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any man man in


morning silly boys

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women don't get nervous around guys anymore, they're so accustomed to chads these days that anyone who hasn't been slaying regularly for years will set off the freak alarm for them

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How's leftytwitter taking the news?

mong PM edish

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I miss him so much

caught the ol' rony bologna

>boris about to tuck into his hospital meal

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bf wants to name our new cat megumin but im just not feeling it
too japanesey

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yea me

congrats on marrying your cousin

Imagine being afraid to kiss a girl lmao

So who takes over if the worst does come to worst, God willing it won't.

I just want to have a cute girlfriend to kiss and cuddle fuck's sake why must it be so hard

haha i know. i've been having suicidal ideations for over a decade now. only thing stopping me is not wanting to hurt family.

Why is apu so cute lads?

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BoKo is
>a boomer
>out of shape
80/20 chance that he croaks

When I was 22, my parents got me a wife from back in Pakistan. She was the daughter of a friend of my Dad's.

White cucks will never know how easy life is as a muslim.

>Reports of panic buying after PM transported to hospital

Jesus Christ this fucking country

rate my haircut

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Not true


Lewis Hamilton

Christ lads sort yourselfs out, imagine posting cartoons like that, have a word


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>even people with all those symptoms have an 85% chance of survival
hmm ah yes

word of wise man:
never touch anything in a house that has a (young) teenage girl living in it. from 11 to 15 years old girls rub their vaginas on absolutely everything in the house, put random things in them. they dont wash the things they rub their vaginas on.

>stole my apu
hope you're enjoying it de la x

would rather pick who i marry tbf

white gays do, they too spend half the day face down ass up

They're on there celebrating and hoping he dies. Not even a joke.

refuse to believe there are people here over 25 that have not even kissed a girl


>why must it be so hard
tinder ruined relationships

don't bully.

worried about boris

Enjoy having your imaginary kids having defects as your wife is your cousin you larping sod

That’s grim.

>word of wise man:
ching chong ping ling

he's very lovable and affable

you just know he means well with his honest efforts in life

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she was your cousin and your kids are going to have genetic diseases

Micheal Gove, a man who is aware that he has no charisma whatsoever which paradoxically, gives him a lot of charisma.

its your cousin isnt it?

is this you

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just get a gf mate, it’s really not that hard

he is still sick after 10 days
doesn't bode too well iah

I'm 25 and have never kissed a girl romantically.

Says it's for tests, if he's still there tomorrow then yeah probably time to worry

Would expect no less, of course a bunch of seething commies are happy about a Chinese bioweapon

what's seagulls name?

still has an 85% survival rate

Best looking ugly person in the world lads

but sometimes it's too much effort

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why does almost nobody imagepost on /brit/ compared to other generals

it's because you can post more often isn't it

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it took me 23 years before i had a date mate. we aren't the same people, you and i.

>Unconfirmed reports from Guys and St Thomas Hospital that Boris Johnson's condition has worsened dramatically in the last hour. The Prime Minister has now been placed into a medically-induced coma and is thought to be fighting for his life

Fuggg lads it's really happening

Problem with these lads is not that they’re ugly or whatever. It’s just that they’re afraid and the longer they wait the more scared they become.

my standards are far too high to realistically get a gf i'll be happy with

>muh cousin
Fuck off with this meme. Whites all fuck their dogs.

I'm gonna start an Onlyfans to get through the epidemic financially

Sequential Circuits Rev2 and a pedal

31 and never kissed a girl or been on a date

Never so much as touched a woman's hand
Never tried though, simply too scared of failure and opening up

your number of choices is tiny

Why is he so utterly fucking based, lads?

We aren't sad acts like everyone else

Pete Postlethwaite.

"in for tests" is spin doctors on full damage control

it's "how can we admit that the PM has had to be taken to hospital overnight on a Sunday immediately while downplaying it as much as possible". No one urgently needs a fucking test on Sunday night unless they are in a really bad way


hes been sent to hospital lad hope he doesnt die

that homo sucks niggercock (literally)

>mint ice cream
truly based

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She is a third cousin. So distant enough that it does not matter.

yes this is true

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they can do tests as an outpatient, he's been admitted

they'll give you corona

Mental the absolute respect the Queen commands around the world, every major US network stopped and aired her speech.

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parents screaming at each other again. mental how hard this damaged me as a kid, but now im in tears over how hilarious my dad is when he's insulting my mom.

Ah yes i know you are larping now i can do it too, my paki shop owner has two kids both are spastics as he married his cousin

>Problem with these lads is not that they’re ugly or whatever. It’s just that they’re afraid and the longer they wait the more scared they become.
this i'm average and once i started going out i got asked out by girls

always had plenty of options when it comes to women
would be grim if i married my first gf

That's what he gets for threatening the Chinese Empire


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Norwich, Newcastle, or Nottingham?

I earn 4k a month taking pictures of my Mufassa on onlyfans

I post an image with almost every post

just basic (You) economics

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yanks CLAMOURING and BEGGING to be a part of the commonwealth

fear is the mind killer
easy to say 'don't be scared' but true fear is something else.

It's because half the lot in here are phoneposters and the other half aren't aware of the rich history and customs of Yas Forums and its culture.

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That's not my reply.

>Johnson expected to stay in hospital overnight
>The BBC reports that the prime minister is expected to stay in hospital overnight.
>As the first secretary of state, Dominic Raab is expected to chair the government’s Monday morning meeting.

Fucking hell, China have hospitalised our PM with their recklessness.

Hes dead, said that he couldn't be killed but hes dead saw him get shot innit

you tried dating apps or anything like that?

I believe it. I thought I was going to be that way until I was twenty and I'm a pretty good-looking guy. The first step is always the hardest, can't imagine how much harder it must be for an ugly fella.

If Boris dies will the U.K. descend into anarchy? Perhaps indefinite lockdown?

Trannies aren't humans and therefore have no pre-ordained gender.

that's because it's elizabeth the 2nd
if it was what's his retard face nobody would air it

The PRC isn't an empire you ridiculous chauvinist.

kek this is me except i also never have sex as i am an incel

So glad Wills will be next on the throne instead of some ginger zoomer.

They tried to hang him once, but did not do it

i have been in 1 picture that im aware of, since 2005, outside of pictures taken for passports, licenses and uni cards

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>A spokesman has confirmed that Mark "Seasidemark" Edwards will broadcast a live address to the nation at 8pm GMT on Monday 06th of March, 2020
>Reuters, 05/04/20, 21:36

By all definitions of empire, it is definitely an empire. Are you one of those idiots that thinks socialists can't be imperialists?

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who here in the /raab saab/?

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Fear is great. Problem is you’re afraid if the wrong thing. You’re thinking short term you see. What you should fear is the long term affects. What happens when you reach a certain age and realise you wasted your life. Fuck me. That’s something to be afraid of. Not of some slag who doesn’t matter

>i have been in 1 picture that im aware of, since 2005, outside of pictures taken for passports, licenses and uni cards
deathly grim sentence

thought you had a threesome

genuinely barely exist