This is the most cucked country throughout history, can we all agree?

This is the most cucked country throughout history, can we all agree?

Attached: Flag_of_Spain.jpg (2560x1707, 179.99K)

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We fought well for thousands of years to repell the invasors thats enought for me

when you think about it spains history was that of being subordinate for millenia then chimping out on a massive conquering spree then just sort of stagnating

You deserve a Ph.D for that statement

A country that once owned the world can't be defined like that, Chicano.


Why do you make a distinction between christian Spain and muslim Spain as if they weren't the same people? Are you racist?

cause they aren't
don't really see what that has to do with what he said either

the fact that is not like that anymore makes Spain cucked, duuh

You are being racist, bro, chill out with your white supremacy bullshit.

You are right

Spain is one of the least cucks

You ruled a continent where 90% of natives died from salmonella and smallpox.

They weren't subordinated for a millenia cause both christian kingdoms and muslim ones were equally spanish, no one subordinating anyone, just a divided people

I'm not hispanic but it's the truth

Arab speakers aren't Latin speakers, and not the same people.

racist pos.

Stop being racist and read a book.

Should have just remained Arab. Spain is a joke. Portugal is nice though

>Should have just remained Arab
>Portugal is nice though
t. Hassan Mendes

Muslim Spain was chill. The Christcucks were the no fun allowed group back then

no, it's not a russian flag

That's not what I mean. Portugal is cool and deserves to exist and complete their Reconquista. Spain in the other hand does not. Everyone knows Portugal did most of the work anyway

no, they weren't. spain didn't even exist back then

>Portugal is cool
>Portugal did most of the work anyway
Go back to Porto, caralho...

go to Yas Forums alt-rightist

>t. Never beat Portugal in a war

All I am telling you is you are a racist and a fascist for thinking that someone cannot be spanish cuz He/she/they/Xer is muslim.

I'm really ashamed of speaking spanish, this language is so ridiculous and third worlder

Attached: 214533_1_5a61dcf9b6adc.jpg (1600x900, 104.5K)

The Spanish identity comes from the Reconquista you moron.

Why didn't you switch to Italian then?

He is a fucking moorocan with identity issues

Spanish identity was artificially created and one of its fundational myths is the reconquista where "the good christian knights" reconquer "their land" when in reality they were committing a genocide and ethnically replacing the poor peace-loving muslim POC that inhabited the muslim kigdoms.


They literally created a whole continent of mutts they produced by fucking the natives. That's chad.

Estoy tirando la caña a ver si pesco, Paco.

LOL racist btfo

All romance languages are subhuman tier, i want to born again but in a british family, i'm tired of being on the loser side

Attached: 1551033064849.jpg (708x664, 146.19K)

based and redpilled

>Why didn't you switch to Italian then
Because its useless and third world

why are spanish SO unfunny

No es cuestión de ser gracioso, es cuestión de conseguir tu (you), lo cual he hecho. Gracias por su contribución.

Argentina used to be powerful. You have no one to blame except for yourselves

No, we actually have the United States to blame, who fucked us hard in the 70s.
Before their "benevolent" coup we had a poverty of less than 7% of the population and after it we alredy had more than 20%.
In the last century they picked who they wanted to be rich and who they wanted to be poor, sadly we were on the last group.

Greece is cucked as fuck. Their culture was stolen. Their land was stolen and it's all happening again

How did they fuck you over?

pay your reparations mutt

Greece is a fake and gay country. Greeks at the time thought of themselves as Romans but Western Europe had this weird obsession with classical Greece which became the basis of the new country of Greece. Athens was a worthless village at the time.

Imposing a military dictatorship that absolutely ruined the economy destroying industries, privaticing everything and sinking us in debt

Ouch. I guess South America really is America's backyard

>No, we actually have the United States to blame, who fucked us hard in the 70s.
peron fucked you, stop blaming the us for putting the last nail in the coffin

>Dude we just brought freedom and democracy

>Imposing a military dictatorship that absolutely ruined the economy destroying industries, privaticing everything and sinking us in debt

After the 1943 Argentine coup d'état, Juan Perón, a member of the United Officers Group that engineered the plot,[95] became Minister of Labor.[90] Campaigning among workers with promises of land, higher wages, and social security, he won a decisive victory in the 1946 presidential elections.[90] Under Perón, the number of unionized workers expanded as he helped to establish the powerful General Confederation of Labor.[90] Perón turned Argentina into a corporatist country in which powerful organized interest groups negotiated for positions and resources.[90] During these years, Argentina developed the largest middle class on the South American continent.[

what was argentinas gdp per capita during peron and after peron?

stop blaming someone who died 80 years ago

you don't even know who peron was so shut up.


An American dog.

Jesus Christ go back to voxed for the love of God

holy fucking shit how can you even be so retarded

I love how you cocksuckers here take pride in shooting stone age indiands with sticks when you are fully armored, with fire arms and iron swords.

That dictatorship was absolutely going to happen with American involvement or without.
Mid 70s where peronism+social tension+economic crisis+deep national security issues, and if you read any Argentinian history from the 20th century you'd know that was inevitably going to end up in a coup.
90% of the reasons we're shit is ourselves, stop clinging to that victim complex


>US strategists are the best, always on the good side

How dare you criticize?

No, I do not think about spain at all