Dogtooth edition.
/v4/ + friends
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>gf keeps whining about parents
>doesn't even try to convince them to come live with me for like a month
>>gf keeps whining about parents
>>doesn't even try to convince them to come live with me for like a month
What is she whining about? About not being with her parents?
Anyway, I'm not sure if you want to live with them, you would fuck much less for sure.
>About not being with her parents?
No, the opposite -- about living with them and them being unable to respect her privacy and stop pestering her every 15 minutes and similar stuff. Dummy lol.
Meanwhile she could move in with me.
Oh I understand it now.
Yes, women are crazy, what more can I say man.
That‘s an understatement. Women aren‘t even human.
She says she can't because her parents would be mad, lmao such a bullshit excuse.
>5 months after breakup
>ex dating some richfag chad now
>doubt she even remembers me at this point
>i cant stop thinking about her evey fucking second
>keep having dreams with her
>literally cant focus on anything
everyone just keeps telling me it will pass, time will heal the wounds and all that crap but it literally doesnt, I know i'm not helping myself by spying on her social media but cant stop it.
I'm tired of feeling like shit and all that makes me feel better is booze and i'm drunk almost everyday now
Why did you two break up?
>Slauni has a gf
>You don't have a gf
>almost 6 years together
>planning my life around her, wanted family with her
>"I want to develop as a person and move on with my life user but I just don't feel it's possible while I'm with you,user"
>"I stopped loving you a while ago"
guess she figured she can have a "better man" easily
What's stopping you from getting one?
you'll find a better one :)
Just block her on social media and get a new one. Only a girl can make you forget a girl.
Slons a chad tho
RIP ;-;
Really sorry to hear that, user. Especially after 6 years, that's brutal.
I am incel
women have no soul
I too am an incel.
tried it but firstly I'm not great with women and secondly I have a hard time finding someone I like, someone I can relate to and now in this lockdown crap it's impossible to even meet someone
Are you ugly?
Are you fat?
Are you short?
Are you a virgin?
You're not, therefore you're not an incel.
Women aren‘t human
>Are you fat?
A lot of times I feel like roping myself but i want to keep at least a bit of dignity and won't end myself over a woman. Honestly what i feel is unbearable a lot of times
Liar, you've told me you're not before. Are you the history major user?
no sane person would major in history
>Liar, you've told me you're not before
I always imagined you as a Chad because you told me that you go swimming.
I have high fever. End is near
>overweight people can't exercise
How high?
Also corona closed down swimming pools.
Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die Trami please die
What's your height/weight? You could always lose weight and get a gf, y'know...
Rip Trami
baste & he cute
>failing for this the 6th time
Hey Trami post the thermometer!
Its over
When I didn't feel like going to school as a kid I'd press a thermometer against the lightbulb for a few seconds, it'd get to ~39° very fast.
I just told me that I feel ill.
*me mum
Mine has always been a leery bitch. She actually figured out the lightbulb trick at some point.
maybe because you did it too often
>gf doesn't exist
>Sziget Festival
>in August
>not cancelled by Corona-chan yet
tell me, Hungary-bros, how is it?
do you recommend it?
I know a qt girl who went last year and who may come this year too
>lose weight
>talk to girls
It's only an issue if you're ugly and/or short.
Hold me tonight, like an angel in the sky.
>invest a shit tonne of work into something that already fucked 3 football teams and will leave you and betray you
Deep down you know that you want a gf but you're too lazy to get one.
The girls I want only exist in my head.
Women might be evil succubuses but I don't want to end up alone when I'm older. Pretty sure no one does.
I would rather die alone than to compromise my ideas. Not anymore.
Stupid normoid
This is the final redpill.
Ok so what kinda girl do you want?
I'm just realistic, I will kms if I don't have a family by the time I'm 30 and my current gf is my last chance.
pretty sure my partner is lying about the number of sexual partners she‘s had
>I find her attractive
>Educated/sophisticated enough to talk about stuff with her
>Can cook
>Didn't spent her youth with riding the cock carousel
Girls are lovely and smell nice.
My gf is like this except for the loyal part (you can't really know if somebody's loyal, maybe she's loyal maybe she ain't). It doesn't seem impossible.
All women are by nature disloyal.
I might have some trust issues.
Also congratz to your gf then.
>>Didn't spent her youth with riding the cock carousel
lmao incel virgin
Women smell and are evil.
>I might have some trust issues.
Do you think that the way you feel is rational?