Why does everyone hate us.
Why does everyone hate us
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Americans are very open and sociable people, I like them a lot
Every american I have met was nice, your government is just a shit
All the goys are jelous because you are best goyim, the alpha shabbos
we hate your state and ruling class, not your people.
I like you :)
That's what happens when your prosperity is based on the misery of mankind.
Muh Orangeman bad, EU and Mohameds good.
We don't, you mutts are just too easy
because of amerimutts like thisbasically americans act like fucking retards and then play the victim, then act like retards again
Americans support their government though.
Have you ever noticed how the approval rates of their presidents go up when they decided to slaughter random civilians in some poor country?
your government makes stupid decisions that screw with everyone and americans keep picking the fucking retards to make those stupid decisions. the bad guys won the civil war, america should've split into two and that way at least the most retarded part wouldn't have so much power.
Guess who makes up the government.
>the bad guys won the civil war
don't mind he is either a s*utherner, a tranny or a redditor
you're promoting degeneracy
yes, some retards we obviously do hate, but hating their entire population based on that would be retarded.
I didn't say we don't hate any americans, I just said that we don't hate their people by default, just the state and their ruling class.
l like you lad
It just happens that these "retards", are the vast majority of their population.
eh.. not all of you. just the full-pride-mode-on mutts. you cannot have a conversation without those kind of people bragging about some false thing they ((((as a country)))) do.
if Lincoln just let the fucking states have the right to self-determination none of this bullshit would have happened. but again, with americans, it's always rules for me not for you.
you literally just elected a worse, more retarded trump
it doesn't matter, hating their entire population based on the fact that most of them are liberals would be retarded.
there are some good and bad people, that's it.
That's not true friend, it's literally just neocons and boomers that support these things.
go to /ck/ and see the amount of american instigators. that's why we hate some of you.
There's no flags on /ck/.
Silly dane, Americans don't cook.
Being hated is a burden from being world hegemon
hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhahaha. the jew jumps to defend. wait, hold on.. HAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAH
He's dumb as fuck, but at least he doesn't kill people
I've noticed that American tourists are fucking loud.
we dont
honestly its all jokes man
everyone loves you and your culture, but almost no one likes your government, because theyre literally satan
You're just an easy target
Where do you live? I used to go to Canada all the time before I turned 21 in order to drink at bars. I tried not draw attention to myself.
sigh.. sure.. most don't... mby.. just read some threads
every 3rd thread is about "what's good about food? american food (burger) is 1000x better, all you yurop should kys bla bla" same shit every day. instigators and they don't seem to get tired. but again, not all of you. just some..
You're thinking of jews.
>sigh.. sure.. most don't... mby.. just read some threads
Oh okay. I've never been on /ck/ because I hate cooking. You're probably right though if you've spent a lot of time on there.
Those are canadian false flaggers.
you still support dem hebrews, goym
I live in Canada but I'm talking about places abroad. I've traveled to Mexico and a bunch of places in Europe and you guys are loud.
Just start a mexican or indian food thread and you will see
the threads I'm referring to are not about cooking at all. it's why I'm encouraging you to go read some, mr smartass. do you have some shit response as such for anything? are you OP? jesus fuck, cause if you are, you should not ask yourself why everyone hates you.
based canadian agents of chaos
You're evil
cant blame the jews for all of it user
They want us to be strong, so they slander, mock, and hate us. It's all secretly part of their plan to unify the American people and rejuvenate our greatness.
no. dude, read some of the threads there. also: no flags on /ck/, the fuck are you saying?
Disgusting county filled with disgusting people that somehow despite living in a shithole belive they're better than everyone else.
There's no flags on /ck/ so you don't know who is American.
oh no. he threw a wikipedia link at me. must be true or surely was not a mistake from israel / all a big game. you got me there, 100%. mutts and jews are NOT ALLIES EVERYONE. THERE'S A WIKIPEDIA LINK THAT PROVES IT
I wasn't being a smartass, I was trying to agree with you. Please stop yelling.
don't worry, they'll let you know
Give them back, Cletus
jeez.. only americans pick on yuropeans. go read. convince yourself. it's easy to figure out where they come from and most say it themselves.
besides, you have no guarantee any flag here is real
i did ask you to go read and you're just playing def cards. erm.. why did you create this thread? poor q bait or?
don't take Yas Forums seriously, everyone loves you
Every website I look they hate us.
Esp germans.
bit of a stretch
>belive they're better than everyone else.
i've never seen an american flag say that on here
I didn't make this thread. I thought you asking me to read the /ck/ threads was rhetorical. I didn't read any because I already believed you.
go to /ck/ or Yas Forums. they say it there plenty of times
you have to understand that you invade every country's culture.
you turn on the TV in any country and you can find american tv shows and films, you tune into any radio and there's american music, and let's not talk about how your government is the police of the world and get involved in everything that would benefit them.
those are the things people hate, nobody hates your people as a people.
they might say how you're loudmouths and talk shit on everyone or whatever, but it stems from what I explained earlier, not because they hate you.
get over it.