In sweden we eat taco
In sweden we eat taco
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>but only with mild salsa and no jalapenos
We only do tortillas
I eat tortilla chips raw
and cucumber
Burritos are the superior format.
For me, it's Pace Red.
What did the Mexican say to the alien after he landed on his planet?
Taco to your leader
I'll have you know I quite like jalapenos
false, tacos allow for a freshness of vegetables, where burritos are uniformly warm inside
>but only with mild salsa and no jalapenos
I also only do tortillas
Taco chips are superior to all other kinds of chips. I have no idea why people find it weird to eat those alone
Sorry to tell you thats Tex-mex style and real tacos are nothing like that
>everything in english
It's an international brand. They're in english here aswell. Though we have few more brands of tex mex sellers than Santa maria
wtf that looks like shit, they've clearly improved their recipe since filming that commercial
>he thinks thats taco
lmao cucks
In Sweden you die from corona :DD
>hard shells instead of freshly made soft corn tortillas
What the FUCK are you doing?
Swedish tacos look stale. Why you guys dedicate a day to it and not make it appetizing is strange
do swedes really
I fucking love tacos. I think everyone on earth can agree that the taco is the only Mexican achievement worth preserving for all time and for all people.
>burrito bowls
I'm curious to see how would Swedes react with having mexicans stealing instead of their Arabs or how all these groups would react to them if they got them in large numbers.
Didn't know santa maria was an international brand, thought it was just some cheap store brand from Home Bargains
Tex-mex doesnt have hard shell tacos really. Thats just Americanized tacos.
i hate ground beef tacos.
>americans know what authentic mexican food is
>and cucumber
do you really?
caring about food being “authentic” instead of tasting how you like it is a brainlet move.
How adorable.
Your right, Tex-Mex is better.
I see a lot of hate, instead of love - how come?
We do, its fucking shit. Even shitty Taco Bell is better than "real" Mexican food.
No one likes swedes
how come
hipsters fighting over authentic Mexican food
bad food, ugly people
The entire middle shelf is dedicated to soft shell tortillas you blind bat
because somalis think they know tacos
people are mean. I think sweden is cool.
hard shell ground beef tacos are based
>finns call guacamole green dipping sauce
I just cant stand the ground beef, especially that type. It feels gross to eat and doesn't really taste good.
Your tacos do t look that good.
it doesn't have enough avodaco so that it would be legal to call it quacamole
>Vesi, sipuli (6,8%), tomaatti, vihreä paprika (5,8%), rapsiöljy, JUUSTO(4,9%), muunnettu maissitärkkelys, vihreä chili, kookosöljy, punainenpaprika 81,4%), sokeri, suola, MAITOPROTEIINI, jalapeno, avokadojauhe(0,7%), sitruunatäysmehutiiviste, happo(sitruunahappo),emulgointiaine(E452i), stabilointiaineet (ksntaamikumi, guarkumi), aromit,valkosipuli,mausteet,(cayennepippuri, juustokumina) värit (E160a,E133)hapettumisenestoaine (askorbiinihappo)
it’d probably be hard to get fresh avocado in Finland.
You think so, but you're wrong, and it's not your fault.
nah that brand just is the bottomest bottom shelf stuff
then what is it that makes it so green??? food coloring?
So how hard/expensive are avocados in finland?
>bad food
kind of
>ugly people
you know fresh avocados can be had everywhere in europe
Imagine them to be rather expensive due to how far they must travel before being shelved.
my understanding was that most europeans were too impoverished to afford them though
Yup. E160a = yellow, E133 = blue.
E133 has been apparently considered harmful at some point...
värit (E160a,E133)
>Finland doesn't know the glory of tomatillo salsa verde
its the same >muh avocado everything craze going on here too so nah