"Your" People

Post pics that best describe "your" people of your cunt, the type of people of your nation who represent you or you identify with the most.

Attached: the rally.jpg (2000x1339, 502.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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There isn't really a group that I identify with. Everyone here is fucking retarded.

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Football and asado

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Not everybody

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That's a churrasco boludo

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Attached: hahahahahahaha.jpg (600x504, 50.61K)

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>Not everybody
Yes, everyone, especially whatever group you are part of.

It's asado, not sopa do macaco


Attached: 15871974_1839333869640547_4333632834457775535_n.jpg (365x365, 13.58K)

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Attached: canadapride.png (720x603, 637.5K)

these look supremely retarded

Built for....

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They are protecting our rights

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Lmao Chad vs Virgin memes existed long before the internet

Why do you post retarded proletariat as a representative?

Fuckable ones

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Attached: semtitulo.png (1204x540, 1.45M)

Id fuck all of the girls except for the negress with my BIG ROMAN COCK

Attached: th(9).jpg (474x637, 81.4K)

Attached: sunderland.webm (540x960, 1.16M)

Two black girls?

Ethiopian Jews

The right to freak out people by carrying an assault rifle while going to the market?
Such odd behaviour
Weapons are meant to be buried in forests, concealing them from the governments and making for easy access one you need to go innawoods, you silly american.

Attached: antifa.jpg (724x1024, 285.28K)

Attached: 20200405_145921.jpg (496x821, 237.82K)

Oh we have plenty of those too, I lost track of all the ammo cans I've buried over the years. We just like to exercise our rights here and there

Attached: open carry lad.png (940x1375, 2.04M)

God dam, his head is so fat the helmet doesn't even fit.

Attached: 150731.jpg (831x819, 410.02K)

>fat, uneducated, stupid, open carrying weapons of death

I just wish we had more competent people trying to protect them instead of schizos.

what's the point though?
I mean, from what I've heard, there's a lot of paranoia in your country over mass shootings. Brandishing weapons like that for no reason seems like a pretty asshole thing to do, considering the circumstances

Attached: hickarmy.jpg (660x440, 122.27K)

We're not in the early 2000s anymore.

Attached: download.jpg (600x790, 61.81K)

There is a large contingent of people here who are always trying to shove unconstitutional gun control down our throats, we can't give them an inch. The tobacco companies did and look how that turned out.

Attached: oath keepers.jpg (3413x5120, 1.94M)

>fat, uneducated, stupid, open carrying weapons of death

Attached: soy.png (805x851, 88.81K)

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Have sex

I'm not sure what you mean... Do you mean protests? Why would you need to carry a weapon to a protest unless you're actually counting on using it?

Attached: abc.jpg (1024x696, 104.36K)

>Assault rifle
You have me on everythin else though, good point.

pic not related

The anti gun lobby is after our right to bear arms, they are constantly enacting all these fucked up laws and regulations everywhere on the state and municipal level in clear violation of the supreme law of the land

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Well the law said a well regulated militia, don't see that ever happening with the majority of gun owners so there goes supreme law

You're not getting what I'm saying... I understand the need to protest.
But why the need to carry military grade weapons on the street during peace time, where regular people just want to enjoy their day without the fear of immediate and catastrophic violence?
It's entirely possible to have a sensible and peaceful protest and even topple politicians like that.

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Don't bother asking schizo gun owners for logic. The only time I ever bother to get a gun was when I had to live in a drug infested ghetto. After I moved out, I got rid of it since it was a safer neighborhood.

Yeah, we have the patriot act. There goes the 4th and 1st.

They think themselves as patriots and soldiers without the actual hard work of actually being deployed. Kinda like any romanticized version of being a gangster in the hood.

>duh muh well regulated militia
In the 18th century, well regulated meant well supplied or maintained. Do you disarmament bootlickers have a single original thought?

The gungrabbers need to visually be reminded not to push it

Attached: EP-190326745.jpg (2400x1567, 356.47K)

You're a lying faggot who's never shot a gun in their life and would have a PTSD episode if they did

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