Never lost a world war

>Never lost a world war

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feels good

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fought 10 times irl with fists with men and won 9/10. only guy I lost is 130kg muscle 1%'r. we are buddies now tho.

Axis powers

Feels good.

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same :)

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non participants are losers

you lost your entire empire and we lost nothing, you are the loser

Are we really going to compare Empire sizes, user?

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>he lost his empire before WWI

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Weird how UK, Greece, Soviets were on the winning side of the war but got fucked the decades after whereas Germany, Italy and Japan were on the losing side and experienced economic miracles.

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I mean it's probably because they had to start all over again from scratch after they were bombed to blitz and also overhaul their entire country to be innovative and modernize again.

Same bro

what a difference 1888 made

cant lose anything when youve got nothing

Yes, we are

>with fists
what else do you fight with, feet??

Zulu's Attack, fight back to back...

>being carried in both of them

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Well my empire is famous for the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Creating the steam train, Internet and TV

You're empire is famous for Mexico and having a having a brit play a Spanish waiter in faulty towers.



>needing remington to produce rifles for you


>lost our empire
>still hold the rock


>my empire
holy shit yikes
youre just a dude 100 years later
you dont get to take credit in an empire of which you have not contributed anything just because you come from the same people who built it

La Nueve was mostly made of Republican fighters who were engaged in teh Spanish civil war against Franco. They were the firsts to enter and liberate Paris, hoping France would return the favour.

Are you going to stop me you cheese eating surrender monkey?

same here

>lost 2 world wars
>still one of the most powerful countries in the world

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Except for Canada look what they've become...yep that's it: inbreds, thank you UK.

Now go wash your teeth.

what am i supposed to reply to that exactly

"Sorry sir"

Are you not gonna run out of money this time?


Never lost a war altogether.

Are you ever going to run out of school shootings?

same :)

>never lost a war

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You've lost both considering you refused to do offensives after the mutinies of 1917 and let Britain and America carry the weight.

Canada doesn't follow old world traditions m80 lol

i'm not listening, we won both :)

>I'm not listening the Germans haven't broke through the Sedan.

>You've lost both considering you refused to do offensives after the mutinies of 1917
Is that really what anglos are taught? If that's so I have no reason not to hate you.

Why would I run out? I want in on the carnage

Even though my nation (Iceland) did absolutely fucking nothing, it still feels good to be on the winning side both times

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No need as the UK hold a piece of your country lamo

Nah Iceland was occupied

No more like you were the next to useless power of both world wars.
WWI your impact is very light yeah thanks for the somme I suppose, your tanks were awful and made German laugh, truth is we kicked German at the end somewhat thanks to French Renault tank.
In WWII you just kept retreating, let USSR do the heavy lifting and the USA supply everyone

from this to a fucking rock LMAO, not only that, but Spain owns 2 CITIES in africa, we are more of an empire nowadays than you are

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From this to a fucking city in Africa. We own more islands than you around the world still, also we have more influence than you shant be talking to deluded degos anymore

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>barely populated islands in the middle of nowhere full of niggers vs cities with 169917 population with industries


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>brags about Ceuta and Melilla

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Ahahahah no way do you believe that, the Royal navy is the reason Germany starved, the marine national did fuck all, the British forces 1916 onwards made the most developments and heavy work, the french couldn't even defend their country 1vs1 with Germany, and the tanks have fuck all to do with the 100 day offensives(mostly British and US action) and lets not talk about ww2 again you couldn't defend your own country

Lol we own a part of your country and you are bragging about owning a city full of niggers

chinlet thread

by us :D

Finland never lost a world war, feels good.

more cope

Based retared brothers

me too

people are awfully silent about the US when talking about the world wars. I guess you can't really bash us when you know we absolutely turned the tides and saved your dumb asses from the Germans.

>mfw the eternal anglo still lives on

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Yeah right you are the one coping, the UK put an end to your oversees ambitions with Trafalgar, we own an actual part of your country, we come and ruin your seaside resorts

In WW1 most of the killing and dying against Germans was done by French and British, in WW2 most of the killing and dying against Germans was done by the Soviets. Why should people put US on a pedestal and suck mutt cock when those are the undeniable historical facts?

Why are you so desperate for recognition?

>we died more that means we're better

Finnish your education