Could've been born as a Swede, an Anglo or an Austrian

>could've been born as a Swede, an Anglo or an Austrian
>born as a shithuanian from e*stern "europe"
god is so unfair

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why dont you try and help yourself instead of just wallowing in your own pity all day?

Imagine wanting to be wh*te

but i can't change my ethnicity

Austria was never really western, they just larp since the cold war began

sounds like cope to me

No, because I am not pathetic self-hating faggot like yourself

then you are delusional

Don't worry, Böhmen and Mähren. We will get you and Krain back soon enough
He is right, we are not western.

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You don't know my pain, faggot. Imagine constantly being mistaken for a clock manufacturer.

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would you rather be mistaken for a car thief or a plumber?

how are you not western?

the only way forward is to embrace your african heritage my friendly kang.

How are we western?

rich = western
poor = eastern

In 30 years poland and slovenia will be considered western

you were never communist
you were part of the HRE
you're not sl*vic

You share a name with australia, therefore western.

that day will never come

slovenia is already both rich and western

In every sense except the name.

>muh commie block
>muh glorified alliance system
>What is Romania, Albania, etc.?
We have always been different from the rest of the western world? For example where are Austria's colonies?
We are not rich
We have nothing in common with the western world

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>We have nothing in common with the western world

Troll level: Austrian

Austrians used to dominate/subjugate their Slavic neighbors quite a bit (think of Prussians and Poles) when they were still somewhat relevant and now they act like it was all just a prank and they've actually been bros the whole time. Interestingly enough their pet Slavs are kinda playing along for now, I guess because of gibs, but they will turn on them eventually.

>What is Romania, Albania, etc.?
they're all sl*vs
>For example where are Austria's colonies?
Balkans, Hungary, Czechoslovakia

>no argument
>t. westoid

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So Russia is western? Good to know

We are western because of the unlikely result of WWII. Before that we were definitely East-European and in many ways still are.

Of course not. How did you make that conclusion?

good bait
finland was never western

I disprovde your argument with colonies. Romania and Albania are not Slavs. You are also not Slavs.
Lithuania is not in the worst position. You are only poor because of communism, but that is changing. The only thing holding you is yourselves

>finland was never western
You're not sl*vic
You're rich
You are Nordic
How are you not western?

So what exactly is wrong with a Lithuanian? At least your country isnt a cuckfest like ours.

Wrong person.

So are we.
Just proves that Finland is considered western because of muh block, but you and I are not western

>You are only poor because of communism
false. We were always poor

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There's a common meme nowadays that young(ish) nationalistic-oriented Finns want to associate the country towards Eastern-Europe.

And because of the Russian Empire, but like I said, times are changing. Why don't you go lift some weights or do something productive?

I'm not but you being Germanic definitely are.

why would they want to associate themselves with sl*vic b*rbarians?

>mug Germanic
We are germanized Celts and a bit Slavic.

Not necessarily Slavs per se but eastern as traditional, non-multiculti good-old-Europe way.

Yet you tend to look Germanic. And Celts are western in any case.

its a scientific fact and no cultural influence can change that temujin

Why do you want to be Western European?

Celts are not eastern though

Why do you hate yourself Lietuva?

Because i want to be part of the civilized world and have some integrity and something to be proud of.

I agree.

No, we don't look Germanic. We look more like Czechs and Slovenes, in other words western slavic.
>Celts are western
No they aren't

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I consider Latvia to be Western, so maybe Lithuania can get there too one day.

Learn a Western European accent/language and adopt a Western European name, then. Would you even rather be, say, Greek or Spanish, than being from Lithuania?


you were conquered and civilized by the Romans. You're more Western than Germans

Austria is western, the eastern border guard of western europe defending europe for millenia from eastern invasions, be it the magyars, the slavs, the turks, we defended against them all and kept europe safe. You're welcome.

>No they aren't

Germans look more like Czechs and Slovenes on average than they do to the Dutch. Your point? You have a Germanic national identity, it's not necessarily connected to appearance. Most Germans and Austrians are Alpinids/Subnordids and Dinarids/Norids.

What is left of the Romans in Austria except some statues? Nothing. Be happy that you weren't conquered by Germans. Besides, Lithuania is already doing well.
Celtic is european, but doesn't belong to specific region

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>be glad you were conquered by sl*vic uncivilized p*les and not by civilized Germans
I'm not seeing the benefit here.

>Austrian identity is germanic
No, Austrian identity is a unified identity of slavs, celts and germanic. That doesn't make us western though

Lads, the only thing we consistently shit on you for is your turbo whore women, just stop simping for them and you GDPs will skyrocket lmao

>Not conquered by Germans
user, I...

It doesn't matter. Lithuania is pretty and relatively rich country with their culture intact, in contrast to your prussian breathern, so I don't know what's your problem.

we are western because we were part of western europe since the days of charlemagne

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we were conquered by p*les and later by r*ssians. all you ever conquered was memeland and samogitia for a short amount of time.

>culture intact
what culture? Some subslavic trash that all of e*stern "europe" has. That is not culture.

I think you confused Lithuania with Latvia. They pretty much, although not always successful, kept themselves free from German subjugation.
>muh carolingian empire
No, we aren't. We never followed the trends of western europe like colonization

what about all of the crimes that our "people" commit?

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By that logic, all of western europe has no culture, since they follow american consumerism
Lithuania's culture is not really slavic, but something unique. It's just not well known