Why do you personally hate America?

Why do you personally hate America?

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You support Israel in killing us even when Israel is 100% at fault.
Like that time they blew up a drone in a citizen building just for the lolz

Because its women won't have sex with me

I don't

Sorry pal, will you ever be able to forgive America

Yes you do. You hate me. You want to put your hands around my throat and wring my neck, don't you, Hans? Oh yeah, you are frothing with rage at the fact that you cannot enact your will upon me by physically assaulting me. You sick freak, you fucking degenerate.

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pretty much because of this

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I don't, but I get why other people do.

because of americans

Probably if you become a normal country, I don't hold grudges for too long.

Absolutely seething

i used to find BBC posting obnoxious but i see why it is funny and endearing in a way.
you are kinda growing on me.

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I don't.

do you wish for the BBC to grow inside you?

Where do I start.

It takes a while for people to become connoisseurs of black'd posting

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Your country is basically responsible for, like, 70% that's wrong in the world from 1945 to today

but that's pretty based tho
imagine being the cause of so much suffering
tickles the pickle that

Apologize for Eritrea.

I like America

Because you sre a jewish puppet that destroyed europe and yourself in the process instesd of rising up and reclaim your freedoms .

The character limit on Yas Forums is too low for this list

I'm sorry for what my country's done to the people of Eritrea
Also, I hate the USA because its inhabitants are completely devoid of all semblance of humanity and compassion

Because I live in it. I don't understand why Americans are so patriotic online. They're almost china levels of bragging about their country.

>Also, I hate the USA because its inhabitants are completely devoid of all semblance of humanity and compassion
And don't you forget it. Now cook me lunch spaghetti-boy!


>Your country is basically responsible for, like, 70% that's wrong in the world from 1945 to today
Thank you

I don't. We have issues, but bitching and running away from our problems does nothing.

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>Also, I hate the USA because its inhabitants are completely devoid of all semblance of humanity and compassion

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I dont, I love in América and I love it


Frens :)

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Charity is meaningless if your country's actions are directly responsible for the poverty of the people you're helping. The USA is an hungry, bloodthirsty, ruthless, unforgiving, cruel, violent, paranoid monster. And you know it


>You want to put your hands around my throat and wring my neck, don't you,

That's impossible

Because they are sissies.

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>All those adjectives
Calm down, Maria, we get it

Why do women hate America so much?

objectively only because of Yas Forums
never had a single interaction with an amerifat outside of here
if it's an elaborate russian strategy with proxies to make us hate them, bravo

Cringed because you screenshotted your own post, redpilled because of the block of text.

>we get it
I wish you'd truly get it. Maybe in that case you'd do something to change things...

>screenshotted your own post
uhm, no, wouldn't there be (You)s then?

More like from 1980 to today
We were beloved after 1945 for rebuilding europe and protecting it from the commies

I only hate fat, stupid, illogical and irrational people.

So what would be the start?

i don't hate americans I just hate faggots from cali and new york. Most americans are pretty bro tier. Fuck China.

General false knowledge about my country and stereotypes boosted to the extreme, to the point It's considered the truth. Also rude, sensitive, sarcastical and obsessed with memes.

>what is incognito mode, clearing cookie and cache, or using another browser

>responsible for, like, 70% that's wrong in the world from 1945 to today
Communism and European colonialism did that..

Based and honorary american pilled

even my grandpa could avoid it and he's dead

Or you know there is a setting where you don't get (You)'s to your post?

Are you talking about US or yourself?

I don't have power, if I did we sure as Hell would be in the middle East,nor would we be allied with any of you Euros. You assholes are completely to blame for us ever getting to this level, you and your fucking wars and imperialism.

They tend to base their opinions on emotions. Why do you there’s the same contrast between left wing and right wing?

>from 1945 to today
>European colonialism did that..
sure noodle guy sure.

This. Europeans are unironically just jealous that we're doing all the shitty things they used to do because they can't

I don't hate the people, just the globohomo neocons that rule the country.
I spent a few months there, most people were very friendly, at least in California where I was working.
Most people would stop hating your country if you guys minded your own business instead of killing people, supporting Israel and starting wars.

The US of course, why would I talk about myself?
Of course all Americans aren't like that, some are even chill dudes, but I still can't stand how you guys literally take stereotypes of any nation as truth and eat propaganda 24/7

Bruh were on int. I guarantee you we're called fat 100x more than you're called spaghetti guzzling side switchers

>You assholes are completely to blame for us ever getting to this level
Please remaind us who wanted to bring democracy in the middle east

France and other european powers literally had wars after WW2 against their colonies because they were so butthurt to let them go. Added to that the borders they drew remained an everlasting curse.

What causes leftist men to be so feminine in the first place? How do we save them?

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