


Meant throughout the rev range not relative to a turbo

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I took a couple caps amounting to about a gram or therein under, gave me a mild little euphoric buzz with some very very faint visuals. Saving them for Wednesday now.

imagining the smell

>using faceberg in 2020
>using a word like "femoids"

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How'd we feel about the Queen's Address lads?

imagining the taste of British tits

Remember that Kraut and Tea guy from a few years back who embarrassed himself?

He made a fantastic video a few months ago about China's geopolitical rise. Extremely high quality content (apart from the redditball images, but I guess they're cute).

nooooo stop posting on facebook its so cringe stop it i dont like it
*posts on /brit/ 12 hours a day minimum*

felt great to be fair i wont lie to ya

>facebook is like 4channel

the queen have big tits??

Emmett wtf is this

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buckingham palace?
yeah it's alright, corner shop's a bit of a walk tho


Yes. What will you be doing taking them with your mate yeah.

just had a conversation with a friend who said no one in our friend group likes me, everyone is fed up with me and thats why I never get invited to anything anymore

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Yas Forums is twitter for ugly virgins

I love the Queen, she feels so familiar and comforting.

emmett always looks like he's on the set of an x-files episode


Just chilling, listening to some tunes, etc

What an utter fucking wigger Jesus Christ

what are you getting at here?

british tits milk in my mouth

thats him the big fella

>Chileans talking about british breasts
>Americans being autistic about engine enhancement devices
>some spastic clogwog posting images of his own hand
>irishman being a dire ogre as usual
>anglos talking at cross purposes

the absolute state of /brit/

Pretty good. I was pretty angry at the republican nonces who were posting on twitter.

Stop shilling

You’re not fooling nobody you virginous little cretin. Nobody wants to watch your stupid political videos. Have sex

*morphs into human form to infiltrate human society*

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Training w my heavy bag at the moment. All you people talking shit are welcome to test these hands.

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me? I'm just casually fondling my willard

Post the chat log.

give me the TL;DW

I love tits they are all I have and need

>why yes, i'm dutch

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dont waste them like that lad, microdosing is only really worth it if you're going to work or need to be semi-productive if you wanna do it recreationally you need at least 3g dried (maybe 2.5 if you have 0 tolerance)

dont eat them either lad brew them into a tea n put some lemon in it the acid enhances it n stops you feeling nauseas on the comeup. n last remember that the tolerance builds quick as fuck with shrooms so stretch your trips out about 2 weeks minimum

extremely doxxable info

Fair enough. They’re hand old yokes the hallucinogenics. Good craic.

I will bitch. Are you in Arizona?

Shut the fuck up you whimp

yeah I've had a similar experience to this
you'll get over it

cancelled my car insurance and they sent a letter today saying i need to pay it all in full

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I dream of a world where I can grow tits like plants

What are you going to do?

don't think there is a TL;DW way to explain it, way too much information
just watch it tomorrow, it's good

Would put you to sleep in 5 seconds you little girl

do you have tits

Safe pal

I've never had any other friends
I used to be very close with them

*fucks you up*

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Ram him.

You don’t though do you.

so if boris dies will we finally get the libertarian michael gove in command to save us and finally give us a real brexit?

*sneaks in through the window*
*quickly scrambles on top of the punch bag*
*holds on upside down like a bat*
*gently lowers my delicate plums into the impact zone*

It is not easy to have courage.
It requires patience.

Just edit out the doxxable stuff.

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>libertarian michael gove
govey is mega neocon

no bueno

wondering if man tits feel the same as female's

raab is in after boris
which means Benjamin Disraeli 2: Jewish High Tory boogaloo

feeling miserable
evens wank
odds abstain

no do i fuck

Tear your spastic face off

The only way you’d put anything to sleep is by being a whiny boring little virgin

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Next-in-line is Dominic Raab who basically wants to build a British version of Singapore.

would like to abolish democracy and go back to a monarchy tbqh

wank to tits

>a British version of Singapore.

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Based. Thought you were one of those fellas that would pay it. They can’t do fuck all anyway the cunts

Ughh lads..

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no worries lad enjoy it shrooms are by far the best psych 2bh once you get comfortable with your trips i highly recommend you n your pal trip out in the country somewhere its a mad experience

How about abolishing my nads? They’re begging for a pounding kid

my head hurts

who was that kpop nonce who doxxed himself

That's what Britain needs. Lower capital gains and corporate to 0%. Go big or go home.


BBT (big british tits)

ah right

they send those letters out expecting people to shit themselves and pay, your deposit pays the full price of the insurance anyway the cheeky cunts

>wants to build a British version of Singapore.

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convinced that we need CANZUK now otherwise all 4 of those countries will become Chinese puppets

Mateusz Ludbag

china bad america good

If we wanted to be like Singapore we'd also need to slash away labour laws and product regulations
That's how Singapore is able to have low-cost manufacturing and a high value services economy

chinese tits too small

Captcha messing me about lads

any inner city man in

>Yeah lads lets just make Britain both even more authoritarian and even more economically liberal

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I'll polish the ball-peen
Would you like the 8 oz or the 12 oz tonight, la?

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any tits?

more like china bad america stupid

they're both shit

sometimes for me it goes mega slow and makes Yas Forums basically unusable

thinking about if dogs had tits imagine the utters hanging from all the dogs

this but without a hint of irony
i've been an authoritarian capitalist for years

the early 90s seattle grunge gf

>lets just make Britain both even more authoritarian and even more economically liberal

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