Is this worse than 9/11?
Is this worse than 9/11?
In raw numbers? Yeah. Daily.
Yes because Americans can't pick a random country to blame and attack now.
It's better because there's more dead Americans
Why the fuck are they always comparing it to 9/11?
Because 9/11 has been the worst event in human history up to this point
They could, but that country would actually fight back
umm excuse me remember the 6 million goy
They're pretty much blaming China for it.
Worse than the Shoah. Not even Nazi death camps had crematoria working all day round.
yeah but they will have to think long and hard if they want to do to china what they did with Afghanistan.
Good fucking riddance, they deserve it.
The only thing long and hard here is my dick and I say we bomb the bat eating menace
We could beat China in a month if we REALLY wanted to if we weren't such cucks to the Geneva convention
Those libtards deserve it
>don't make me reveal my true power senpai
lmfao this american bioweapon backfired badly
>they will have to think long and hard
fair enough.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome can't melt steel beams.
If your country openly made a first strike attack on China, it would basically be the last thing it ever did as the United States. Even if your country didn't get absolutely fucking destroyed by the multiple countries that have been waiting for any excuse to start throwing nukes your way, it would result in no other country ever willingly conducting trade with what remains of the USA.
You don't really seem to begin to comprehend just how much the modern world depends on China and who China is on friendly terms with.
Nuclear armaments are the entire reason why nuclear powers have gone out of their way not to directly attack each other, because they know it would spell doom and most likely to the aggressor due to retaliation meaning being simultaneously hit from multiple fronts with an annihilate or being annihilated outlook.
Basically this. The only way it would be better is if it killed a bunch of Indians too.
>be American
>live in a cardboard house
>lie in a cardboard casket
seems logical
Shut the fuck up and eat your bat flavored dog Zhang
that wouldn't be a wise choice
Because NYC had the worst of it on 9/11. Relatively few died at Shanksville or the Pentagon.
with the tpp they could have fought back.
the death of Ashkenazi (germanic) jews is a net positive
Because NYC
No, the Polish aren't and weren't Germanic.
the death of non Ashkenazi jews is tragedy.
>Amerifat boomers dying en mass
>bad thing
So, by the end of the next week the US could surpass both Italy and Spain in number of deaths at this rate.
Yeah I know, the US is very big, but still.
You just pucker those buttlips tight flyover mong: it will get to you the same it traveled all the way from asia.
expect america to 10x spain and italy. with no unified quarantine, the infection will spread state to state indefinitely until it infects every american.
it's almost like Allah sent this palgue to punish them or something...
The people who died in 9/11 were decently educated and somewhat hard working
Everyone dying from the gayronavirus is a fat and uneducated fuck and Donny Bonny is based for letting them die
a dead american is a good american
In being lethal, yes.
Symbolically, no.
Your armed forces have fully admitted that they don't have the capability to invade megacities. So even if nukes weren't on the table and the Americans wouldn't finally revolt for getting dragged into the most devastating war pretty much ever for no good reason, you simply don't have the resources to take over hundreds of millions of Chinese living in huge sprawls bigger than anything in your country.
well, to be the devils advocate here, they could just resort to chemical warfare to empty out those pesky cities
how can other cunts even compete?
New Yorker here
Things are bad my dudes
Manhattan is practically empty
Queens is hell on earth
All I hear is sirens and mourning
Times are rough
For what purpose? That would just invite retribution.
if there were no rules to warfare, one could simply genocide the population instead of needing to suppress it. and if it did come down to retribution, so be it, it only comes down to who is willing to give up more for whatever garbage is left.
Thank for the virus you filthy chink, also go suck your God Bill Gates dick some more I hear he has a slow kill vaccine for you.
You "people" are worse than goat fuckers.
To think Cyna only had 4k deads
The great power and wisdom of Leader Xi
>It took their freedumbs away
Those cities are still in lockdown.
Wonder when they'll be released?
>For what purpose? That would just invite retribution.
More like that would be retribution for China unleashing biological warfare on the entire world.
Instill don't understand why 9/11 makes them so butt hurt
I me a you invaded 70 countries and killed millions of people
I think you deserve a 9/11 every day of your lives
fucking BASED
Ever heard of NATO, you fucking faggot lol. Don't you have some stupid koala to save?
You're being the aggressor in this scenario, NATO wouldnt do shit.
Yeah, since public support was really backing the wars.
Germany wouldn't because you aren't even allowed to have nukes so nobody would even need you in that scenario. Lol how does it feel to be told you can't do what even France can do?
Based fats had it coming
>Germany is among the powers which possess the ability to create nuclear weapons
meant to post this